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Stargate Fandom Music Videos

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    This is a great Major Lorne vid by my friend Orange Swirl. Even if you're not really interested in Lorne you should check it out just because of the song, it's great!

    Super Trouper vid

    5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


      Originally posted by S.G.C
      Hundereds!!! I only keep the ones that I really like or if I like the music otherwise its bye bye
      Yep same here! I watch a lot of them, but just keep a few that I really like!


        Didn't get a chance to put this up before I left for P1, and didn't have internet access until now, LOL.

        This actually got played at P1, my proudest vidding moment

        STAR TREK: ATLANTIS (right click and save target/link as)

        Song - Star Trekkin' by The Firm
        Edited by - mazzmatazz
        Description - What are you, Captain Kirk?
        Episodes used - Loads of Atlantis. Nothing beyond The Hive though.
        Size - 25.1mb
        Length - 00:03:34
        Format - DivX Avi


          Thank you! IOU green!


            Mazz...tried to rep you for that vid, but it won't let me!!!

            Fantastic vid, and congrats on it getting shown at P1

            One question...who's Dr Weir??
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Hey guys, head on over to this forum where you can put your own vids into your sig, all you have to do is sign up
              Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
              - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                Someone needs to tell Owen that that feature's not new to foruming...I was a member of a trek forum that used to let you post clips...pity it's gone defunct...I can even remember the name
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  Mazz...tried to rep you for that vid, but it won't let me!!!

                  Fantastic vid, and congrats on it getting shown at P1

                  One question...who's Dr Weir??
                  Good question... how about Nurse Chapel?


                    LOL...yup...that's what I was thinking

                    BTW - bumped into John G and some of the SG999 gang and saw the pics from SG10...Looks like you had fun!!!

                    I might be going to SG11...don't know yet.

                    As for vidding...I have about a dozen vid ideas...HELP!!1
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      My vids are going nowhere. I have three that I'm working on right now, 1 SG-1 and two BSG, but I can't find the time to work on them. It's driving me crazy. I was gonna do and SGA vid too to the song "Ride" by The Vines, but then Sci-Fi aired that advertisement for the start of the second half of the season. Would it be copying to go ahead with that idea even though I had it before the commercial aired?

                      "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

                      Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
                      Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


                        Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                        Didn't get a chance to put this up before I left for P1, and didn't have internet access until now, LOL.

                        This actually got played at P1, my proudest vidding moment

                        STAR TREK: ATLANTIS (right click and save target/link as)

                        Song - Star Trekkin' by The Firm
                        Edited by - mazzmatazz
                        Description - What are you, Captain Kirk?
                        Episodes used - Loads of Atlantis. Nothing beyond The Hive though.
                        Size - 25.1mb
                        Length - 00:03:34
                        Format - DivX Avi
                        OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I have wanted to see a vid to that song sing my friend played it to me AND YOU MADE ONE!!

                        AND ITS EXACTLY HOW I IMAGINED IT TO BE!!

                        *squeals and hugs u*

                        Thank you so so so so much!! I LOVE IT!


                          Well, here we go. After weeks of...uh...getting the source material, I finally finished "Enemies", a video about...well, the (major) enemies faced by SG1 during their first 8 years.

                          It's around 6 minutes long, and contains footage from 19 episodes (I think...). It's set to "Neodammerung", the piece of music that played during the Neo vs. Smith fight at the end of The Matrix Revolutions. Coincidentally, it is made by Don Davis. No, not THE Don Davis, another one.

                          The file's pretty big (>20mb), so be warned.

                          Anyway, here it is:




                            Just popped into inform you that MY VIDS are on the move.
                            In case you didn't know I have 12 vids.
                            I was never able to host them all at once on my old site.
                            So I don't know if you had the opportunity to check them all out.
                            Here is the link to Marimba's site. She has generously agreed to host them for me.


                            I have quite the assortment. A variety of Ships vids and of course . . .
                            LOTS OF DANIEL and JACK GOODNESS!!!

                            I have also made a SLASH vid. The folks at JackslashDaniel
                            have generously agreed to host it for me.
                            Here is the link.

                            Feed Back is really appreciated.

                            I am currently workin on a DANIEL/SHA'RE Vid. Hopefully that will be finished soon.
                            Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                              Originally posted by Scarym1
                              I have also made a SLASH vid. The folks at JackslashDaniel
                              have generously agreed to host it for me.
                              Here is the link.
                              Enjoyed this vid, great song I hadn't heard before. Nice work!
                              "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                                Made a new vid!

                                Title: It's a tough job
                                music: nine to five by Dolly Parton
                                Genre: Fun
                                Size: 10 mb


                                I've hosted it with yousendit untill I find a better place to host my vids.

                                Enjoy watching, and please tell me what you think of it!

