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Creation Con: Aug 24-26, 2007 (Stargate actors)

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    Originally posted by Chelle View Post
    Ask, and ye shall receive!!!

    Oh... I love you, Chelle!

    *falls over dead*


      Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
      Hey Arctic Goddess, thanks for sharing! Even being there it is so much fun to hear about other peoples experiences in Chicago and it was great getting to meet you!

      It was great meeting you too, Rosehawk. I love Chicago. I wish I could be there more often.

      Originally posted by kamala42 View Post
      I agree, wholeheartedly!!! I am glad that we were able to share the experience (and meet Kim in the process). I think the positive aspect of the whole VIP experience was amplified for me because you were there!! I may not have done it otherwise and missed out on a marvelous experience.

      I know people have complained about Creation in the past--some of it warranted. Sure, the lines in Vancouver this year were RIDICULOUS. But, I seem to have forgotten the pain of the lines, and only remember the new people met. Also, the fact that I got to stand in the SG-1 Gateroom, not knowing if it was getting torn down this year is PRICELESS!

      If I am able to do the VIP thing again, I am going for it! I, too have sat in the general admission seats and enjoyed my a** off at the first 2 Stargate conventions I went to. I was just lucky this year to splurge a bit more. I feel that Creation made sure to give us everything we expected, and then some. They couldn't really control how long people stayed with us, but worked really hard to make sure everyone stopped by. They fed us and FILLED us with yummy beverages and were very attentive. I was pleasantly surprised by some special gifts and the fact that Gary has already responded to my "Thank you" email. Here's hoping that this is the new trend for Creation!! (Thanks to Gary, Brian, Jim, Carol, and Ben!!)

      One of the nicest things about AG is that she made sure to mention the names of some of the GW'ers to their fav stars when she could and that is just a testimony to the fact that the Arctic Goddess is the "coolest" (couldn't resist the pun!!)
      What nice compliments, Karen. I'm blushing. I just want other people to have as much fun at cons as I do. So, I try to include them when ever I can.
      Visit me on


        I guess 1 more pic of Michael can't hurt...



          Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
          I guess 1 more pic of Michael can't hurt...

          Can never have enough Michael pics!!!!

          Which is why I guess I still took 5 rolls of film of the darn guy even though this was my sixth time seeing him at a con. *shrug*

          "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

          The Universe is Mad


            I'm done! *Phew* I finally finished going through and editing all my con pics.




            Feel free to snurch for personal use. Enjoy!!


              Holy cow...
              {bookmarks all the pic albums for further perusal later}
              Last edited by nikki_6969; 31 August 2007, 04:39 PM.
              My LJ:


                Originally posted by Chelle View Post
                And one last Michael, because he's soooo yummy and cute!


                AH! That expression is the cutest! LOL Great shot.
                My LJ:


                  sixth time seeing michael?? wow this like my third time. when i took the photo op with michale and cliff, mike said hi jim i guess he remembered me from last year hehe. i wish the convention was this weekend. well cya all next year. james from chicago. i now have 2 autographs of michael and one plate signed.


                    Originally posted by erinanderson View Post
                    Can never have enough Michael pics!!!!

                    Which is why I guess I still took 5 rolls of film of the darn guy even though this was my sixth time seeing him at a con. *shrug*
                    What's the story behind Michael's hair ruffling?


                      Originally posted by trupi View Post
                      What's the story behind Michael's hair ruffling?
                      Michael made Jules dreams come true!

                      She asked, Michael delivered, very unexpectedly.

                      Jules (dr, jackson), you got to tell everyone, it's more fun to hear/read in your own words!

                      She also got to get on stage with Paul and talk Dutch with Cliff!



                        Exactly, No one can tell it the way Jules does... if anyone's seen that pic of her with all the little pictures tucked everywhere that kinda narrates a little... but only does her story a little justice

                        Oooh, so I gotta tell you guys, I had so much fun that I just got my Gold tickets for Vancouver ordered...
                        awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                          Added a few more pics to the collection from my digital camera. Mostly shots of myself and some friends at Steak and Shake on Friday and a few shots of our awesome centerpiece at the dessert party (no NOT the really cool one that Jules has bits of stuck down her shirt and behind her ears, but the other COOL one ) and shots of SG-69's own Seraphine Tempest as a hot gangsta chick from the 1920's. Oh and that cool awesome banner I won from one of the auctions that will soon be gracing the hallway wall of my apartment as soon as UPS delivers it next week (thanks bunches Kerri *MWA*). Here's a little tidbit....


                          "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

                          The Universe is Mad


                            That banner is COOL!! I won one in the auction in London in 2005. I love it. Shame i don't have anywhere big enough to put it up.



                              Originally posted by trupi View Post
                              What's the story behind Michael's hair ruffling?
                              the story behind the ruffeling eh ? I thought everyone would know by now cause I have lost track of how many times I've told that story not that I mind telling everyone

                              well let me make it short otherwise this thread will be 20 pages bigger

                              I went up to the mic I knew he would say no at the time and I was really nervouse I mean hello MS! ( first time for me )
                              so I started with , you are probly gonna say no to this question. so he was all like ok. and he kept sorta teasing me with breaking me off and coming closer wich made me back away , then I started with , of all these years watching stargate and blabla I've wanted to do one thing.....

                              he backed away a bit after teasing me I got him back ha!
                              so he went like: do ...?
                              me : yes... and that is to .. ruffle your hair * hides face *
                              really at that moment I thought what are you doing! get away from there.
                              then he came to me and bend down and I had to think for a sec. what he was doing and then I got it he was bending down for me so I could ruffle his hair!!! and so I did!

                              really this has been the best weekend of my life! * sighs and is off with her mind *


                                Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                                Exactly, No one can tell it the way Jules does... if anyone's seen that pic of her with all the little pictures tucked everywhere that kinda narrates a little... but only does her story a little justice
                                You should have seen her bed. Michael was everywhere! I have a pic but want to get Jules permission before posting since she has her eyes half closed and she was in her PJ's.

                                Oooh, so I gotta tell you guys, I had so much fun that I just got my Gold tickets for Vancouver ordered...
                                Congradulations! Vancouver is really beautiful and not just for the actors!


