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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Pictures of You tut part 2.

    (opened new layer) Opened pic of Sam. Using the ellipse select tool to cut out just like the Jackpic, and pasted into sig box. Scaled, lightened, flipped and anchored in the same way as Jack.

    Now we come to the little framed pics. I'll just explain one, because they're all done in the same way. I googled 'picture frame' and snurched some pics. A few examples, but there's loads to choose from.

    Opened picture of the frame I wanted. For this pic I had to rotate (tools>transform>tools>rotate>90) the frame. Then opened the pic of Sam Laughing. Using the rectangle select tool, I cut and pasted Sam onto the picture frame, then scaled it and adjusted the position to fit inside the frame (covering the pic that was already there) and anchoring it in place.
    Now using the rectangle select tool to select the framed pic, I cut it and pasted it near Jack. I scaled the layer and moved it to where I wanted it.
    I did all of the framed pics pretty much the same, opening a new layer for each one.



      Pictures of You sig part 3.

      (opened new layer) For the text, I used the Journal font, size 33, in black, for the title and duplicated the layer (layers>duplicate layer) to make it bolder. The rest of the text was smaller (size 28). I used a new layer for each line, moved it into position and duplicated as before.

      In yet another new layer, I used 'sparklies' brushes (DeviantArt) in white to put the lighting effects on.

      Then (nearly there) I added (yes, in another new layer ) the 'Hearts' brushes (DeviantArt) in white and again duplicated the layer to deepen them.

      Then I opened another new layer, plonked my name on, and that was it! Phew! And I did the whole sig in less than a third of the time its taken me to write this tut

      I saved every layer as I went in case I wanted to alter anything (or in case Gimp went on strike and wiped it out ).

      You can duplicate a layer more than once if you want it to show up more, especially with some of the fonts if you find they don't come out clear enough in one layer.

      Ok, I'm off to find something really complicated to tag someone for

      Edit: Wasn't I good? I only said 'Jack' 8 times and that makes 9


        Awesome tut Jumble! Thanks!

        I've been thinking of a sig idea to try out a lot of the things from the tuts we've had here in the last few days, probably won't get it done tonight but maybe tomorrow or the weekend Yay gimpage
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          OK, as promised, here is a revised fishing MOP icon, with Oma's text suggestion

          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            OK, as promised, here is a revised fishing MOP icon, with Oma's text suggestion

            Awwwwwwwww *shippy sigh*


              Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
              Jumble - I'm sayin' nuthin'! Aside from loving every word of your tut so far

              Luvnjack - the postcard, the kissage, the slogan

              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
              Awwwwwwwww *shippy sigh*
              EDIT: and it's been MOPed!


                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                OK, as promised, here is a revised fishing MOP icon, with Oma's text suggestion

                Snurched it! Do you want it to replace the original on the MOP site?

                Edit 1: I see The General beat me to it
                Edit 2: Its funny, but every time I see my 'In the Kingdom of Eternal Optimism, this is how the story goes' sig, I do a double take, because it is sooo not my style
                Last edited by Jumble; 05 June 2008, 12:48 PM.


                  With the postcards, do we have to use 'postcard size' or can we send them in 'sig format'?
                  What are the average postcard dimensions??
                  sigpicMy Fanfic


                    Ok, I tag Josiane for this

                    because I want to know how you get the pics to combine so that you can see through the top one to the one underneath. Make sense? Not to me

                    And Aveo the postcard size is 5.5" x 3.5" (14 x 9 cm) which is 396 x 252 pixels.


                      Jumble and luvnjack, yep you can replace the 'perfect ending' fishing icon with the 'perfect beginning' one. Oma's suggestion is much better

                      I'm going to try and rework some of my sigs as postcards, but some of them I'm not sure will work But if they don't, surely we can still send postcards with the sigs on them? If we put the MOP site link underneath or something hopefully they'll look OK! Or have a postcard sized background of a suitable colour with the sig like a banner across it? But I will see how many I can rework and if I can make any specifically as postcards, if I ever get any time to do so! Argh RL is mad busy at the moment

                      And yes Jumble, that made perfect sense OK, will dig it out and write a tut...
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        There is nothing wrong whatsoever with putting a sig on a postcard!!!! We just wanted to make sure there were lots of options! I, for one, am working on a postcard that uses a bunch of the icons!


                          Cool! Yay

                          And that sounds like an awesome postcard idea too So I guess when we get to the sending basically we can stick any of the artworks on postcards, the more the merrier?

                          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                            Originally posted by josiane View Post
                            Cool! Yay

                            And that sounds like an awesome postcard idea too So I guess when we get to the sending basically we can stick any of the artworks on postcards, the more the merrier?

                            Exactly!!!! The site is there to make sure everyone has access to the wonderful art (and so we can squee and sigh even more!). Just remember to credit the work (like putting a tiny note on the other side of the card saying "artwork by...")

                            And just in case they miss the postcards, all MOP work is getting burned onto CDs and delivered at GateCon.


                              Jumble I agree I really want to know too
                              and thanks for posting the dimensions
                              *looks at PS, looks at revision*
                              sigpicMy Fanfic


                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                Exactly!!!! The site is there to make sure everyone has access to the wonderful art (and so we can squee and sigh even more!). Just remember to credit the work (like putting a tiny note on the other side of the card saying "artwork by...")

                                And just in case they miss the postcards, all MOP work is getting burned onto CDs and delivered at GateCon.
                                General Luvnjack, you are doing an awesome job of marshalling the Penguin Army! It should be a heroic campaign!
                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

