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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
    Sweet! *runs to Gimp*

    EDIT: do you do that...?
    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
    I already tried that. *depressed sigh* I'll have to reinstall it, I guess.
    You know... it didn't work for me yesterday... but today it did. IDK... sorry!
    Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
    You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


      I should be working on something for shipmas, but I felt that I needed a change on my livejournal so check out my new header. It's not Stargate, but I think it turned out awesome.


        *waves* Today is a good day - it's the weekend tomorrow, I'm home from work early, and The Broca Divide is on the TV right now

        Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
        *pops in and blows everyone a geeky kiss*

        Just wanted to say Superwonderful job with all the artwork!
        One of these days I'm gonna get around to making you all the little slideshow present that I keep meaning to make you with all of the snurched siggies.....
        I still am on the hunt for a good song to put them all to, although I think I may have found one....
        Okay off to watch an ep.....
        *sharing virtual popcorn with everyone*
        *munches* Hey Sarah! Wow, that sounds really cool, looking forward to seeing it when it's ready

        Cute cards Kim and Jasmina! Jas I don't know if I like the second one more than the first, because I really liked that green theme, but I definitely like it as much

        Mada yay for you fixing your brushes, but ((((luvnjack)))) for it not working for you Hope that it works for you tomorrow like it did for Mada Because we need luvnjack to be able to do her signature grunge!
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
          I should be working on something for shipmas, but I felt that I needed a change on my livejournal so check out my new header. It's not Stargate, but I think it turned out awesome.

          Love it!

          Where did you find the Emilie pics? I've been looking for good shots from her for forever.


            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
            Love it!

            Where did you find the Emilie pics? I've been looking for good shots from her for forever.
            You're the third person to ask me that.
            The pic on the left was from jPod, which I found here and the middle one is from here.


              Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
              You're the third person to ask me that.
              The pic on the left was from jPod, which I found here and the middle one is from here.
              Cool. Thanks.


                HARK!! The Harold Angels...wait...Oh! I have erase-ability in Gimp! Woohood! All I had to do was reboot the entire computer (George was not happy) and hit the little reset button as soon as Gimp came up.


                  *happy dances with luvnjack*
                  Soo glad you've got it to work!!!
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Kim and Jasmina, awesome new cards!

                    Ya for Mada and luvnjack and their brushes! I've missed some pages and didn'r really get what was wrong wiyn them?

                    Have been played with Gimp (cause PS is not really for me ) and as i didn't know what card to make i did this



                      ROFL, Blacky Kitten! So funny!


                        OMG!!! The Fluff!! It's the Inuyasha fluff!!! I love that deviantart pic/comic!!!!!! Besides my friends back home, I've never known anyone that's seen that!!! LOL!!!
                        Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                          * sneaks in to PM challenge posts to Oma.*
                          *waves* Hi all!
                          *shhhhh. I'm supposed to be working. *

                          Jack and Sam's Offworld Christmas?

                          I'm hoping to get back later to see everyone's entries and to catch up on the pages of prettties I have yet to oooohhhh and aaahhhh over.

                          * you didn't see me here *


                            *looks around*
                            Did I spy Estrela there? Lovely card
                            And ROFL Kitten on your sig
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Kim, Blacky Kitten, Jasmina and Estrela artworks

                              Estrela - everytime i look at your username is so familiar too me because 'estrela' means 'star' in Potuguese


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Current challenge is

                                Challenge Week 14
                                from jumble

                                Make an S/J Christmas Card, to be sent to tptb, or from Sam to Jack (or vice versa) or to other shippers or ... you get the idea
                                Size: Any
                                Text: Any
                                Pic: Any

                                It finishes today, but you still have time to make one before Oma posts them all tonight And the sekrit challenge is for next week, so we'll find out later what it is

                                (((((Luvnjack))))) That's a pain in the mikta
                                I don't have any time to do anything for this weeks challenge but thanks for re-posting what it is! Hopefully, I'll be able to do something for next week! I loves the sekret ones!
                                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!

