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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Hmm... I think I will!

    It's awesome being on Spring Break (unofficial one taken off work because apparently the HVAC industry has no summer vacation season ). I get to spend all day making arties!


      Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
      Hmm... I think I will!

      It's awesome being on Spring Break (unofficial one taken off work because apparently the HVAC industry has no summer vacation season ). I get to spend all day making arties!
      I see your new sig. Very cute!


        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        I see your new sig. Very cute!
        Thanks! I used my own screen caps for these, because I hadn't gotten the thumb drive yet, so they're a little blurry, but I think I like it! By the way, I have learned now that the "Sharpen" tool is not the same as "Focus".


          I was trying to figure out how to answer your question about how to get an image to curve to fit a bubble's surface.

          I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do. Some options you could try would be:

          Using the round marquee tool to make a cut out

          Using the Pinch or Spherize filters to distort the image (Filters>Distort>Pinch/Sphereize)

          Group the image you are trying to adjust with the bubble by placing that image immediately above the layer with the bubble and select Ctrl+G.

          Try different blending modes to have the image take on the light and shade qualities that create the bubble look.

          I don't know if any of that helps. If you want to send me the file I may be able to give better advice.


            Okay, just so you know, the sepia tutorial totally backfired. My attempt to sepia led to a pic that look more like a newspaper than an old timey photo, so that led to a massive undertaking of me creating a fake newspaper in honor of Ship Day. Oh, the joys of photoshop!

            I might post a preview.


              Oh do! That sounds fabulous!


                Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                Okay, just so you know, the sepia tutorial totally backfired. My attempt to sepia led to a pic that look more like a newspaper than an old timey photo, so that led to a massive undertaking of me creating a fake newspaper in honor of Ship Day. Oh, the joys of photoshop!

                I might post a preview.
                Sometimes we have happy accidents when playing with PS, and aren't we glad!!

                I love that idea. A Sam/Jack daily edition. Or maybe an S/J tabloid.


                  Well, here's my version of sepia that sparked it all:

                  Whaddya think? Totally more newspaper than sepia, eh?


                    It probably just needs a little more brown to it.

                    You could try lightening the desaturated image and maybe combining a couple of techiques to add more color like the color variation plus the choco brush. Just a thought.


                      I like the dotty/grainy newspapery look - not smooth like a studio photo. Very cool!


                        Another thing you could try to get a little more brown coloration on the pic would be to add an photo filter adjustment layer and use a warming filter. That will give it a little orange/brown tint.


                          Just don't ask me how I did it, because I have no idea. Figures.


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            I like the dotty/grainy newspapery look - not smooth like a studio photo. Very cool!
                            Yeah, the graininess definitely makes it look more newspaper than antique photo.

                            I smoothed it out with the blur tool and added a photo filter. Now I think it looks Sepia.


                              Okay, now here's a question. I've gotten a whole bunch of brushes, and I've loaded them all into PS. But now not all of them show up on the drop down bar. Am I doing something wrong? I've sampled a whole bunch of them as I loaded them into the program, but now a whole bunch of them are missing and efforts to reload them are futile.

                              So sad... All those pretty brushes!!


                                Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                                Okay, now here's a question. I've gotten a whole bunch of brushes, and I've loaded them all into PS. But now not all of them show up on the drop down bar. Am I doing something wrong? I've sampled a whole bunch of them as I loaded them into the program, but now a whole bunch of them are missing and efforts to reload them are futile.

                                So sad... All those pretty brushes!!
                                You've put the brushes in the correct folder (Program Files>Adobe>PSE>8.0>Presets>Brushes) and restarted the computer?

                                If that doesn't work I'm at a loss.

