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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
    We all missed you Feli.

    In fact... I believe I took a pic on dipsofjazz's camera of her using a big green *paddle* on Kamil in your honor.....

    ROFL! And poor Kamil probably didn't know what hit him...

    Can't wait to see the photo! *looks expectantly at Bev*


      Originally posted by t_2 View Post
      I did!! I even asked where you were to Julia and Sue who informed me it was your wedding anniversary. It was mine also and my husband drove up to surprise me with flowers Saturday morning!
      Oh, that was so sweet of him! I admit I couldn't have asked my hubs to fly all the way to England just for that - he could have appreciated the "sacrifice" I made by not going to AT3 a little bit more though. But somehow my argument that we could celebrate our anniversary on any other weekend just as well didn't go over so well...


        You should have dragged him along with you, lol.

        You were well missed Feli, hopefully we'll se you at AT4!

        AT4- coming in 2009

        'Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.' - General MacArthur


          Originally posted by Kelspook View Post
          You should have dragged him along with you, lol.
          He would have come along. And that's exactly why I didn't suggest it...


            Originally posted by Feli View Post
            He would have come along. And that's exactly why I didn't suggest it...

            I bet he is a nice guy, you should have brought him.


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

              Ambermoon is here with me
              We're sitting drinking lots of tea
              I think I'm stuck with her, you see
              She followed me home from AT3!

              The Gabit crew did it again -
              A brilliant weekend at the Ren
              Was had by all, we had such fun
              Now I am sad as it's all done.

              My thanks must go to the G4
              For doing such a great job once more
              I raise a glass and give a cheer
              And hope to see you all next year.

              Lovely, Bev! Your poem is great, the event was great, G4 (once again) did a GREAT job, the staff were great, Amanda was GREAT (as usual), greeting old friends and meeting new friends was great, being in London was great ... just sorry that I missed out on the Samanda group shot. Next time, eh?

              THANK YOU JuliaR and Kay and Becks and huggable John for all your hard work - it's always a labour of love with you guys. Kudos!

              Here is a link which resonates with what we all shared this past weekend ... until we meet again ... enjoy!


              Last edited by ChopinGal; 07 May 2008, 04:10 AM.


                Well, having had two sleeps since staggering home, I still haven't had a proper chance to just sit and chill, but I'm getting there! Chaos Central has spread over half the house, but I will tame it! I WILL! So there!

                I want to say my personal thankyous to all you folk who travelled from near and far to take part in our little party weekend. As you can imagine, they are not easy to put together, and we do sometimes get to wonder why we put ourselves through it - then we see your happy faces and read your stories afterward - and we know!

                Amanda's fans are the best we have come across in fandom! They share and spread the love (as Amanda herself said) and it sustains us. She is such a remarkable woman who gives everything she has, and she thoroughly deserves the love she gets back.

                I also want to thank those of you who contributed charms to Sky's 'secret project'. That was such a sweet surprise and elicited (almost) the only close shave I had with tears - apart from coming out in sympathy with Amanda at the closing ceremony. They are beautiful and will be a constant memory of the friends I have made here and on Samanda.

                I love you all.

                ((((Mega Mumsey hugs))))
                For details of AT10 go to


                  So, can anyone share a picture of the AT3 shirts?



                    Originally posted by Feli View Post
                    ROFL! And poor Kamil probably didn't know what hit him...

                    Can't wait to see the photo! *looks expectantly at Bev*
                    LOL! It took a bit of a quick explanation to describe exactly what Feli's paddle was used for and why, but Kamil appeared to be a willing participant!

                    (((Feli))) ((((Kamil)))) (((Bev)))

                    Also... thanks to AmberMoon's generosity for allowing me to borrow her nice Sony SLR during some of Amanda's talks, I've a few pix to share....

                    (Full size pix are 600pixels high - click on the individual pic to get full res.)

                    *hugs to all*

                    (Back to the real world now...)
                    Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 07 May 2008, 08:18 AM.
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by sclairef99 View Post
                      So, can anyone share a picture of the AT3 shirts?

                      The T-shirts were black (either fitted or loose). In the true spirit of Samanda a friend of mine actually surprised me by getting me a shirt alongside her own because she knew that at the time of ordering I didn't think I'd have the extra money. Rather funnily (because my friend had booked the shirts in my name 'cause I live in the UK) I went up to the table and sort of yelled "Shirt!" and the woman behind it (I think it was Tracey ) jokingly said "Don't you swear at me". lol.

                      Anyway here's a close up of the shirts label:



                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                        Ambermoon is here with me
                        We're sitting drinking lots of tea
                        I think I'm stuck with her, you see
                        She followed me home from AT3!

                        The Gabit crew did it again -
                        A brilliant weekend at the Ren
                        Was had by all, we had such fun
                        Now I am sad as it's all done.

                        My thanks must go to the G4
                        For doing such a great job once more
                        I raise a glass and give a cheer
                        And hope to see you all next year.

                        Keep that woman in line, Bev!

                        Just wanted to send a huge thanks to the G4 and everyone involved with AT3. I have to admit with all the remodeling the vibe at the con was a little off for me this year. I really missed being able to sit down in the lobby and giving a shout out to everyone who passed by. Part of the fun at past events was just being able to hang out with everyone and unfortunately this year we were forced to spread out a tad more than expected so it was quite challenging hooking up with friends at times.

                        But despite the inconveniences, the G4 and Amanda provided a wonderful experience once again. Y'all are great!

                        I'm really sorry I never made it to the chocolate/pb/jello tasting, but sadly I got overly excited at the cocktail party on Friday night and mistakenly thought I could keep up with my fellow tablemates in the drinking category. Not a good idea. I should have just stuck with the cider/beer that they were drinking.

                        Lesson learned...

                        Bailey's, Cider and Tequila do not mix well.

                        Needless to say, I spent most of Saturday in bed -- only leaving it to moan quietly to myself during the Q&A sessions and to have my photo taken with Amanda.

                        Second lesson learned ---

                        Blood shot eyes with dark circles under them are not very becoming.

                        Thankfully, Amanda was as witty and entertaining as always and everyone else was fantabulous. It was great hanging with all my buds, chatting with past Gabit attendees as well as meeting all the new peeps -- Julia and Erin especially.

                        I'd raise a glass to the G4 for a job well done, unfortuantely I've given up alcohol for a while -- so hopefully a big, heart-felt thank you will have to do.



                          Hahaha... Kat... you should try half a bottle of gin. Straight. No mixers. On an empty stomach.

                          If you by any chance ran into me either saturday night or before 4pm on Sunday, it may explain a few things.

                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Oh dear. I'm just starting to realise how many people I actually missed out on meeting. Between here and livejournal there's a fair few people I just didn't run into.


                              maybe there's some sort of 'meet others' thing that can be done.

                              for example, for me, i didn't even try to go to the disco cause it started so late. 930 at night and i'm in my jammies

                              but maybe there'd be some sort of 'who is this' thing that can happen

                              I also think that a message board would be helpful. Just a cork board with index cards where folks can leave notes for others. we couild have posted about the jello tasting there and people could have seen it.

                              It might also be helful if the names were bigger. the print was so tiny you couldn't grab a peek to who you were passing by without bending down adn squinting
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                lmao Eve!! The stargate song is hilarious
                                Great pics!!!!

