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GABIT attendees thread

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    No carols here, but we do have snow! Hoping it sticks and we get a few good inches. Would be awesome to go skiing for the Holidays.


      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      No carols here, but we do have snow! Hoping it sticks and we get a few good inches. Would be awesome to go skiing for the Holidays.
      Sadly no skiing for us this year hubster is grounded with a rehabbing reconstructed knee. Hate reading how much snow is in whistler right now.


        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Long for the days when we had statesmen (and women) and not politicians! :
        We never had statesmen. It's just that nobody's alive who remembers the formation of the country and thus the tales of impropriety are left to historians. What we did have was quotable politicians and better propaganda.

        And yes, I do know it's a red flag that I find reading about the elections of 1800 to be hilarious. I don't remember if it was that one or the second time Jefferson got elected, but I remember reading somewhere that his opponents were so desperate to defeat him, they started spreading the rumor that he was *dead* and thus could not be elected. How audacious is that?

        And why is it that nobody told me history is fun while I was in school? It was all names and dates and dry, boring facts. I start researching it as an adult and find out that it was all much stranger, darker, crazier and so very much more interesting & relevant than anything we covered in school.
        Last edited by Trindajae; 28 November 2011, 10:28 AM.


          Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
          Sadly no skiing for us this year hubster is grounded with a rehabbing reconstructed knee. Hate reading how much snow is in whistler right now.
          Aww, that stinks. My mom has a titanium knee so I can understand the rehab he might need. Sending positive thoughts to both of you; for his rehab and for you when thoughts turn to the slopes.

          I've never been to Canada skiing, only Wisconsin and Michigan. Hardly compare with Whistler I know, but maybe someday. Perhaps we could do a TSE2 during the winter months?

          Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
          And why is it that nobody told me history is fun while I was in school? It was all names and dates and dry, boring facts. I start researching it as an adult and find out that it was all much stranger, darker, crazier and so very much more interesting & relevant than anything we covered in school.
          I absolutely ADORED history in school. Well, lots of US history at least. Some European history still gets the synapses firing as well. Anyways, remembering names and dates was always easy for me and with my wild imagination, I'd make up little stories to go along with all the people from history that we'd learn about. I loved the Civil War and read everything I could get my hands on about it, whether it was fact or fiction. Strangely enough, I can still remember all those key dates and just last week at work the topic of the Louisiana Purchase came up in some very random conversation we had and I totally remembered the logistics of it. It was a proud, geeky moment for me.


            Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
            We never had statesmen. It's just that nobody's alive who remembers the formation of the country and thus the tales of impropriety are left to historians. What we did have was quotable politicians and better propaganda.

            And yes, I do know it's a red flag that I find reading about the elections of 1800 to be hilarious. I don't remember if it was that one or the second time Jefferson got elected, but I remember reading somewhere that his opponents were so desperate to defeat him, they started spreading the rumor that he was *dead* and thus could not be elected. How audacious is that?

            And why is it that nobody told me history is fun while I was in school? It was all names and dates and dry, boring facts. I start researching it as an adult and find out that it was all much stranger, darker, crazier and so very much more interesting & relevant than anything we covered in school.
            I beg to differ with you....I'm not talking about their sexual exploits - that's always been around. I'm talking about people who can calmly discuss issues, compromise some and come up with workable solutions. Something our US Congress has somehow forgotten how to do. Example...they couldn't find anything to agree on to cut the budget so ...the defense budget is now going to have to be cut by 50%....which will put a lot of very good men and women into unemployment (and this has nothing to do about the war - just umemployment at a time where many can't find any work). Large programs cut indescrimately - who knows what that will do to our economy and the poorest among us, and yet the wealthiest among us get to keep their tax cut......bravo to our legislators for their concern and intelligence on doing their job! No wait, they couldn't do their job and that is why it is going to happen!


              You know, they did a 'by the numbers' thing on the news last week. 10-20 years ago, congress was about 30% hard left, 30% hard right and 30% it was relatively easy to compromise.

              but now???? we're 50/50 hard right/hard left.

              and our politicians are so stuck on dogma and 'winning' that they seem unable to do the job, which is to choose the best outcome for the largest number of people.

              As much as I acknowledge that a good chunk of our population are undereducated idiots, I'd almost welcome being a congressperson or senator to be the equivalent of jury duty....we're so deadlocked that even randomly chosen idiots might accomplish more than what we got running this country now.

              These guys are so stuck on 'winning' that they're destroying us. And none of them seem willing to give up on winning until we're past the point of no return.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Governing is the art of compromise - and it's a lost art I'm afraid.


                  compromise and choosing the best for the most, not using your power to cram your opinions and POV on others.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    i thought this was the gabit thread.



                      Nothing kills a conversation more than talk of religion or politics.


                        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                        Nothing kills a conversation more than talk of religion or politics.
                        True, but it is so much fun (and true) to point out just how idiotic and worthless they really are!


                          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                          Aww, that stinks. My mom has a titanium knee so I can understand the rehab he might need. Sending positive thoughts to both of you; for his rehab and for you when thoughts turn to the slopes.

                          I've never been to Canada skiing, only Wisconsin and Michigan. Hardly compare with Whistler I know, but maybe someday. Perhaps we could do a TSE2 during the winter months?

                          I absolutely ADORED history in school. Well, lots of US history at least. Some European history still gets the synapses firing as well. Anyways, remembering names and dates was always easy for me and with my wild imagination, I'd make up little stories to go along with all the people from history that we'd learn about. I loved the Civil War and read everything I could get my hands on about it, whether it was fact or fiction. Strangely enough, I can still remember all those key dates and just last week at work the topic of the Louisiana Purchase came up in some very random conversation we had and I totally remembered the logistics of it. It was a proud, geeky moment for me.
                          For some reason, I've always remembered that the Battle of Hastings was in 1066. Don't know what it was about, but I remember the date.

                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          You know, they did a 'by the numbers' thing on the news last week. 10-20 years ago, congress was about 30% hard left, 30% hard right and 30% it was relatively easy to compromise.

                          but now???? we're 50/50 hard right/hard left.

                          and our politicians are so stuck on dogma and 'winning' that they seem unable to do the job, which is to choose the best outcome for the largest number of people.

                          As much as I acknowledge that a good chunk of our population are undereducated idiots, I'd almost welcome being a congressperson or senator to be the equivalent of jury duty....we're so deadlocked that even randomly chosen idiots might accomplish more than what we got running this country now.

                          These guys are so stuck on 'winning' that they're destroying us. And none of them seem willing to give up on winning until we're past the point of no return.
                          Sad but true.

                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          compromise and choosing the best for the most, not using your power to cram your opinions and POV on others.
                          What happened to "for the people"?

                          Originally posted by llp View Post
                          True, but it is so much fun (and true) to point out just how idiotic and worthless they really are!
                          Yes, voting has become a vote for "the lesser of two evils".
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Today, I bought 12 bricks for the Bricks & Blocks campaign...I hope I did it right by mentioning "Fangirl House" in the comment section. I made 2 purchases - one on behalf of my family - as in hubby, kids & moi...and the other on behalf of the rest of my family including those no longer with us.

                            If I did it wrong, MOB or EH-T, could you please tell me how to let S4K know that I made the contribution for the Bricks & Blocks campaign...cheers.
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              That's right Chelle! I guess it is
                              12/1 in your neck of the woods, isn't it! So, I'll just leave you off tonight's email.

                              If anyone else wants to join the big dec 1
                              Donation, just pm me for deets

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                                That's right Chelle! I guess it is
                                12/1 in your neck of the woods, isn't it! So, I'll just leave you off tonight's email.

                                If anyone else wants to join the big dec 1
                                Donation, just pm me for deets
                                Hahaha...I still got your email. I actually made 2 seperate payments. One for just my in hubby & kids...and the other for the rest of the in the abnormals who come to visit my Sanctuary every now & then...brothers, sisters in law, mum in law, nieces & nephews...and also for family who have since left us for higher plains.
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

