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    but in pork, fork, and cork there is a long O sound, in walk, chalk, and talk there is a short A sound...



      If you are interested in an overseas experience. Look into habitat for Humanity Global Villages. They send teams of volunteers all over the world to build houses. I went to New Zealand about 8 years ago and built a house; nearly finished it too. If I recall we spent a week building the house and about week touring New Zealand. It was a wonderful experience.


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        but in pork, fork, and cork there is a long O sound, in walk, chalk, and talk there is a short A sound...

        Exactly! They don't rhyme in reading or speaking them.....


          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          but in pork, fork, and cork there is a long O sound, in walk, chalk, and talk there is a short A sound...
          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Exactly! They don't rhyme in reading or speaking them.....
          I guess we'll just have to agree to differ and accept that we all speak differently


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            To me, pork rhymes with fork, talk, walk and chalk
            Yes, the English language is both written and spoken many strange ways
            We could always do a comparisson at AT6 for those who can't hear what we hear....I agree with you Jumble, all those words rhyme even if spelt differently.
            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Just came in to say
            WE WANT THE CUP
            that is all.
            What cup?
            Originally posted by starsong101 View Post
            If you are interested in an overseas experience. Look into habitat for Humanity Global Villages. They send teams of volunteers all over the world to build houses. I went to New Zealand about 8 years ago and built a house; nearly finished it too. If I recall we spent a week building the house and about week touring New Zealand. It was a wonderful experience.
            Thank you. I would love to do something like that someday.
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
              We could always do a comparisson at AT6 for those who can't hear what we hear....I agree with you Jumble, all those words rhyme even if spelt differently.
              Thanks Chelle, and yes we should do that


                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                We could always do a comparisson at AT6 for those who can't hear what we hear....I agree with you Jumble, all those words rhyme even if spelt differently.

                What cup?

                Thank you. I would love to do something like that someday.
                Why the Grey Cup of course, for the championship of the Canadian Football League. My team is up against the BC Lions in Vancouver this weekend and I shall be there. I suspect this puts me at odds with the Sanctuary family as they all live in BC. Oh well, I shall send them a nice sympathy card when their team loses. Added bonus: meeting up with family from across the country for the party. My cup runneth over.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  To my ears, block does not sound like talk...block rhymes with clock, tock, & sock but talk rhymes with walk, chalk, & pork.
                  Beer and bear do not sound the same but bear & bare do.
                  I agree with you completely about beer/bear/bare... but pork is just wrong. Talk rhymes with clock, block, tock, sock, walk *AND* chalk. Though I could understand people wiffling about walk and chalk if they're getting really specific because if you listen extremely closely it's sometimes possible to hear the 'l' in "lk". Of course, I've been told I talk funny, so that part might just be me.

                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Just a quick update on the Nepal trip I was hoping to go on in 2013 - it's not what I was hoping for. It's more a trekking adventure but for 2 days out of 16, you get to help plaster/paint the school or help levelling out the playground or play with the kids. I don't mind that part of the trip but I'd rather go straight to that then spend 10 days trekking up the mountain...
                  Here's a different Nepal trip if you find yourself wanting to go the country without the school.


                    Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                    I agree with you completely about beer/bear/bare... but pork is just wrong. Talk rhymes with clock, block, tock, sock, walk *AND* chalk. Though I could understand people wiffling about walk and chalk if they're getting really specific because if you listen extremely closely it's sometimes possible to hear the 'l' in "lk". Of course, I've been told I talk funny, so that part might just be me.
                    I can put on some good Queen, Pink Floyd, U2, Coldplay, Def Leopard or any other band and turn the dial up on my ipod and suddenly I'm singing at the top of my lungs (all in good tune of course ) and I don't even realize they're British with that funny sounding accent anymore.

                    Of course, put on some Tom Petty, Kid Rock or Lynyrd Skynyrd or any other southern rock artist and I notice the twang to my accent right away. Go figure.

                    Linguistics is strangely fascinating!


                      i have just recently gotten into Queen music because i'm learning to play drums and they have a lot of neat drum parts in their songs. i love the drum parts for the song"Jesus" and Bohemian Rhapsody"


                        Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                        i have just recently gotten into Queen music because i'm learning to play drums and they have a lot of neat drum parts in their songs. i love the drum parts for the song"Jesus" and Bohemian Rhapsody"
                        Both are aaamazing songs and well done on picking up an instrument to learn!

                        I've been relearning guitar (whenever I have free time) from when I used to play in highschool these past few months and decided ukulele wasnt a far stretch. So yeah, I'm learning that as well and having a blast with it. I love going to Youtube and finding different tutorials for current songs on the radio to learn to play so I can amaze myself on a regular basis.

                        What do you do when your employer gives you extra hours this week (thankfully taken) though with a start time at 3am and then proceeds as you're ready to go home for the day to give you two gift cards as a thank you for changing up your hours and coming in early? You hug them of course.

                        True story.


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Why the Grey Cup of course, for the championship of the Canadian Football League. My team is up against the BC Lions in Vancouver this weekend and I shall be there. I suspect this puts me at odds with the Sanctuary family as they all live in BC. Oh well, I shall send them a nice sympathy card when their team loses. Added bonus: meeting up with family from across the country for the party. My cup runneth over.
                          Well may the best team win and may it be a great game for all sides.
                          Oh and have fun with the family. xo
                          Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                          I agree with you completely about beer/bear/bare... but pork is just wrong. Talk rhymes with clock, block, tock, sock, walk *AND* chalk. Though I could understand people wiffling about walk and chalk if they're getting really specific because if you listen extremely closely it's sometimes possible to hear the 'l' in "lk". Of course, I've been told I talk funny, so that part might just be me.
                          Here's a different Nepal trip if you find yourself wanting to go the country without the school.
                          Thank you for the link. Have lots to consider.
                          As for the language barrier...I think reading the book at AT6 is a super great idea to really show how diverse our languages are. I love it. I love hearing everyones accents...I think they're awesome. Just saying.
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            but in pork, fork, and cork there is a long O sound, in walk, chalk, and talk there is a short A sound...
                            with an english accent they do all rhyme. americans use the aar sound for the aaalk but british english the alk is pronounced "ork"
                            go figure



                              Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                              with an english accent they do all rhyme. americans use the aar sound for the aaalk but british english the alk is pronounced "ork"
                              go figure

                              With a Scottish accent we roll our 'r's in pork, fork, cork; but don't pronounce an 'r' in walk,chalk and talk.


                                I still say we have a talk off...have the book read by those from different parts of the globe.
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

