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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by AmberMoon View Post
    w00t! Coolness! I love the cold. As long as I have me Magner's Pear Ale in hand, life is good. I'll probably have to go out and buy some thermals though, don't have much use for them in Texas.
    I have to smile at the term "thermals". We call them long johns. Here is the advantage of being Canadian, you always have long johns so you are always ready to travel to London in February.

    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    I was sleeping! Baby needs sleep you know And .... perfect time to loose the subscription to this thread again ... lol.

    But .. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a date!!!!!

    February, that's much sooner than I would've hoped!! Perfect if you ask me

    Cel, a bank transfer should be easy enough. They give you the correct international banknumbers and stuff and you arrange the payment at your bank or online.
    Antoa ... mmm ... I really hope you can work something out with your money.

    Ok ... *goes to read FAQ* with a big smile on my face
    Sleeping through all the big events.

    Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post

    Look out for the wacky Canadian with a Maple Leaf over her face. She's trouble. *nods*
    Hey, I'm the one who talks to every tourist to Canada to keep them on the straight and narrow. Just ask antoa, PengYn and SamJackShipLover.

    Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
    280 total tickets as last time.

    The issue with Credit cards is not the fees and charges so much, I can budget for those, and take it into account. What we couldn't account for was the untimely demise of Michael Jackson.

    The cancellation of his massive world tour has made the credit card companies rather wary of event organisers. We have had to have a very substantial amount of money on deposit with the bank in order to have a cc facility at all. We were assured that as we earned a good rating with the CC company this amount would reduce. Despite having cancellation insurance , running four successful events, never having a chargeback, never claiming on insurance, and having a good standing on our bank accounts for several years, when the facility came up for review they actually demanded an increase in the amount they wanted to hold. We're not talking a few thousand pounds here, we are talking multiple tens of thousands, and the only way to maintain the facility would have been to sign over one of our houses.

    Pay pal is worse. We may be able to use them for the t-shirt sales, but they don't like "advanced service sales". Been there, done that had the hassle.

    For those of you who would have put the tickets on your credit cards and paid it off over time, we can only suggest that you pay for something else on your CC (like your groceries) and pay that off instead.

    It's not an ideal solution for any of us, Transfers and cheques are way more admin for us, but it is the ONLY solution if we are to continue running events... Unless one of wins the lottery!

    Wow. How ridiculous and unfortunate. (I mean the CC company is ridiculous)

    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

    The curling clubs will be open in February
    I hate to break this to you but despite the fact curling was invented in Scotland the UK does not have all that many curling rinks. We may have to do a bit of searching to find one.

    Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
    Alright, so who is prepared to give some curling lessons to a total noob?
    Since my team just won our curling league I guess that qualifies me. Make sure you have your travel insurance in place!
    Last edited by EH-T; 24 March 2010, 11:14 AM.

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
      I'm not certain yet if I'll be in the country February 2011, still good to have a date though

      I do have a really - hope I'm not being dense - question for Julia, Becky, or Mumsey (whichever one gets here first lol) - but I'm confused about the payment method in the faq.


      Does this mean that folks in the UK will not be able to pay by bank transfer? I don't have a cheque book and I know the finance sector is phasing them out here so my bank is unlikely to issue me with one.
      UK residents will, indeed, be able to pay by bank transfer. That option will be available on the registration form.

      Kay G4
      For details of AT10 go to


        Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
        280 total tickets as last time.

        The issue with Credit cards is not the fees and charges so much, I can budget for those, and take it into account. What we couldn't account for was the untimely demise of Michael Jackson.

        The cancellation of his massive world tour has made the credit card companies rather wary of event organisers. We have had to have a very substantial amount of money on deposit with the bank in order to have a cc facility at all. We were assured that as we earned a good rating with the CC company this amount would reduce. Despite having cancellation insurance , running four successful events, never having a chargeback, never claiming on insurance, and having a good standing on our bank accounts for several years, when the facility came up for review they actually demanded an increase in the amount they wanted to hold. We're not talking a few thousand pounds here, we are talking multiple tens of thousands, and the only way to maintain the facility would have been to sign over one of our houses.

        Pay pal is worse. We may be able to use them for the t-shirt sales, but they don't like "advanced service sales". Been there, done that had the hassle.

        For those of you who would have put the tickets on your credit cards and paid it off over time, we can only suggest that you pay for something else on your CC (like your groceries) and pay that off instead.

        It's not an ideal solution for any of us, Transfers and cheques are way more admin for us, but it is the ONLY solution if we are to continue running events... Unless one of wins the lottery!

        Only spoilered because of length!

        It absolutely makes sense and is probably very easy for those in the UK and/or Europe to pay that way. It did, to me being outside the UK and not familiar with your organization (though I will be come August ) , look suspicious that you don't take credit cards as in my world, that's what we all use so I'm very glad for the explanation!
        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
          Alright, so who is prepared to give some curling lessons to a total noob?
          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          Since my team just won our curling league I guess that qualifies me. Make sure you have your travel insurance in place!
          Congrats on winning the league!
          Health insurance? - Check!
          In the meantime I'll practice on the Wii.


            Dates for AT5!!!! Wooohooo!!! One problem... I've already booked my leave dates for the year April 1st 2010 to March 31st 2011. I written a letter to my boss at work to see if it is possible for me to change my dates.

            If not i'll have to consider my options. It might be possible for me to get the dates off but that would be harder because we are now on a rolling rota. I'd need to arrange swops if it is my weekend to work


              From Becky on the gabit forum

              We didn't quite anticipate the number of people who would want to change who they sat with. I mean that in a nice way... I went to AT4 on my own and met so and so and want to sit with them at AT5.... Sociable lot you are!

              Sooooooo, making an executive decision here. We will abandon the draw we did just after AT4. Just pre-reg in your now preferred groups and we'll re-do the draw for the order of seating for the pre-regges in your new groups. That will be easier for us as well as you guys.

              The Remaining general sale tickets will be ordered on time stamp.

              The cocktail party tickets will still be allocated once all the weekend tickets have been paid for. They will be allocated via lottery open to all attendees who have paid by our cut off date.

              Hopefully that will be less confusing for everyone. I'll get the FAQ updated when I can, the webmaster is busy tonight with a book launch!



                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                I think that may kill it for many of us. Plus it's just too soon after SE.
                Yeah, just six months after SE, but I should have enough PTO saved up in that time to take (hopefully) another two weeks to wander Europe again. The monies will have time enough to build up too. Should be fine, but I feel for those who might not be able to swing AT5 this time around.

                Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                I'm down with the direct bank transfer.
                Our credit cards work differently than yours. Whatever you pay with it has to be paid off in full at the beginning of the following months.
                I've seen ads for credit cards lately that seem to be similar to what you guys have i.e. you run up bills and only pay a percentage or a fixed rate each month.
                I wasnt planning on using a credit card to pay for tickets to AT5. That would mean, in a sense, borrowing the money and paying it back later. I only ever use my Visa debit now. The monies come directly from my checking account (hence cash is there for the taking, not borrowed), avoids the paper chase, and is readily usable for online purchases as well. I DO have three regular credit cards, but will only use them in dire predicaments now when the need for funds exceeds what might be in my checking account. I never, ever buy anything unless I know I have the cash for it. If I don't have the money, then I simply just don't need it that badly.

                The bank transfer won't be a problem...other than avoiding sleep either the Friday or Saturday morning for a few hours after work so I can get into my bank to get the process for paying for AT5 rolling.

                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                I do hope that gives me time to get there...not looking too promising. I guess the big question will be how much the flights will be at that time of the much to ponder especially seeings how we just picked up our new car tonight. Damn.

                Thank you Gabit for finally releasing the date!
                Chelle, see the FB post on my wall you commented on (if you havent already).

                *squishy hugs*

                Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL) View Post
                Dates for AT5!!!! Wooohooo!!! One problem... I've already booked my leave dates for the year April 1st 2010 to March 31st 2011. I written a letter to my boss at work to see if it is possible for me to change my dates.

                If not i'll have to consider my options. It might be possible for me to get the dates off but that would be harder because we are now on a rolling rota. I'd need to arrange swops if it is my weekend to work
                Hope your able to change things at work! I think in all this excitement and confusion, it might be the only thing that I'll be left wondering about. February is a much better time for me to take PTO days though as not many people go on holiday then at work as compared to July/August for SE.

                Work is always the bugger.

                So, is it too soon to begin another countdown?


                  Someone on LJ checked into international transfers at a couple big banks and found that the fee ranges from $35-$50. That is a huge chunk of cash! And to have to do it twice if you get a cocktail ticket. You are adding up to $100 to your ticket price (which has also been raised).

                  I understand that the no CC is out of G4's hands, but it's just not fair to be putting it out of reach for people who would have otherwise been able to go if they were able to use a credit card.


                    Originally posted by antoa View Post
                    Someone on LJ checked into international transfers at a couple big banks and found that the fee ranges from $35-$50. That is a huge chunk of cash! And to have to do it twice if you get a cocktail ticket. You are adding up to $100 to your ticket price (which has also been raised).

                    I understand that the no CC is out of G4's hands, but it's just not fair to be putting it out of reach for people who would have otherwise been able to go if they were able to use a credit card.

                    Maybe people can find someone they trust in the UK to buy the ticket (avoiding the exchange fee) and then send the money via paypal? I've done that before and it worked out quite well.
                    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                      From Becky on the gabit forum
                      Ah thanks for that! Great news!

                      Does this mean we have to pay all together like we did for AT4 or can we pay separately but just indicate which people we choose to sit with on our form (of those preregistered, that is)?


                        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                        UK residents will, indeed, be able to pay by bank transfer. That option will be available on the registration form.

                        Kay G4
                        Thanks for the clarification, Mumsey!!

                        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                        Maybe people can find someone they trust in the UK to buy the ticket (avoiding the exchange fee) and then send the money via paypal? I've done that before and it worked out quite well.
                        That's not a bad idea...especially if you really can't afford to be out of pocket those transfer fees. The only thing one would need to bear in mind is that paypal takes 4-5 working days to transfer money from that account to your actual bank account. Just to make sure that your UK trustee has those funds in plenty of time.


                          Saw Mal had posted and (before I read it) thought she was starting a really early countdown.

                          As is always the way with these events, the date is going to work for some but not others. Unfortunate as well that the crazy credit card companies have made life more difficult for some because of their unreasonable rules. So while it is fun to have more activity on the thread, I'm sorry to see a fair amount of it is related to concerns folks have over their ability to attend and/or pay.

                          For those of us who used to pay with credit cards, we were charged the exchange rate as well as a fee by the cc company (check your agreements to see how much the cc company adds on for foreign exchange) so the fees may or may not be more, they may just be more transparent. Also, check with your particular bank/branch. I learned many years ago that banks don't treat all customers equally so you may be able to get around the usual fees. Depends on the type of account and your relationship with the bank.

                          There are lots of disadvantages to being self-employed (one of which is my boss is a slave-driver ) but one of the advantages is the ability to take holidays whenever you want provided you have sufficient notice.

                          Fingers crossed that everyone's holiday/money situations can be worked out.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                            Alright, so who is prepared to give some curling lessons to a total noob?
                            I can! I'm currently going through a 6 week development league and will be more than happy to share my knowledge. Of course, Eh-T will be the "master" curler to ask questions of, her team won their league this year


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              I hate to break this to you but despite the fact curling was invented in Scotland the UK does not have all that many curling rinks. We may have to do a bit of searching to find one.
                              I'm sure we can find something. If nothing else, then we could set up a "sheet" in the lobby and curl there Maybe come up with a game "Curling for Kids" where we could raise some money for the charity and everybody could toss a stone or two.

                              For years, I've been mapping out a golf/whisky/woolen mill tour of Scotland. Now I can add curling to the list What better place to curl than where it all started.

                              Thank you to the G4 for all of your had work setting this event up. I know there will be bumps along the way for some people, but without your tireless efforts, this entire event wouldn't exist. So, thank you for all that you do.


                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                I'm sure we can find something. If nothing else, then we could set up a "sheet" in the lobby and curl there Maybe come up with a game "Curling for Kids" where we could raise some money for the charity and everybody could toss a stone or two.
                                I'm sure throwing stones in the lobby will be a big "hit" with the Ren.

                                Actually, I recall getting a little plastic sheet and little rocks with ball bearings from a friend one year. Wonder if i still have that somewhere? We could play table top curling.

                                For years, I've been mapping out a golf/whisky/woolen mill tour of Scotland. Now I can add curling to the list What better place to curl than where it all started.
                                How about the place where they care the most about it?

                                Thank you to the G4 for all of your had work setting this event up. I know there will be bumps along the way for some people, but without your tireless efforts, this entire event wouldn't exist. So, thank you for all that you do.

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

