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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
    I'm using PSP, by lighten do you mean more transparent or with a white layer? I'm really not up on technical-y stuff, I look around PSP and go "oo look at that!" then I try and find out what it's all supposed to mean!

    phew its quiet in here today. You could do either really, although the way I explained is for Gimp, I'm sure someone who uses PSP could translate *looks around eyelashes fluttering*. Basically get that pic up of Sam in a new window and play around with it, adding duplicate layers and altering their mode and opacity to lighten it up.

    I don't know if that makes much sense, its difficult to translate it to PSP .


      Originally posted by josiane View Post

      It's pink, it must be Kim Welcome back! And lovely sig I really like the background in particular, and the 'I ship therefore I am' is a fabulous text I don't think you need the names of the couples, I think it would clutter it up and to be honest, if people don't know the shows then the names aren't going to make that much of a difference

      Is that Ten/Martha?? That's just wrong, Ten/Rose all the way
      Thanks! Glad to be back! Gee...Is that my style? Pink? Is that how you know it's one of my sigs? Maybe I'll just have to make some with no pink in them...*laughs evily*

      Yeah, I really love the effect I get when I use my lace brushes. There's several to choose from, and I can get such varied results with them. I think I might make another one with some of my other ships. Probably use slightly different text though.

      I want the names, for people that know the shows but might not remember the characters, but I don't think I could get them to fit very well. And see below for my thoughts on Ten/Martha...
      Originally posted by Sarai View Post

      *waves* welcome back Kim! Glad to hear school is going well! That sig is great, I was thinking about doing something like that myself. RE the names, I think it would be better with the names in there, but only if you can get them in without crowding it. At the moment the balance between space and pics and text is perfect.

      And by the way, I know we've discussed this before, but the Doctor and Martha

      EDIT: great minds Josi

      Doc/Rose all the way...
      Thanks!!! I'm slowly getting back into GW...Haven't been to the family thread yet...Anything happen in any of "our" threads (especially that one) in the past 2 months I should know about?

      Well, I'm only about a month into school, so we'll see how it goes...I'm hopeful it will at least be as good as last year was. I just have to make sure I get my GPA up and keep it up.

      Thanks!!! I felt like I needed a few more non-SG sigs, and thought I couldn't get any better than a sig showing my ships! RE the names...Therein lies the problem. I want the names, but I know I can't fit them as the sig is right now. And I don't want to mess it up by trying to move everything around to try to fit the names. I guess it will just have to be for people "in the know" about the shows I watch and the couples I ship.

      Shipping Explanation

      *allows sarcasm to drip*What? Discussed Ten/Martha? Nooooo...Never...*gets rid of sarcasm*

      See, there's this thing that happens with most shows I watch and books I read. Whatever "couple" I see/read first, tends to be the one I ship the most. Honestly, I wanted Sam with Martouf for a season or two...*ducks flying fruit and tomatoes*Don't worry!!! I quickly saw the error of my ways!!!

      Jordan and Woody was obvious to me, and I never saw her with Garret. He's like a father!!!!!

      Bella/Edward was in Twilight, so I automatically didn't like Jacob in New Moon. I even skipped the majority of NM until I finished Breaking Dawn.

      Max/Liz was so obvious to me, and I hated Tess until she gave her life to protect them all. I still hate her, but not as much.

      And who could possibly watch Bones without shipping Booth/Brennen??? It's the main reason I watch the show!!!!

      And Doctor Who...The very first episode I saw of Doctor Who was the one that introduced Martha. To me, they could be great together. But now that
      she's supposedly engaged (I can accept it, I just prefer fanfics where they get together. Do you know how hard it is to FIND those fanfics?!?!?!) and there's 2 Tens, I don't mind him with Rose. She's got her Ten, and Martha, if she chose, could have one also.
      So I don't mind Ten/Rose, I just prefer Ten/Martha.

      At least neither of you prefers Ten/Donna. That's one I just can't understand!

      Oh, and feel better Jas!
      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


        Just in case anyone missed the announcement, the ep of the week is:


        Let the sigs/banners/icons/wps commence!

        And just to set the ball rolling I made this. I'm not sure how I feel about it though...


          ^ Jack is definitely watching something in that ep. Love the sig Sarai.


            I finished some icons for the challenge, I never made icons so I am sure they could be better


              Sarai love the Allegiance sig, you've caught just the right looks on their faces to go with the text

              SeNedra those icons are really good, especially for a first try! I really like the first one, so simple and yet so right


                Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                I love them, especially the first one.
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  *giggling at Sarai and Aveo*

                  Yes, you, yellow, yurt, yoga, yam, yippee, yikes, yonder, yuppie, yule, young, year...

                  OK, I'll stop now
                  I'll carry on then


                  Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                  Yes...I know...I can't do anything right! I blame gimp for not letting me slow it down!
                  You made your gif sig in Gimp? And it didn't go blurry!!!!! HOW???????????????

                  If you can tell me how you did it, I'll figure out how to slow down the animation Deal? *hopeful grin*

                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                  Been gimping away when I should be in bed and/or writing (had a burst of ficlet inspiration ). But still, found something I started working on ages ago and forgot all about.


                  What do you guys think? I'm always open to suggestions.

                  I really want to try something like Jann's half and half diagonal sig, something I'm totally alien to but that's refreshing, you know?

                  *realises she's babbling to no one*

                  I LOVE it!!!!

                  Oh! Who did the Paradise Lost sig? *sorry brain dead today I thought I'd mq'd it...* I loved the composition - specially the three pics of Sam on the left.....

                  Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                  Can anyone help me with gimp? I am trying the burn-in animation and I don't know what a foreground layer with a trancparency and a background layer means. Please help!
                  Ummmm...if I knew what a burn-in animation was, I'd be happy to help

                  Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                  Great new art guys

                  I've been doing little something too, with Rick and Amanda, but I have fever and my eyes are all blury so if something looks weird please let me know.

                  It's great Jas! The only tiny little thing I can see that looks a little wierd is that the butterfly on the top left is so much darker than the rest of the background brushes....aside from that, I'd say its perfect

                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                  Just in case anyone missed the announcement, the ep of the week is:


                  Let the sigs/banners/icons/wps commence!

                  And just to set the ball rolling I made this. I'm not sure how I feel about it though...

                  Love the sig! Love the ep too...this is the one where Jack shoots the big gun isn't it??? That scene is so HOT!!


                    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                    Oh! Who did the Paradise Lost sig? *sorry brain dead today I thought I'd mq'd it...* I loved the composition - specially the three pics of Sam on the left.....
                    umm, me.

                    yet, yesterday
                    (I thought of some more)
                    sigpicMy Fanfic


                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      Hmmm, the purple is clearer than the yellow, but actually I think the black that you had on the other ones before was clearest of all, and works well because of the black sky on the fireworks pics. And I prefer the versions with writing over the plain one, I have to say - I really like that text!
                      Im glad that you like them. Thankyou for your help. I dont often do them.

                      Thankyou to Jann who made my signature


                        Whee! New siggy! I was experimenting with a few things this evening. Learned quite a bit!

                        Hope you guys like! (snurchable)

                        EDIT: Also, random RepliCarter sig anyone?
                        Too cool for a signature.


                          Love all the new artwork again girls!!!

                          and Yay Jubmly for getting the grandkids into the groove!! But make sure they make gutter sigs as well eh

                          I will make the tut for my sig later today after school or so...depents on the time I have

                 did you make that S/J sig you just posted...can you make a tut out of that for me? Is it with lots of Fractals and brushes?? I'm the looks of it


                            For sure I'll post a tut! Glad you liked it. ^^ I'll get on that sometime tomorrow when it's NOT almost 2am.

                            Time for bed!

                            Night artists of the ship family!
                            Last edited by hbt123; 01 September 2008, 12:53 AM. Reason: Spelling fail!
                            Too cool for a signature.


                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              Love all the new artwork again girls!!!

                              and Yay Jubmly for getting the grandkids into the groove!! But make sure they make gutter sigs as well eh
                              They're much too young for gutter, what are you thinking??? Oh, its Jann, I know what she's thinking

                              I will make the tut for my sig later today after school or so...depents on the time I have

                     did you make that S/J sig you just posted...can you make a tut out of that for me? Is it with lots of Fractals and brushes?? I'm the looks of it
                              Beat me to it, I was going to ask that Look forward to the tut on that beautiful sig


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                They're much too young for gutter, what are you thinking??? Oh, its Jann, I know what she's thinking
                                Never too young to learn

                                Btw, today my first real day of school ...starting with english class (that happens if you do your study in English )

