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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Bekki love the invite, I only wish I could come

    Oma I can't get your wp to come up full size I think it's me, I'm having trouble with my connection today

    I was watching Diagnosis Murder, Dom was playing a nasty character who got murdered Funny to see him in a really serious role.

    Achaja Brilliant icons I wish I had the patience


      Great stuff everyone.
      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



        Originally posted by Solo View Post
        Bahaha ofc Rachel, I'll try and do it tonight but I will have to work late, so it might be the weekend - finally seeing Trek tomorrow night
        Oki thanks

        Jumble - awesome new sigs!!
        Luvnjack!!! i must agree with Jumbly *cough* Hot Jack *caugh* i love the fire *cough*
        Blacky - awesome sig that you made for Jann
        Josi - me loves the Carter sig
        Jasmina - awesome icons! and walli i don't watch sanctuary but those icons are great !!! specially the last one! is that one Tesla?
        Estrela - great new sigs!
        Achaja - i love those icons! specially the last one! can i snurch it
        Bekki - awesome invitation
        Oma - great walli..

        forgive me if i missed someone in the non MQ


          Jumble, when you will post the challenge stuff? I'm in the niddle of sig making and i wonder if i'll be in time


            Originally posted by Achaja View Post
            Doesn't have the heart to remove image tags from that one

            I'm seriously in love with that icon...seriously! Absolutely love them!! Awesome job!

            My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
            Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


              Love all the arties!(wp's/sigs/icons) Some of the ST ones are hilarious

              Blacky thanks for the Bday sig! I love it!


                Morning everyone, just swinging by before the hike to school! (It's a nice day... for once :\ )
                Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                *applauds all the challenge sigs & wps* Some of those quotes are fantastically funny combined with SG

                Love the Urgo one Jumble. It's a fine tribute to Dom Deluise too

                I finally made a wp I like Although I think the background stuff is too blurry for the rest of it, I should have found something with neater lines Ah well.


                Edit: Fab invite Bekki
                Wow that's a fantastic WP! *snurches*
                Too cool for a signature.


                  Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                  Nice job Josiane, JasminaGo, Luvnjack, Solo and Jumble.

                  dropping off for the challenge....

                  (Quote: Star Trek, episode: The Enterprise Incident)

                  and an obvious one

                  (Quote: Star Trek, episode: The City on the Edge of Forever)
                  Love them I was trying to make something with the quote on the first one myself, but couldn't get it to work Really made me think of S/J too

                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  fabulous stuff, guys!!!

                  This isn't challenge related, or even Stargate related, but I thoguht I'd share this. I made it for my brother. (if any of you actually lived anywhere near me, I'd say - Hey come along! But, you're not... lame...and it's not esactly my you probably shouldn't, anyway )


                  I hope he likes it
                  Love it, and I bet he will too! Have fun!

                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                  *applauds all the challenge sigs & wps* Some of those quotes are fantastically funny combined with SG

                  Love the Urgo one Jumble. It's a fine tribute to Dom Deluise too

                  I finally made a wp I like Although I think the background stuff is too blurry for the rest of it, I should have found something with neater lines Ah well.


                  Edit: Fab invite Bekki
                  Ohh Oma this is GORGEOUS! Totally snurching it Can you post your copy of the pic with AT's head on RDA's shoulder? My version of that is really grainy and the colouring's all off compared to the other one

                  Originally posted by Achaja View Post
                  Fabulous artworks everyone! I greened who could

                  My latest atlantis icons, last two wins the challenge
                  <lazy snip>
                  And a sig for our challenge/ sorry, didn't save source
                  Stunning icons! I just adore the fourth one too

                  I have some icons to drop off too:

                  And a site I found with lots of really cool pattern textures I'll add it to the delicious page too
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    I'm off out later, so I'll do the Challenge post in a couple of minutes


                      Banner by Josiane

                      Week 36 Challenge – Apply a quote from any Star Trek to a scene from SG1.


                      Pic: SG-1 The Enemy Within, Text: ST:TOS, All of 'em

                      Pics: ST Enterprise, Harbinger & Similitude, Text: SG-1, Grace



                      Quote from ST:TNG ('The Perfect Mate'), SG ep is Death Knell

                      It's from 'Justice', ST:TNG


                      Star Trek: Wrath of Khan


                      (Quote: Star Trek, episode: The City on the Edge of Forever
                      Speaker: The Guardian)

                      (Quote: Star Trek, episode: Shore Leave, Speaker: Kirk)

                      (Quote: Star Trek, episode The Enterprise Incident, Speaker: Spock)


                      Last edited by Jumble; 16 May 2009, 01:50 AM.


                        Yay! Patterns! i'm a little addicted to it

                        Thanks Josi, awesome icons btw

                        Edit: Awesome works everyone!!! the challenge was great !



                          ST : TNG – SG : Urgo

                          ST:TNG – SG : Emancipation

                          ST:TNG – SG Window of Opportunity

                          ST:TNG – SG : Foothold

                          Star Trek – SG: Abyss

                          ST: Voyager - SG: IGTBK

                          ST: Voyager – SG: 200

                          ST: The Movie – SG: Lost City

                          ST: Voyager – SG: Chimera and Affinity

                          ST: Voyager – SG: Promethius


                          ST Voyager


                          Challenge wk 37
                          From Oma

                          This week 2 European telescopes were launched into space, which got me thinking about all the SG eps with telescopes in them. So the challenge is to make artwork from any of those eps, but there must be a pic, text or quote reference to a telescope. Ep examples - COTG, Singularity, 1969, Forsaken.

                          And since telescopes are more often associated with gutter than stars around here, a little reminder that the forum is PG-13 in case anyone splashes a little too far into the gutter

                          PM YOUR ENTRIES TO OMA
                          Last edited by Jumble; 16 May 2009, 01:53 AM.


                            lol this new challenge gonna be cool i was just thinking about gutter stuff before read the warning

                            i did a new sig this morning but please someone tell me if there is something wrong with the spelling i guess it is the first time i'm really happy with a sig of this pic from AT and RDA... just to make sure i'm not gonna lose another sig i'm gonna wait someones answer before closing PS


                              Awesome challenge. Some very funny entries there.

                              Great sig Rachel. That really is a great pic from the two. What fonts did you use?

                              Love the icons Josi.


                                Rachel, perfect spelling, wonderful sig! Well done!

