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GABIT attendees thread

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    i put a few pics up on LJ
    here's a few of my pics

    and of our samanda fun
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      i put a few pics up on LJ
      here's a few of my pics

      and of our samanda fun
      aww thanks for the pic of the group Samandans!!! my picture of that came out blurry, would you mind if I snag it?

      I just went through my pics and there are some good ones in it but not of the Q&A cause I was a bit to far away but still they are good


        feel free.

        y'all are welcome to snurch what you like, just don't go spamming it all over the place and please remember that you can 'indefinitely borrow' the pics, but they're not yours

        Just remember where they came from and please be responsible with where you post them
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by ames View Post
          It was absolutely AMAZING!!!

          We've already started planning what to do for AT4 (blue jello tasting session MUST happen again ... but next time I need to source out empty fridge space earlier, so I can make more ... b/c apparently 5 boxes wasn't nearly enough of the bluey goodness I think the international chocolate tasting session needs to be a definite repeat as well Yes, I have pictures of both of those, plus the PB tasting session as well... to be posted at a later date - see earlier excuse.)
          Sorry I didn't make it to either happenin'. By the time I got there, it was all over Next time, maybe!

          Originally posted by ames View Post
          Oh, apologies to anyone who didn't believe I was quite so ... um, animated in RL. Or so chatty ... (bouncy!!!) or so ... well ... me and for anyone who hasn't heard the outcome - I found my lanyard and pins again, so it's all good!
          I have only ever heard one other person talk so fast, and that was Shanks. Is this a Canadian thing - eh?

          I am so pleased you found your lanyard. I know you were very sad about losing it.

          (only just beginning to try and catch up)
          For details of AT10 go to


            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
            lol. But, but, Mal IS the countdown. We'd be lost without her guidance! We'll give her a day or so and then start pokin' her in the ribs...

            Hold the pokes! You need a date first

            (Needing a breather before we start again!)
            For details of AT10 go to


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i put a few pics up on LJ
              here's a few of my pics

              and of our samanda fun
              I'm snurching as well. Thanks. Many of my pics of Amanda on stage were a bit too far out to really get a nice close up so these will be great reminders of an awesome time we had that weekend.

              Loved the group shot from the chocolate party too. If I'd of known we were doing a Samanda pic op I would have stuck around even if I wasnt joining in on the taste testing. *shrug* Darn jet lag.

              I wanted to thank the entire Gabit staff too on such a well planned out and organized time spent this weekend with Amanda. I have absolutely no complaints whatsoever and can't wait for you all to recover, recoup and announce the date for the next one.


                Originally posted by sofie View Post
                That was a great report Megyn!!!! So true

                I was just wondering what was the song playing during the slideshow of the pics of Amanda at AT3? I asked Becki, but forgot what she said lol
                It was Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up" which incidently started playing on my ipod while I was walking home yesterday. It was warm and sunny outside so my eyes were hidden by sunglasses , but out came the tears again.

                I just got back from the Jack the Ripper walk with ten others - most of whom are fellow Samandans. It was great to see them one last time before they all head home.


                  Had a smashing time!
                  Thank you G4 and staff for making it so much fun again

                  P.S. I'm enjoying my stay in Edinburgh! Drinking numerous cups of delish Scottish tea with my delightful friend dipsofjazz.
                  P.S.S. Hey Scari, you won't believe the name of the captain on the flight to Edinburgh........your hero..........Capt Jack Sparrow!


                    Ambermoon is here with me
                    We're sitting drinking lots of tea
                    I think I'm stuck with her, you see
                    She followed me home from AT3!

                    The Gabit crew did it again -
                    A brilliant weekend at the Ren
                    Was had by all, we had such fun
                    Now I am sad as it's all done.

                    My thanks must go to the G4
                    For doing such a great job once more
                    I raise a glass and give a cheer
                    And hope to see you all next year.



                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                      Ambermoon is here with me
                      We're sitting drinking lots of tea
                      I think I'm stuck with her, you see
                      She followed me home from AT3!

                      The Gabit crew did it again -
                      A brilliant weekend at the Ren
                      Was had by all, we had such fun
                      Now I am sad as it's all done.

                      My thanks must go to the G4
                      For doing such a great job once more
                      I raise a glass and give a cheer
                      And hope to see you all next year.

                      Very nice song!!!


                        Cross posted from the Samandan thread:

                        OK, here the few that I uploaded. Clicky to embiggen.



                          as to the chocolate and jello, i know it wasn't totally planned, but i think folks were kinda counting on just doing it in the lobby, where people could pass by rather than using the room.

                          the marlboro room was a fantastic place, it was just out of the way

                          Maybe if Ames or someone who's coming wants to take command of the food fun they can state a time and place (although teh lobby dang well better be completed by then so it can be back to the convo pit set up)

                          for everyone that enjoyed the jello, thanks are due to Mumsy who scared up the cups and spoons for us.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                            Ambermoon is here with me
                            We're sitting drinking lots of tea
                            I think I'm stuck with her, you see
                            She followed me home from AT3!

                            The Gabit crew did it again -
                            A brilliant weekend at the Ren
                            Was had by all, we had such fun
                            Now I am sad as it's all done.

                            My thanks must go to the G4
                            For doing such a great job once more
                            I raise a glass and give a cheer
                            And hope to see you all next year.

                            Awesome poem!

                            Had a fantastic time meeting the folks I got to meet and wish I would have had a chance to chat with more. I know there are still many for which I need to put faces to names.

                            Sorry, I didn't bring my PB to the party. I brought it with me to the UK, but had already made dinner plans for after the closing and we were all starving. How did the tasting go? Was there an overall winner?
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                              It was Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up" which incidently started playing on my ipod while I was walking home yesterday. It was warm and sunny outside so my eyes were hidden by sunglasses , but out came the tears again.

                              I just got back from the Jack the Ripper walk with ten others - most of whom are fellow Samandans. It was great to see them one last time before they all head home.
                              I love You Raise Me Up, I'm not a huge fan of Josh Groban's version, but I have other versions on my ipod and got all choked up when it was playing.

                              Glad the ripper walk was fun! And nice to know the Samandan fun is continuing.

                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                              Ambermoon is here with me
                              We're sitting drinking lots of tea
                              I think I'm stuck with her, you see
                              She followed me home from AT3!

                              The Gabit crew did it again -
                              A brilliant weekend at the Ren
                              Was had by all, we had such fun
                              Now I am sad as it's all done.

                              My thanks must go to the G4
                              For doing such a great job once more
                              I raise a glass and give a cheer
                              And hope to see you all next year.

                              Hahaha...beautifully put! And yes...definately next year...three days less to count down to the mystery date!

                              Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                              Cross posted from the Samandan thread:

                              OK, here the few that I uploaded. Clicky to embiggen.


                              the pretty...the pretty

                              I'm loving everyones pictures...they keep making me smile and bring back a little bit of that AT weekend buzz. Best way to keep the post-con blues at bay.
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                                Ambermoon is here with me
                                We're sitting drinking lots of tea
                                I think I'm stuck with her, you see
                                She followed me home from AT3!

                                The Gabit crew did it again -
                                A brilliant weekend at the Ren
                                Was had by all, we had such fun
                                Now I am sad as it's all done.

                                My thanks must go to the G4
                                For doing such a great job once more
                                I raise a glass and give a cheer
                                And hope to see you all next year.

                                Bev *hugs* great ditty!
                                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                                Cross posted from the Samandan thread:

                                OK, here the few that I uploaded. Clicky to embiggen.


                                Great pics Amanda! Thanks for sharing

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

