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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
    I'm also going to make AT3...thanks to Celandine *g*

    At first I didn't think I could make it cos I was going to be in Colorado until May 10th, but USCIS removed the ten days grace from my Visa so I get kicked out of the country on the 30th April....then I decided to go to GC in vancouver so didn't think I could afford it...but turns out I have a fairy godmother who grants wishes...known as Cel who rocks my penguin covered socks!

    And Eve says I can crash her room...she also rocks...but a different pair of socks.

    So all I have to do is get down there, speaking of which is anyone heading down from the north of England that I could travel with? I'll chip in for petrol money naturally if anyone is coming by car....or just meeting up on the same train or bus...I just like company is all

    *bounces excitedly around the room and scares her room mates*

    And on another family are going to slap me lol...I get home on the 28th April after not seeing them for six months and then sod off to come out with you guys for the first few days of May *g*

    *continues bouncing*
    Great to hear you are both coming!

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      32 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



        My little bird has just informed me that, remember our messages from last month or so????

        They made it to Vancouver and Amanda said 'Thank You'


        Thanks to every one that helped us create a lovely 50+ page collection of encouraging words
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Ahh just found out that I get three days excused leave from dealer school. Yay!

          I'm thinking now of flying out Friday morning and returning on Monday. *bounce* Wouldn't want to miss a moment of such an unplanned, spur-of-the-moment whirlwind weekend.


            *pings round thread some more*

            okay I have so many sensible and real life things to think about between now and then (moving 5000 miles home for starters) but I really can't do anything but ping with excitement.
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              31 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Ok! Planning for AT3 has come into full swing now! I'm soooooooooo excited!

                Hubs and i have to book the flight still, but I'm going to try to get that done today. We are going to come in on Thursday and then stay post AT3 for sight seeing.

                Where can I find the itinerary for the weekend? I'd like to get a grip on what I'm doing and how much $$ I need to stow away for auctions and stuff like that...What's this about the charity tea...I missed that...

       to bounce around the house!!!


                P.S. Bev, will I finally get to meet you this time? I missed you at Avalon!


                  i'm sure the itinerary will be up as soon as julia's done tweaking it

                  GENERALLY speaking, plan on

                  a panel in the am, let's say 8-10
                  photo/auto 10-noon
                  lunch until 1 or 130
                  panel 130-330
                  photo/auto 330-5
                  dinner break
                  activities fri and sat pm i believe

                  Just going by memory from last year. it's a very easy schedule and there's no 'double booking' of time....meaning you won't be waiting for you auto and miss anything on stage cause...well the person signing your auto would also be on stage

                  there is also limited standing in line or any of that stuff

                  and with 300 or less people, it's easy crowd control. no horrible crushes
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    no horrible crushes
                    Except for those the fans have on Amanda.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Originally posted by sclairef99 View Post
                      P.S. Bev, will I finally get to meet you this time? I missed you at Avalon!


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i'm sure the itinerary will be up as soon as julia's done tweaking it

                        GENERALLY speaking, plan on

                        a panel in the am, let's say 8-10
                        photo/auto 10-noon
                        lunch until 1 or 130
                        panel 130-330
                        photo/auto 330-5
                        dinner break
                        activities fri and sat pm i believe

                        Am tweaking away.

                        Will try and post the provisional itinerary within the next ten days or so.
                        Can tell you all that the morning Q&A's start at around 9 am in the mornings.

                        Apart from the Cocktail party on Friday night for Charmed pass holders there is the Red themed disco on Saturday night for all attendees.

                        The charity tea: A raffle where there are four prizes. Essentially four lucky people win Sunday afternoon tea with Amanda. Tickets available until Saturday lunchtime, for weekend ticket holders only (not day passes).

                        Back to tweaking...

                        Last edited by JuliaR; 01 April 2008, 04:09 PM. Reason: added about tea
                        To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                          30 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            OMG! *starts packing*


                              Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                              Am tweaking away.

                              Will try and post the provisional itinerary within the next ten days or so.
                              Can tell you all that the morning Q&A's start at around 9 am in the mornings.

                              Apart from the Cocktail party on Friday night for Charmed pass holders there is the Red themed disco on Saturday night for all attendees.

                              The charity tea: A raffle where there are four prizes. Essentially four lucky people win Sunday afternoon tea with Amanda. Tickets available until Saturday lunchtime, for weekend ticket holders only (not day passes).

                              Back to tweaking...

                              wait, wait, wait...Does this all start Friday morning? I thought the Cocktail Party for the Charmed Pass holders on Friday evening was the only activity planned for this day and the Q & A began in full force Saturday morning.

                              If it all begins Friday a.m I might have to rethink my flight plan and days off school. Guess it's a good think I didnt jump the gun and book my flight early.

                              Help anyone?

                              Ooh and I gotta buy something 'red' for the disco. Is it casual or dressy?

                              Hehe...disco. I know it's equivalent to a dance or whatever, but I can't help but think strobe lights and white leisure suits with this one. Disco's went out in the early 80's here in the States.


                                You're fine Celandine. It'll all start on Saturday morning. It's just the cocktail party on the Friday evening.

                                You don't have to be dressy for the disco unless you want to be

                                Found a pic from AT2 and you can see everyone is quite casual with little touches here and there. And I can definitely see lights. Erm I think the leisure suit is a case of to each her own


