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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    My ship day stuff

    Part 1



      Part 2

      I went way over my internet limit yesterday and it's killing me today. It takes ages to load a single page.


        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        *looks around at all the blabbermouhts* Hey, I've been gone from the Ship Appreciation Thread for almost six months and still hold the number 6 spot for most posts! *misses the old days*

        I'm not going to have time to participate in my own challenge idea! We're heading off for a mini vacation and I'll be on Siler (if he's fixed by tonight), so no gimp.
        You'll be on Siler? Taking advantage of Sarai's absence?

        I can't even remember what this week's challenge is

        Hope you have a good vacation

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        Martin+Jumble= talking about artwork=on topicness

        It hasn't been officially closed yet
        Not in my head

        It hasn't? Actually I seem to remember one of our special threads being left open for ages once before........


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          You'll be on Siler? Taking advantage of Sarai's absence?

          I can't even remember what this week's challenge is

          Hope you have a good vacation

          Not in my head

          It hasn't? Actually I seem to remember one of our special threads being left open for ages once before.......
          80's music on a WP and make a tut

          Actually it is closed but they never took off the sticky and they never said it was closed

          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


            Oh right. Maybe they leave the greening thing open for those that are catching up?

            Oh, and it's the 80's song lyric wp isn't it? Hmmmmmmm.

            Edit: That'll teach me to read posts properly

            It's the tut part that puts me off, I'm not good at them


              Jasmina, I think there can be no doubt about your incredible productivity both in terms of posts and also artwork... 22 wps all in one go??? *faints*

              Love the new sig Jann
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Fantastic collection of Artwork Jasmina

                Ok, listen up GimPS!

                I'm getting a little concerned about Oma since she didn't join us for Ship Day - it's just not like her to miss such an event. Now it's probably just that she's busy, so I'm not going to start pestering her with texts just yet, but in order to cover her back I'm going to suggest that when you pm your challenge entries to her you ALSO SEND THEM TO ME! That way, if she doesn't manage to get online by Friday I can make the post for her.

                If she turns up, fine, but if she can't make it I don't want her to feel bad

                So, to recap....

                OMA AND JUMBLE

                (and don't forget to include the link to your tut )



                  Thank you girls I missed doing wps. I do mostly icons for the LJ challenges and sigs for the challenges here, so the wps kinda dried out.

                  New challenge entry. The lyrics are from 'Total Eclipse or the Heart' by Bonnie Tyler. (from before my time )

                  The tut

                  1. I filled the background with color #042722.

                  2. I added the pic from Sam and Jack. Used the smudge tool to spread one side till the end of the wallpaper and deleted everything I didn't need. Lowered the opacity to 20% and added outer glow.

                  3. Then I cut out the four small pics (180x180) and added outer glow on each of them.

                  4. I used a mask brush on a new layer. Transfered the original S/J pic on top of it and went Layer -> Create clipping mask

                  5. Added some line brushes and set to Lighten, opacity 70%, in the lower left corner.

                  6. Now for the coloring

                  Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Curves

                  point 1: o 170, i 110
                  Point 2: o 125, i 80

                  7. Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Solid Color

                  Filled it with #f5f805 and set it to Soft Light

                  8. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Selective color

                  reds: -23; 25; 34; 0
                  yellows: 0, 0, -54; 0
                  greens: 78; 20; -79; 0
                  neutrals: 30; -22; -24; 0

                  9. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Levels

                  Input levels: 14; 1.00; 255

                  10. Gradient map set to Soft Light, opacity 35%.

                  11. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Selective color

                  reds: -61; 22; 10; 0
                  yellows: -29; 4; 13; 0
                  neutrals: 22; 0; 0; 0

                  12. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Brightness/Contrast

                  11 / 17

                  13. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Hue/Saturation

                  cyans: 0; -22; 24

                  14. Black and white gradient map set to Soft Light, opacity 50%

                  15. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Color balance

                  midtones: -25; 1; -7
                  highlights: 0; 16; 0
                  shadows: 11; 0; -9

                  16. I made a stamp of the whole thing and added Reduce noise filter

                  10; 4; 0; 0

                  17. set to Lighten, opacity 60%. Erased everything I didn't need and left just the middle part.

                  18. set to Soft Light, opacity 75%

                  19. Added the text with Bickam Script Pro and Castellar fonts. Put some lines under it. And that's it.

                  Any questions just ask.

                  I wonder what's going on with Oma. She was here the day before and said she was back for ship day.


                    Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                    Thank you girls I missed doing wps. I do mostly icons for the LJ challenges and sigs for the challenges here, so the wps kinda dried out.

                    I wonder what's going on with Oma. She was here the day before and said she was back for ship day.
                    She said that? Hmm. Well you know, she's a very busy lady so it's probably just that

                    She'll probably turn up any minute and wonder what the fuss is about

                    Lovely wp One of my fave songs, and definitely not before my time


                      Yup, this is from two days ago.

                      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post

                      *is excited for ship day tomorrow* I was getting worried I wouldn't make it back in time *phew* I've not managed to dl Gimp again yet, but at least I'll be able to join in the fun
                      Hope nothing serious has happened. It could be something simple like just no internet access...

                      And thanks I love Bonnie Tyler. Especially that song (and Holding Out for a Hero)


                        Hmm. Sounds like something must have cropped up to keep her away then Doesn't mean it's something bad though

                        *tries not to worry*


                          Jumble You posted a sig thinger yesterday on the ship day thread and it had a quote about love being worth it why yes I did roll my eyes at it but I was wondering two things A. Can you post it again? and B. Can I snarch the quote? *bats eyelashes*

                          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                            Jas I loooooooooove all those wp's! Snurched a few for when I get my laptop back (mini laptop doesn't do so well on big wp' dad was complaining 'bout me having Shep as background... )

                            I agree with what jos said about your's really high and also very good/high quality! That is a good combination that not many can pull off! Awesome!

                            Jumble loved your artwork too! and I totally agree with the text!


                              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                              Jumble You posted a sig thinger yesterday on the ship day thread and it had a quote about love being worth it why yes I did roll my eyes at it but I was wondering two things A. Can you post it again? and B. Can I snarch the quote? *bats eyelashes*
                              A. This one?

                              B. Snurch away

                              Thanks Jann


                                Ack, gimp is soo not doing what I want it to today, or my mojo has up and deserted me, either or both Oh well, I've managed to produce this for the challenge, not at all sure I like it but hey ho The lyrics are from U2s With or Without You.

                                And the tut (though it's laughably simple, I almost feel embarrassed to write one )

                                1. New canvas, 1280x800
                                2. I used this texture (just now snurched from Jasmina) for the background.
                                3. Resize and position all the various pictures
                                4. Once they're aligned, merge them all into one layer (but keep the background separate!)
                                5. Duplicate the pictures layer twice. Set the two top ones both to screen at 100%
                                6. Desaturate the bottom and top layers, leaving the middle one coloured. This fades the pictures but still keeps them nice and bright and with a hint of colour
                                7. Add a small drop shadow to the bottom picture layer (offset 2, blur radius 5)
                                6. Use the unsharp mask on the bottom layer, just to make it a little clearer
                                7. Duplicate the background texture layer and bring the duplicate to the top. Set it on screen 100%
                                8. Add the text in Prophecy Script, colour 2d2d2d. Duplicate the text layer and set the top one on burn 100%
                                And that's absolutely all I did
                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

