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Creation Con: Aug 24-26, 2007 (Stargate actors)

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    Originally posted by Chelle View Post
    And one last one.... Some hot guy...... Very tasty....


    Hm.... I'm seeing a lot of pics of this hot guy lately. Took a few myself, actually. Wish I knew who he was, 'cause dang... he's hawt!

    Great pic, Chelle.


      Originally Posted by Dr,jackson
      does anyone have the pics from paul and me on stage????
      Originally posted by erinanderson View Post
      I do, I do!!! *WAVES FRANTICALLY* Yeah I will upload those as soon as I get round to editing them. Hopefully sometime today or tomorrow. Glad to hear you got home safely!
      I do too!! At least a couple of them, probably not as good as erins but still good for you to snurch
      So happy to hear that you got home okay, that everything went well
      awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


        Originally posted by Dr,jackson View Post

        take your time yes... I took a shower so my hand got wet ... but that doens't mean it got washed! and hey ... it's in my system now so haha
        LOL, Jules I love ya!!! Has she mentioned that she licked that hand after running it through Michael's hair
        awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
          Here is the only tongue porn pic I got and it is a little blurry at that. I am going to see what I can do about that when I get home tonight from work.


          I am sooooooo getting gold seating the next con I go to
          Oh, I loves me some TonguePorn! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


            So I didn't know if it was okay to post this online, but I figured since the there were other pictures of both Jules and erin, you guys wouldn't mind...

            awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


              hi artic_goddess. those were great stories that u told. sounds like u had fun backstage. i wish i could have gone but i didnt have the cash. sorry i didnt get a chance to meet u. say hi to your son for me ok??? take care be safe. james from chicago.


                Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                Finally...Tah dah!!!! My VIP experience with the creation convention in Chicago.

                For the $500.00 it cost me and the other two ladies, I would have to say that it was well worth it. Gary from Creation permitted us to order room service the first evening. It was very tasty. We also had bottles of wine brought to us all through the convention. Food was always available as were little treats like chocolates, etc. We were granted "go to the front of the line" status for pictures and autographs and got to visit with the actors back stage. One of Gary's assistants, Brian Wilson, was very nice and made sure we had everything we needed. Gary made sure that we were treated like Royalty. We were all very happy with what we received for our money. The special gift that we were given is a Stargate briefcase type of nylon bag. It fit's my laptop precisely. So, now it's my laptop bag. I honestly think that, even though the vIP experience seems pricey, it was well worth it. Considering how much we would normally have spent on food and drink, we got our money's worth. And having the face time with the actors was priceless.

                All in all, it was a great experience. I'd do it all over again in a minute.
                What if you don't drink? Hmm. Alas, $500 is the cost of an entire con. Kudos to anybody who can afford the front line stuff, but me thinks most people can barely afford Creations as it is. I get the feeling that Creation is going to push this money-maker as they're already calling some of their Stargate jewelry 'upscale'


                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  What if you don't drink? Hmm. Alas, $500 is the cost of an entire con. Kudos to anybody who can afford the front line stuff, but me thinks most people can barely afford Creations as it is. I get the feeling that Creation is going to push this money-maker as they're already calling some of their Stargate jewelry 'upscale'
                  See they've got the $500 necklaces, but I got the $75 and really, I'm super stoked about it... I'm a bit jealous of those who can afford the more expensive stuff, but I do have to say that at least there are options for the ones who can't afford to go all out.
                  If that sounds mean in any way i appologize, I didn't mean for it to sound like that. Just saying that for me, I love listening to the people who got to enjoy the front line stuff, and still enjoy the entertainment from my seat in the middle.
                  awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                    Originally posted by james watson View Post
                    hi artic_goddess. those were great stories that u told. sounds like u had fun backstage. i wish i could have gone but i didnt have the cash. sorry i didnt get a chance to meet u. say hi to your son for me ok??? take care be safe. james from chicago.
                    Thanks James. I'm sorry that I missed you too. I did look for you, but I was so busy, I didn't have time to hang around much. Maybe next time.

                    Originally posted by prion View Post
                    What if you don't drink? Hmm. Alas, $500 is the cost of an entire con. Kudos to anybody who can afford the front line stuff, but me thinks most people can barely afford Creations as it is. I get the feeling that Creation is going to push this money-maker as they're already calling some of their Stargate jewelry 'upscale'
                    Yes, it is pricey, Prion, but I think that Creation is attempting to bring people a more personal con experience. And that means it will cost more. Comic con's Stargate panels were huge. There were enough people there to make a small city. So, if I pay more, I'm seeing it as an opportunity to get up close and personal with my favorite celebrities. I recognize that some people can't afford the extra cost. If I could, I'd have a lottery for those people and treat at least one to the grand experience. I'll ask Creation if this might be a possibility in the future. It might go a long way to creating a kinder and gentler image for Creation. Also, if I didn't drink, I'm sure Creation would have provided pop or soda or anything else that I would have liked.

                    Back Stage Jim, if you read this thread...THANK YOU!!!! You and Carole were wonderful to us. Next time I see you, I owe you both a drink and/or a hug.
                    Last edited by Arctic Goddess; 30 August 2007, 01:10 PM.
                    Visit me on


                      yep your right sarah. i got the $75.00 stargate atlantis silver necklace. i wish i could afford everything but cant. i'm lucky that i got a gold ticket and all my photo ops. guess me and u are in the same boat uh??? oh well at least i'm in good company. wish i could have met u. cya james from chicago.


                        Originally posted by james watson View Post
                        yep your right sarah. i got the $75.00 stargate atlantis silver necklace. i wish i could afford everything but cant. i'm lucky that i got a gold ticket and all my photo ops. guess me and u are in the same boat uh??? oh well at least i'm in good company. wish i could have met u. cya james from chicago.
                        Hey James, I missed everyone at the Chicago convention too, not realizing this thread was here. Why don't we have our own Chicago get-together in a couple of months? For everyone who lives in the neighbourhood? Do lunch or dinner? Or rent a space somewhere and share Stargate stuff (videos, pictures, stories, etc)?

                        Just a thought, would anyone be up for that? If so, PM me so I can make a list!


                          Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                          LOL, Jules I love ya!!! Has she mentioned that she licked that hand after running it through Michael's hair
                          Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                          So I didn't know if it was okay to post this online, but I figured since the there were other pictures of both Jules and erin, you guys wouldn't mind...


                          no I don't mind and AH! yes I liked my hand and you my forhead! I will never forget that!


                            I regret none of the things I've done, or ran from.
                            That was just in good fun, you know. If I offended you I appologize. Nothin but luv girl, nothin but luv
                            awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                              Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                              Hey James, I missed everyone at the Chicago convention too, not realizing this thread was here. Why don't we have our own Chicago get-together in a couple of months? For everyone who lives in the neighbourhood? Do lunch or dinner? Or rent a space somewhere and share Stargate stuff (videos, pictures, stories, etc)?

                              Just a thought, would anyone be up for that? If so, PM me so I can make a list!
                              hi elephantgirl:

                              that sounds like a good iidea. i'd be up for lunch or dinner lemme know which put me down on the list. no one in my family likes sci-fi or stargate. great idea. i'm usually of on wednesday or thursday as i work in retail/sales and have to work the weekends. thanks again. james from chicago


                                Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                                I regret none of the things I've done, or ran from.
                                That was just in good fun, you know. If I offended you I appologize. Nothin but luv girl, nothin but luv

                                I know that

