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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    It's good that you are still practicing TR, that way you can make them perfect
    sig thanks to Luci


      Originally posted by Achaja View Post
      Really? Yes, I'm using PS 7...
      *goes to check once again*
      My noise filter has only 4 options:
      - add noise
      - despecle
      - dust & scratches
      - median
      That's REALLY odd because i'm looking at my Ps7 screen right now and after the 'median' it has one another option called 'reduce noise' ... i'm trying to get the filter so i can upload it for you then you can download it and install, but first i need to see if i can do it then i'll tell you

      TR - the new sig is great, please don't give up!
      Awesome new Martin sig Jumble


        Ohh it would be great Rachel
        sig thanks to Luci


          Originally posted by Achaja View Post
          It's good that you are still practicing TR, that way you can make them perfect
          LOL!! Yeah...
          Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post

          TR - the new sig is great, please don't give up!
          Awesome new Martin sig Jumble
          Thanks hon. I don't plan to.

          Okay everyone, I've made 2 of my allowed 3 banners for this contest. I've made 5 versions of the first one, and 1 version of the second one. I'm going to post all 6 here, and I want you guys to tell me what you think, especially about the 5 versions of the first one. Does the newest version of the first banner make it easier to read? Is my second banner springy (or night time springy, lol) and flirty?

          Banner 1
          1) 2) 3)
          4) 5)

          Banner 2
          Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
            You're welcome Twin!!!!!

            But shouldn't there be two of the letter 'p'?
            Bantha Podu! I'm really slipping on the spelling lately. I thought it lstill looked wrong, but I coulnd't place my finger on it.

            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
            Okay, so like I said, I'm taking a break from the first LotS banner. But I've made a second one. And I must say, I think I like it better, lol.


            Again, please EVERYONE tell me what you think. Thanks for helping me with this everyone. You're all fantastic!!
            Beautiful! That is lovely Twin.

            Edit: 4 and 5 of the first one are the easiest to read. Don't do anything to the second banner. It's perfect. Flirty, Springy, and nightimey.
            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



              Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
              LOL!! Yeah...

              Thanks hon. I don't plan to.

              Okay everyone, I've made 2 of my allowed 3 banners for this contest. I've made 5 versions of the first one, and 1 version of the second one. I'm going to post all 6 here, and I want you guys to tell me what you think, especially about the 5 versions of the first one. Does the newest version of the first banner make it easier to read? Is my second banner springy (or night time springy, lol) and flirty?
              your mojo is one of the best ones!!! gosh how could you do so many versions !!! i'm working in one samantha carter sig and i have only 2 versions of it

              Achaja - i tried to separate the filter but i can't make it... looks like i can't separate it from the others sorry




                  Oh that's ok Rachel, thanks for trying to help me Love the siiggies, both versions are good and interesting

                  TR - as I said, I like it with white text - looks the best for me
                  sig thanks to Luci


                    *runs in*

                    Kim, that second banner is beautiful! Really well done Of the versions of the first one, I think the last one is the clearest for the text, but I definitely prefer the second one over all the versions of the first one And glad you sorted out the fonts!

                    Estrela, good to see you back, love the cards and the sig is awesome!

                    Padme, great Singularity banner, except of course for the, uh, spelling mishaps

                    Rachel, your Sam header is fabulous! Really love it!

                    Jumble, love the Martin sig, but IMO the text is a little difficult to read - maybe if it was lighter it'd be clearer? It's not unclear, just not maybe as clear as it could be?

                    Sarai, love your uni things, and I agree with everyone else, the second one is definitely the better one
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Yeah, you're right Josiane, I'm not happy with it I think I'll change the colouring slightly and shorten the text. I really don't like it covering his face

                      It actually looks clearer in rotation vvv probably because the sig comes up slightly larger


                        Kim, i new you you'd find you mojo, great second banner! And don't do anything to the fourth versions of the first banner!

                        Sarai, unlike the others, i prefer the first version more. It looks more respectable!

                        , wonderfull sigs! Love bothe versins but the first a bit more

                        Jumble, agree with Josie about the text!

                        Padme, love season banner!

                        New siggi Guess my mojo has returned to me for a while

                        Last edited by Blacky Kitten; 24 April 2009, 01:20 PM.


                          wow it's fantastic Blacky
                          sig thanks to Luci


                            TR, I like #4.


                              Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                              Okay everyone, I've made 2 of my allowed 3 banners for this contest. I've made 5 versions of the first one, and 1 version of the second one. I'm going to post all 6 here, and I want you guys to tell me what you think, especially about the 5 versions of the first one. Does the newest version of the first banner make it easier to read? Is my second banner springy (or night time springy, lol) and flirty?
                              I agree with Padme the 4th version of the 1st banner is the best really easy to read
                              The 2nd banner is perfect Kim!
                              sigpicMy Fanfic


                                that's Awesome!
                                You definitely have your mojo back!
                                tut please??

                                ok seriously anyone seen my mojo or muse??
                                sigpicMy Fanfic

