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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
    wow, i love it. is it a statue in the bg?

    can someone please post the link to the challenge? I somehow can'T find it anymore...
    Originally posted by hamatau'ri View Post
    What, so I've been surronded by females all this time? I never noticed at all! It's not like I asked, it was the last thing on my mind . Just joking.
    *hrrhrr* hey, that's cool finally. I really thought we scared every boy off


      Here's this week's challenge Fainne

      The statue is The Thinking Man by Rodin *giggles*


        thanks Oma.

        oi, it's The Thinker. I didn't recognize him


          Originally posted by hamatau'ri View Post
          What, so I've been surronded by females all this time? I never noticed at all! It's not like I asked, it was the last thing on my mind . Just joking.
          *looks at self*

          So what...ya thought we were male?

          It's good to see some perspective from the other species male side in here as well

          I do think things now...since I've just seen a modeshow on tv of Mark Jacobs and his whole creative process. He rocks!

          *wants to make some arties now too but mom has dinner ready...and it's suicide not to go downstairs now and eat*


            oi, you're male? how cool, the first one in this thread... or not?

            Well last time i looked i was yes. lol
            "I ask you, what could possibly be in my eye that would explain this"





              Jasmina *thunk* gorgeous gorgeous wp! I totally snurched that

              Bekki, gorgeously angsty and also awesomely cool challenge sigs

              hp fab wp too, I think I've probably said it before but I do like your style

              Oma, wow I love your wp! The layout is so effective

              [QUOTE=Commander Aegir;9816861]
              Originally posted by josiane View Post
              Welcome! What Oma said, but also happy to have a bash for you

              Hey thanks very much, i have tried downloading the program but it doesn't seem to want to work. Also bit random my screen size (writing and such) is smaller on the forum than it is anywhere else. Anyone know whats up with it?
              Hmmm, could be your screen resolution? Maybe it's got altered
              As to Gimp, what's not working about it? If you tell us what's wrong then maybe one of us could help - quite a lot of us use gimp here so usually someone can answer most questions

              Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
              he's a good looking man
              much better than Martin

              *runs away*
              Are you taking advantage of Jumble's absence to get away with things like that??
              I think so too though

              Originally posted by starlover View Post
              Jos You can buy the muses back though... Or stalk me for could try...

              Jas I *love* that wp!

              Btw, did I already said you girls were great? If not, you are. Thanks for all the positive vibes to the wp (and sig) I made today*huggles all* Thanks!
              Hmm, I think I'm probably still in debt to you for my Jack clone, so maybe I'll pass on that
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Lovely WP Oma!
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  (someone hit me, I forgot to catch up on my previous post...and I missed all kinds of goodies )

                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  HP! - Awesome wallie! It's so detailed

                  Another challenge sig


                  Hehe - the poem this comes from is actually about Australia - but I thought that particular section was very RepliCarter! *huggles replicarter*

                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                  Love the sigs Bekki, so very angsty *sigh*

                  I got my challenge wp finished

                  looks very good*snurches*

                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Hmm, I think I'm probably still in debt to you for my Jack clone, so maybe I'll pass on that
                  You are and you still have a long way to go....*sigh* Next time paying first then you get your goods


                    *walks in circles cause she is ashamed because she is very absent*

                    Hey Guys!
                    i didn't opened PS for days!!! wooow i need my muse and my time back again ...

                    Awesome artworks everyone, i love all the wallpapers... and of course they are already snurched by me


                      Oh, just out of curiosity, is the winner for the challenge sig going to be announced at 10PM GMT? (P.S., I've finally got round to installing PS now- I need a new challenge ASAP!)


                        LOL, yep, the challenge post will be made tonight, maybe around 9 tonight if I'm lucky I need an early night

                        These challenges aren't competitions though, its more an exercise in seeing what we can all come up from the same idea......*thinks*.......maybe I'll hunt out Cmmdr Ageir's idea from the other day and add it to the ideas list

                        Edit: BTW, have I got everyone's entries???????
                        Last edited by Oma-1; 27 February 2009, 11:45 AM.


                          Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                          Wait, did I read right? We've got a BOY on here? FINALLY!!!!
                          Originally posted by hamatau'ri View Post
                          What, so I've been surronded by females all this time? I never noticed at all! It's not like I asked, it was the last thing on my mind . Just joking.
                          Really? Wow! We have male member of the family finally.
                          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                            Me has new sig! Weeee.... Yes, I'm still insane



                              Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                              LOL, yep, the challenge post will be made tonight, maybe around 9 tonight if I'm lucky I need an early night

                              These challenges aren't competitions though, its more an exercise in seeing what we can all come up from the same idea......*thinks*.......maybe I'll hunt out Cmmdr Ageir's idea from the other day and add it to the ideas list

                              Edit: BTW, have I got everyone's entries???????
                              AAAHHHH just finished mine, is it too late?

                              hmm, anyone having troubles with uploading on PB as well?

                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              Me has new sig! Weeee.... Yes, I'm still insane

                              just a little bit love it! the grid is really cool


                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                Me has new sig! Weeee.... Yes, I'm still insane


                                I love the sig Jann.......but seriously, are you channelling my RL kids??????? They've been watching HSM3 all evening

                                Edit: How sad is that that I recognised the lyrics immediately? *headdesk* Its no wonder I'm seriously retarded when it comes to recent music, all I get all day long is HSM or Hannah Montana

