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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
    Bwahahahah! I love the pics you're choosing!
    I'm sure he'd lay his head in Sam's lap and let her ruffle his hair . . .
    Lucky, lucky woman! *siiiiiigh*


      can you see them now?
      sigpicMy Fanfic


        Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
        can you see them now?
        Yes, I can see them now. Well done!


          *ruffles some more*

          Great job with the sigs Twin! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the Spud one's the best (), from a purely aesthetic point of view and ignoring the fact that it is the Spudly One in it, if you see what I mean

          I made a new sig too, after seeing Solitudes again the other night

          It's kinda simple, but didn't seem to need anything more
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            oo pretty Twin!
            I know what you mean, I'm not overly fond of either of them really.
            sigpicMy Fanfic


              Padme - I haven't see brushes like that. Try searching through deviantArt, maybe you'll find something.

              Luvnjack - great sig. *tries to resist the urge to ruffle Jack's hair*

              Josi - the sig looks fab. It's elegant in it simplicity... or was that simple in it's elegance?

              *Iz about to comment on how lovely Aveo's sigs are, when she spots spudly and runs out screaming*

              p.s. Has anyone heard from Jumble today?


                Originally posted by josiane View Post

                It's kinda simple, but didn't seem to need anything more
                You're right. It doesn't need anything more. It's beautiful in its simplicity!

                How did you get the text to do that? Anything special? Or did you just manipulate the fonts in your graphics program of choice? or is it maybe some brush you had to download? I admit, I'm still inexperienced at this graphics thing!
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                  Padme - I haven't see brushes like that. Try searching through deviantArt, maybe you'll find something.

                  Luvnjack - great sig. *tries to resist the urge to ruffle Jack's hair*

                  Josi - the sig looks fab. It's elegant in it simplicity... or was that simple in it's elegance?

                  *Iz about to comment on how lovely Aveo's sigs are, when she spots spudly and runs out screaming*

                  p.s. Has anyone heard from Jumble today?
                  Thanks! And I was wondering where Jumble is too, she wasn't around yesterday either Hope she's OK!

                  Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                  You're right. It doesn't need anything more. It's beautiful in its simplicity!

                  How did you get the text to do that? Anything special? Or did you just manipulate the fonts in your graphics program of choice? or is it maybe some brush you had to download? I admit, I'm still inexperienced at this graphics thing!
                  Thanks For the text, I just adjusted the opacity of the text layers - made it more transparent so it faded a little. That's all What program are you using? In gimp there's a little slider at the top of the layers box which sets the opacity.

                  Feel free to ask any questions you want to! It's how we all learnt after all I swear, without this thread, I would barely be able to do anything!
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    No, I haven't seen jumble! *iz sad* Oh jumble, our jumble! Wherefore art thou, jumble!?


                    *runs out*


                      Originally posted by josiane View Post

                      Thanks For the text, I just adjusted the opacity of the text layers - made it more transparent so it faded a little. That's all What program are you using? In gimp there's a little slider at the top of the layers box which sets the opacity.

                      Feel free to ask any questions you want to! It's how we all learnt after all I swear, without this thread, I would barely be able to do anything!
                      I'm using Photoshop CS 2. I know how to change the opacity, I was just wondering at the font styles. I assume you download them?
                      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                        I'm using Photoshop CS 2. I know how to change the opacity, I was just wondering at the font styles. I assume you download them?
                        Ah, OK Sorry, yes, I downloaded the fonts - that's Inked God and Dali, both from which has loads of excellent free fonts Just install them on your computer and your program should pick them up
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          I could do with finding out if it's possible to have transparent text in PSP
                          all I know how to do is transparent brushes

                          Didn't Jumble say something about her grandsons coming?? or was that a different day
                          sigpicMy Fanfic


                            Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                            I could do with finding out if it's possible to have transparent text in PSP
                            all I know how to do is transparent brushes

                            Didn't Jumble say something about her grandsons coming?? or was that a different day
                            I think that was Sunday, because she had had no sleep after Shipmas
                            I'm sure she's just busy, you know, with real world things, and when she does come back she's going to be highly amused to see us all worrying about her! ((((Jumble))))

                            Aveo, for the transparent text, and since Fainne also seems not to be around lately, I'm just wondering, if PSP works like gimp then does the text go on a new layer? Or can you put it on a new layer? Cause then if so you should be able to adjust the transparency of the layer? Or maybe I'm just talking out of my mikta because really I have no idea Just a pathological need to be helpful! Again I put it down to that librarian thing - I see a question and I just have to provide an answer
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              *jumps up and down*
                              *jumps up and down*
                              *jumps up and down*

                              I finally figured out brushes and fonts!!!!! Thee-hee. This is so cool! Brushes are so wonderful!!!!

                              Look, look what I did!!!!!!!!!

                              I know it's a bit empty but I was so excited about brushes!!!

                              I didn't see jumble either.
                              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                                *happy dances with DM*
                                Not empty at all, it's really pretty! Well done
                                Brushes are cool
                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

