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Shore Leave 28

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    Hey, yeah, I'm in for Panera. Looking forward to meeting everybody!

    Reading all these posts, now I really can't wait for July!!!
    I GoodSearch for the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research
    Raise money for your favorite charity - - powered by Yahoo!


      speakng of a related note

      you can get to know a bit about Carmen
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        I'm still checking if it's possible for me to go to this, but it's not looking good. I'm already locked into two other conventions, TD in Vancouver and Gatecon in the UK, as well as having tickets for the SG-1 Creation con in NJ. The plane ticket to MD wouldn't be too much because my state isn't that far away, but I'm not sure about what the total costs for all the conventions will be. I'm planning on taking a year off and getting a job before I go to college, so I may be able to make enough money through that to make up for whatever I spend. The only thing I'm concerned about though is whether I will have enough money to go to Vancouver next year. I know all of this sounds excessive, but I guess you could say I was spoiled growing up and don't really have a concept of money. I'm working on it though, because I know life is gonna hit me hard when I go to college and I won't be able to rely on my parents that much, but that's a different issue.

        If I do go, I may need a chaperone/roomate because even though I'm 19 my parents don't really think I'm "mature" enough (which is probably confirmed by the previously mentioned issue) to go on my own. I just know that I am desperate to find a way to get to this convention. I *really* want to meet Amanda. She was supposed to go to the NJ con two years ago but had to back out so I didn't get to see her.

        "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

        Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
        Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


          Originally posted by LOL4JACK
          QKSilver, It seems that this CON is a little bit wild... should I be scared I've only been to one CON before, Creation's in NJ last year and it was nice, lovely, great interaction with the guest and hey, I went to bed at 4am after spending all night speaking with one of the SG actor, Trupi, Lynn, SugarShaker, it was very, very nice...
          Well compared to DragonCon and women running around in latex and body paint, I don't think Shore Leave can be considered that wild. [Mental note to self, why isn't there any good looking guys running around in body paint? Sigh] But yes, compared to CreationCon this is not as strict.

          Should I give you the entire spiel that I gave my online friends when they went to DragonCon? Pretty much, don't be stupid, stick with your friends, *ALWAYS* watch your drinks and if you call me at 4:00 AM because you're really freaked out because you're in a stranger's room watching two girls spank each other, yes, I will yell at you to get out of the room!

          Cons are a lot of fun, but the idea is don't be stupid.

          The stories I could tell about one con which consisted of me listening to their stories and then hitting them upside their heads with my Stuffed Selmak saying, "What were you THINKING?" *WAP* *WAP* "You wouldn't do that at home! Why are you doing that HERE!" *WAP* *WAP*

          Sel was so irked with me as her little stuffed head was ringing.


          Selmak.Org ~ A website dedicated to a Snarky Symbiote & Her Boy Toys.
          Sel's Memorial to Don Davis.


            OK. WAIT.

            Stuffed Selmak?
            I GoodSearch for the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research
            Raise money for your favorite charity - - powered by Yahoo!


              Hey, Lys. Can you add my fiance and I to Panera too, dear? I said I wasn't going to Panera because I had no idea what Panera was. I thought it was a seperate convention at another time. I would NEVER miss out on any GW gathering. :-) Please add us. Please.

              Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

              This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

              Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


                Originally posted by Mickey23
                OK. WAIT.

                Stuffed Selmak?
                Yes, a stuffed selmak. There are roughly half a dozen stuffed selmaks out there located in the USA and England.

                Story behind it is, I have a website. Unofficial, Unsanctioned, very much tongue in cheek - the idea behind it is Selmak, being a two thousand year old female head snake, has a thing for the.... more mature gentleman of Stargate & the actors that portray them (Jake, George, Bra'tac and she recently started up a small subsection on Colonel Chekov but there ain't that much out there on Garry!).

                She doesn't understand human culture at all, but she tries, oh she tries to understand, so she's usually making comments like "George Hammond is such a boy toy!" to which Don upon being asked by someone what he felt like being a boy toy, said, "That's the first time I've ever been called that!"

                With me so far? Anyway, the carmen online fan group (unofficial, unsanctioned you get the idea...) went to the Cleveland Vulkon in mass last year to harass Carmen (and more importantly to meet each other as we had been talking online for years).

                One of the list moms made up a half dozen of little green and yellow selmaks.

                That's my Selmak, hung over from a little too much drinking at the Cleveland Con.

                So whenever there's a con that the group attends, usually the stuffed Symbiotes show up, get rowdy and then do all sorts of odd pictures with the stars. Carmen re-enacted the Tok'Ra blending scene with a Stuffed Sel. (tho' it looked more like he was spitting up a bright green and yellow hairball)

                I have a great shot of Don Davis wearing a lei holding a Selmak who is wrapped up in a flower lei complete with a "This ain't a bald head, it's a solar panel for a sex machine" pin. I've actually had people try to buy my Sel, but she's gotten Tattooed by Carmen and Don (And hopefully tony this weekend) that I wouldn't let her go.

                They're quite useful for thwacking con friends "upside their heads" (or threatening too) when they do something stupid.

                That's the story. So if you see a green and yellow Selmak at Shore Leave, come up and say hello. It might not be me, but I'll warn the other girls to be polite.

                (& her stuffed Sel)

                Selmak.Org ~ A website dedicated to a Snarky Symbiote & Her Boy Toys.
                Sel's Memorial to Don Davis.


                  Just a funny little tidbit. I have a pet Betta fish named Selmak. He's magenta and very pretty.

                  Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

                  This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

                  Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


                    Originally posted by qksilver99
                    Yes, a stuffed selmak. There are roughly half a dozen stuffed selmaks out there located in the USA and England.

                    (& her stuffed Sel)
                    sounds like us and our lemmings. George and Ruby will be coming to the con, and likely get thier pics with the actors too. (george's site is below)

                    there's more than a half dozen, but we have our mascots as well.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      sounds like us and our lemmings. George and Ruby will be coming to the con, and likely get thier pics with the actors too. (george's site is below)

                      there's more than a half dozen, but we have our mascots as well.
                      ooooh! Sel is poking me and she wants to make sure that she gets her picture taken with George and Ruby as she loves their site. Would Ruby allow a tattooed fangrrrrl of a symbiote to get her pic taken with them?


                      Selmak.Org ~ A website dedicated to a Snarky Symbiote & Her Boy Toys.
                      Sel's Memorial to Don Davis.


                        Originally posted by qksilver99
                        Well compared to DragonCon and women running around in latex and body paint, I don't think Shore Leave can be considered that wild. [Mental note to self, why isn't there any good looking guys running around in body paint? Sigh] But yes, compared to CreationCon this is not as strict.

                        Should I give you the entire spiel that I gave my online friends when they went to DragonCon? Pretty much, don't be stupid, stick with your friends, *ALWAYS* watch your drinks and if you call me at 4:00 AM because you're really freaked out because you're in a stranger's room watching two girls spank each other, yes, I will yell at you to get out of the room!

                        Cons are a lot of fun, but the idea is don't be stupid.
                        Like I said, it's the fan being wild. It's not the convention.

                        I think we're stuck on the words. Creation isn't "strict". It has fewer things to do. If you go to the bar or a room and get drunk or do something foolish, that has nothing to do with the convention itself.

                        DragonCon is the largest scifi/fantasy convention in the US. It has a gazillion of things to do spread out in 3 hotels. It has the reputation of being a "party con". The atmosphere at Shore Leave is like a family reunion. You have to do a little planning. Creation is strictly business. You pay your money, hear a Q&A, get an autograph and a photo op. No thinking involved.

                        What you get out of a con is up to you. You can quietly attend the many DragonCon events, go to bed a reasonable hour and have a great time. You can get drunk at the hotel bar at a Creation Con and wonder if you enjoyed yourself or not.

                        My kind of guy:
                        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                          Updated list can be found here :

                          Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                            Originally posted by Lys

                            Thanks Lys!


                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                              Thanks Lys!
                              I feel your love Spaz !
                              Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                                Originally posted by qksilver99
                                ooooh! Sel is poking me and she wants to make sure that she gets her picture taken with George and Ruby as she loves their site. Would Ruby allow a tattooed fangrrrrl of a symbiote to get her pic taken with them?


                                grab me that weekend and we'll all get our pics together
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


