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    Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
    okay I have a question... By my calculation it' only 204 days to AT4....

    today is the 23rd April. there are 7 days left in April
    May=31 RT(running total)=38
    June=30 RT=68
    July=31 RT=99
    August =31 RT=130
    Septmber =30 RT 160
    October =31 RT 191
    AT4 starts 13th November so 13 + 191=204....

    My excel spreadsheet calculates it at 204 too....
    204/7 = 29 weeks and one day
    i'm just saying....


    Argh!!!! STOP IT!!! You're just encouraging them!!! You know I'm pouring over the AT4 schedule at the moment and it's doing my head in....rubix cubes...human jigsaw puzzles...and you're reminding me how little the time is that I have left!!!!!

    To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


      Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
      Argh!!!! STOP IT!!! You're just encouraging them!!! You know I'm pouring over the AT4 schedule at the moment and it's doing my head in....rubix cubes...human jigsaw puzzles...and you're reminding me how little the time is that I have left!!!!!


      tick....tock....tick....tock...tick............................................. ........


        204 matches the countdown on my phone
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
          Argh!!!! STOP IT!!! You're just encouraging them!!! You know I'm pouring over the AT4 schedule at the moment and it's doing my head in....rubix cubes...human jigsaw puzzles...and you're reminding me how little the time is that I have left!!!!!
          Speaking of Rubix cubes...there was a guy on the train today who had this really screwed up cube and I watched him in the space of 4 stops get that cube back to normal...only to muss it up again and re fix it before his final destination...which was far from mine!!!! Clever little dick he was/is!!!

          So had Mal got the figures wrong then??Are we actually closer than we think??? Sweet!! I think.

          I got a message today from Amanda!! Seriously. I'll link it as soon as I can get it from my source. And I got one from Christopher Heyerdahl, Ryan Robbins and Emilie Ullerup!! I'm so lucky and blessed to have the friends I do who go out of their way to do this for me. I can't wait to share it but currently we're having technical difficulties!! We're working on the problem!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


   with fingers crossed this works...I hope you don't mind me sharing just makes me go all...gooey...for lack of a better word!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!

              Nice to get the figures correct That is the biggest problem with doing a countdown. Thanks Becky


                Hey all

                ChelleDB.... Wow! and again Wow! What a great message and wonderful friends!! And, also (as usual) I am consistently A+M+A+Z+E+D at just how kind and thoughtful AT really is.... well done all involved!!

                With regard to the countdown....let me just dust off this abacus...hang on a mo'.....

                Best to all


                PS: Chelle: great questions over at JM's blog for PDL! nice!
                "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                Sara O' Neill's father;
                COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                  Originally posted by Shirt'n'Tie View Post
                  Hey all
                  ChelleDB.... Wow! and again Wow! What a great message and wonderful friends!! And, also (as usual) I am consistently A+M+A+Z+E+D at just how kind and thoughtful AT really is.... well done all involved!!
                  With regard to the countdown....let me just dust off this abacus...hang on a mo'.....
                  Best to all
                  PS: Chelle: great questions over at JM's blog for PDL! nice!
                  Thank you. I'm not really good at asking intelligent questions. I'm going to start writing down some things for October and November for when I meet Amanda.
                  I'm glad though that PDL answered my questions. I wasn't so sure he would. He did a good job though. I do adore him!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
           with fingers crossed this works...I hope you don't mind me sharing just makes me go all...gooey...for lack of a better word!
                    OMG *squeeee's like a mad thing* Chelle that's so cool!!!

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                      Argh!!!! STOP IT!!! You're just encouraging them!!! You know I'm pouring over the AT4 schedule at the moment and it's doing my head in....rubix cubes...human jigsaw puzzles...and you're reminding me how little the time is that I have left!!!!!


                      Are we THERE yet?!?!?!


                      Julia, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the AT4 signature you have. I would love to drool over it on my desktop daily until AT4. Any chance of securing a full-sized version? Pretty please. With extra minutes and helping hands on top?
                      Welcome to MY life!


                        Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!


                          ....hang on...carry the one....divide by....



                          PS: Can't belive April is almost over? Where is this year going??
                          "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                          Sara O' Neill's father;
                          COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                            Originally posted by Shirt'n'Tie View Post

                            PS: Can't belive April is almost over? Where is this year going??
                            Away Day by Day
                            My View From The Peanut Gallery


                              Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                              Away Day by Day
                              Cheeky Monkey!

                              You know, I really wasn't thinking of this event before because I had the Vancouver con happening (not to mention the fabulous Sanctuary set tour) but now I find I'm checking this thread regularly. Wouldn't say I'm excited quite yet, still a long way off (well, except for poor Julia ) but I'm gettin' there.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Cheeky Monkey!

                                You know, I really wasn't thinking of this event before because I had the Vancouver con happening (not to mention the fabulous Sanctuary set tour) but now I find I'm checking this thread regularly. Wouldn't say I'm excited quite yet, still a long way off (well, except for poor Julia ) but I'm gettin' there.
                                I can't stop bouncing, I'm so excited!!! *bounces* I wish November would come quicker. (Julia, pretend you haven't read that last bit OK. Hehe!)

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

