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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL) View Post
    Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's a YEAR!!!!!
    One whole year!!!!!

    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      It's a YEAR!!!!!
      One whole year!!!!!

      *does the one year party dance*

      This time next year....
      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
      My Fanfic~My Femslash


        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
        It's a YEAR!!!!!
        One whole year!!!!!

        YAY!!! *does wheel spins*

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          It's a YEAR!!!!!
          One whole year!!!!!

          Okay, I suppose I can also say it's officially one year now too lol.

          I threw out that frickin 368 day calendar btw as well.


            Howdy all - just dropping in to assure you that yes, I am still alive!
            Let the cheering (or renewed plotting) begin again! LOL...

            To catch up ...
            1) If any volunteering is required, I'm so there Especially if chocolate and/or bluey goodness is involved. Although I suppose those were kind of a given after AT3 - but whatever, my volunteeringness is now official ... or something like that *bounces in anticipation*
            2) Y'all do some funny maths ... but I *love* the knuckles and valleys thing! I just showed it to my mom (who'd never heard of it before either) - verrrrry cool (Yes, I'm easily amused. As is my mom, apparently. What can I say - it's a family thing! Moving on...)
            3) Alcohol is often at the root of all funky maths and/or sciences. That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it! Of course, that theory might have possibly been born at one of the many study groups and/or staff *ahem* meetings held in the various local pubs, but that's beside the point! *grin*

            In potentially slightly less amusing news:
            I have thus far avoided all the layoffs at my current main job. As far as I know unofficially, I will be employed until the first week of January. Officially ... I know nothing, and neither does my boss. So the plan as it stands is that if I am still employed come January, I'm going ahead on my plans to attend AT4 in all its glory. Yay! If, however, I'm not ... then those plans go on hold. I'd already pretty much decided that a charmed pass was out for this time around, so really it'll be the location of my seat that's most affected by purchasing my pass later in the year, right? And let's face it - there isn't a bad seat to be had so ... yeah. My RL's a wee bit stressful atm, can you tell? Then again to be fair, whenever is RL *not* stressful? But then I manage to make a bit of time to pop in here and catch up on the goings-on with all y'all, and I feel better again! So it's all good, relatively speaking

            (Going to try this again - when I tried to post this last night, the internet died. D'oh )

            Edit to add in copious amounts of one-year-to-go-happy-dances! LOL
            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
            ames on facebook
            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


              Originally posted by ames View Post
              In potentially slightly less amusing news:
              I have thus far avoided all the layoffs at my current main job. As far as I know unofficially, I will be employed until the first week of January. Officially ... I know nothing, and neither does my boss. So the plan as it stands is that if I am still employed come January, I'm going ahead on my plans to attend AT4 in all its glory. Yay! If, however, I'm not ... then those plans go on hold. I'd already pretty much decided that a charmed pass was out for this time around, so really it'll be the location of my seat that's most affected by purchasing my pass later in the year, right? And let's face it - there isn't a bad seat to be had so ... yeah. My RL's a wee bit stressful atm, can you tell? Then again to be fair, whenever is RL *not* stressful? But then I manage to make a bit of time to pop in here and catch up on the goings-on with all y'all, and I feel better again! So it's all good, relatively speaking
              Your not alone. I'm going through a bit of stress myself related to jobs and layoffs. Stupid economy. This is the second 'witch hunt' I've been through were management does a sweep through the work force deciding who to cut and who to keep.

              I'll definitely still be going to AT4 though. Thank goodness for monetary cushions. Ames, I'll be crossing my fingers for you that you remain employed till January like you hope and getting any kind of a ticket for AT4 is still good. Titi, Lies and I had the very last row for AT3 and it wasn't bad at all. When people got a bit in the way, we just clambered up onto our knees and watched from a very unique advantage point.


                Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL) View Post
                Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!


                  So, lots to celebrate today. One year to AT4 and the renewal of Sanctuary. Based on the fact there are to be 13 more episodes (although would have loved more) there should be no conflicts for AT4.

                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  Howdy all - just dropping in to assure you that yes, I am still alive!
                  Let the cheering (or renewed plotting) begin again! LOL...

                  To catch up ...
                  1) If any volunteering is required, I'm so there Especially if chocolate and/or bluey goodness is involved. Although I suppose those were kind of a given after AT3 - but whatever, my volunteeringness is now official ... or something like that *bounces in anticipation*
                  2) Y'all do some funny maths ... but I *love* the knuckles and valleys thing! I just showed it to my mom (who'd never heard of it before either) - verrrrry cool (Yes, I'm easily amused. As is my mom, apparently. What can I say - it's a family thing! Moving on...)
                  3) Alcohol is often at the root of all funky maths and/or sciences. That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it! Of course, that theory might have possibly been born at one of the many study groups and/or staff *ahem* meetings held in the various local pubs, but that's beside the point! *grin*

                  In potentially slightly less amusing news:
                  I have thus far avoided all the layoffs at my current main job. As far as I know unofficially, I will be employed until the first week of January. Officially ... I know nothing, and neither does my boss. So the plan as it stands is that if I am still employed come January, I'm going ahead on my plans to attend AT4 in all its glory. Yay! If, however, I'm not ... then those plans go on hold. I'd already pretty much decided that a charmed pass was out for this time around, so really it'll be the location of my seat that's most affected by purchasing my pass later in the year, right? And let's face it - there isn't a bad seat to be had so ... yeah. My RL's a wee bit stressful atm, can you tell? Then again to be fair, whenever is RL *not* stressful? But then I manage to make a bit of time to pop in here and catch up on the goings-on with all y'all, and I feel better again! So it's all good, relatively speaking

                  (Going to try this again - when I tried to post this last night, the internet died. D'oh )

                  Edit to add in copious amounts of one-year-to-go-happy-dances! LOL
                  More reason to celebrate, Ames is alive!

                  As for the spoiler stuff ((hugs)) and fingers crossed.

                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                  Your not alone. I'm going through a bit of stress myself related to jobs and layoffs. Stupid economy. This is the second 'witch hunt' I've been through were management does a sweep through the work force deciding who to cut and who to keep.

                  I'll definitely still be going to AT4 though. Thank goodness for monetary cushions. Ames, I'll be crossing my fingers for you that you remain employed till January like you hope and getting any kind of a ticket for AT4 is still good. Titi, Lies and I had the very last row for AT3 and it wasn't bad at all. When people got a bit in the way, we just clambered up onto our knees and watched from a very unique advantage point.
                  ((Hugs)) and fingers crossed for you too Cel.
                  Last edited by EH-T; 13 November 2008, 03:06 PM.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Just popping in to say that the FAQ for AT4 is on the GABIT website as of tonight, giving details of the ticket prices, how to get tickets etc. Also new pictures of the Renaissance and its newly refurbished lobby for you all to see.

                    To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                      I have a paranoid observation/question. According to the FAQ, you won't be put into the queue for a charmed pass until you are taken to the payment section of the registration. Wouldn't this put those buying for multiple people at a distinct disadvantage since they will have to enter multiple people's information?

                      I had been planning on registering myself as well as my 'penciled in roomie' so that we could sit together in the hall, but if this is the case, then I think it would be better for us to just buy our tickets separately so that we will have a better chance at attending the cocktail party.

                      Yes, I am paranoid.


                        Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                        Just popping in to say that the FAQ for AT4 is on the GABIT website as of tonight, giving details of the ticket prices, how to get tickets etc. Also new pictures of the Renaissance and its newly refurbished lobby for you all to see.

                        Thanks so much for the head's up.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by antoa View Post
                          I have a paranoid observation/question. According to the FAQ, you won't be put into the queue for a charmed pass until you are taken to the payment section of the registration. Wouldn't this put those buying for multiple people at a distinct disadvantage since they will have to enter multiple people's information?

                          I had been planning on registering myself as well as my 'penciled in roomie' so that we could sit together in the hall, but if this is the case, then I think it would be better for us to just buy our tickets separately so that we will have a better chance at attending the cocktail party.

                          Yes, I am paranoid.

                          Will check with tech guru as to when exactly the tickets gets "taken off the available database" But I think you don't "get in the queue" until you finally hit the submit button as otherwise we would have too many false applications. I will check and get back to you.

                          Having all the information in a word or other document ready to cut and paste will save you time also.

                          Best Wishes


                            Yay ... thanks for the info!! It's all pretty clear! And the hotel looks very nice.

                            I have 2 questions.
                            Phonenumbers: I guess that have to be the international ones?
                            Country: do you have to type it, or is there a list too choose from? If there's list, is it alphabetically? And because obviously I want to register as fast as possible: do you know how the netherlands will be listed? Cause I've seen it as: Netherlands / The Netherlands or Holland. So yeah, I don't want to spend a minute finding my country.

                            I do like the system of purchasing tickets though. Of course it takes a while to find out if you got a charmed pass, but at least there's no stress with the payment etc.


                              Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!


                                Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                                Just popping in to say that the FAQ for AT4 is on the GABIT website as of tonight, giving details of the ticket prices, how to get tickets etc. Also new pictures of the Renaissance and its newly refurbished lobby for you all to see.

                                Oh yay that's awesome
                                I would like to pay by money transfer just like previous years, cause we don't have a credit card. Do you want me to send a mail, or is it okay to just post it here?

