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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
    Wow. Just wow. My flight just got in, I'm back at home with my puppy in my lap and I'm so overwhelmed with how wonderful the weekend was, I'm still flying. I truly can't remember the last time I laughed so hard, hugged so many people, or stayed up so late every night... [much eloquence snipped for space]
    Oh man, mini, you just said everything I wanted to say and did it so well. I'm going to wax lyrical about what a wonderful job the GABIT team did on their website when I get a moment. I so much enjoyed meeting so many warm, funny, fun-loving people (my husband says I have come home with a phony North American accent - bwaha! )

    As for Amanda - wow. She is a class act. So witty, so spontaneous, so generous of her time and energy. I can't say it any better than you did, mini.

    Safe journeys to those who are still travelling, and have a great time those of you who are going to Avalon


      Quick question, and I don't know if it was answered as I couldn't find so apologies if it was... did Amanda say anything about appearances in season 4 of Stargate Atlantis during her Q&A?? Thanks!!


        Originally posted by prion View Post
        Quick question, and I don't know if it was answered as I couldn't find so apologies if it was... did Amanda say anything about appearances in season 4 of Stargate Atlantis during her Q&A?? Thanks!!
        Yes, she said she was contracted to do some episodes. She didn't say how many, but I got the impression it was more than two.


          Originally posted by scarimor View Post
          Yes, she said she was contracted to do some episodes. She didn't say how many, but I got the impression it was more than two.
          Don't know exactly what the source of it is (GABIT or something else), but I've read she'll be doing 12 episodes.
          T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders


            Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
            Don't know exactly what the source of it is (GABIT or something else), but I've read she'll be doing 12 episodes.
            Really? That many!?

            We didn't hear that in the Q&A sessions at GABIT. Perhaps (if true) it came from somewhere else.

            I would like that though


              It was a weekend to remember. The con was was well-run, and I can't thank the GABIT team enough for all their hard work. It seemed that everyone had a great time; I know I certainly did.

              Julia, when you finally have time to decompress; is there any way you could post your final words to Amanda on Sunday? It was so well stated; so beautifully said. I know you summed up my feelings perfectly. I didn't get a chance to do it in person, but I'm sending you a huge virtual hug in thanks for your eloquence.

              My LJ


                Did anyone hear or ask if Amanda would be attending the Vancouver convention in 2007?


                  Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                  Really? That many!?

                  We didn't hear that in the Q&A sessions at GABIT. Perhaps (if true) it came from somewhere else.

                  I would like that though
                  I do remember her saying that - I'm pretty sure it was during the first Q&A on Saturday and whilst I can't remember how many she said she was doing I'm positive it was more than 10.


                    Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                    Did anyone hear or ask if Amanda would be attending the Vancouver convention in 2007?
                    I don't remember her mentioning it during the Q&A sessions.

                    My LJ


                      Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                      I don't remember her mentioning it during the Q&A sessions.
                      Thanks. I'm still hoping she does!


                        amanda has NO IDEA AT ALL how many she'll be doing. no idea. nothing had been signed as of last weekend thus she has no idea.

                        might be one, might be more than one, she doesn't know

                        anyone quoting numbers...well she mentioned no numbers at all. just 'some'
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          I just wanted to post a great big THANK YOU to the G4 for the best con I have ever been too. I was a con virgin but I ain't no more . I truly enjoyed myself (my credit card did's a puddle of goo in me pocket right now) and it was such fun meeting most of the GWers who were able to attend.

                          I would type more but I'm running out of minutes and I have no more change in me pocket. 10 pence a minute....highway robbery!


                            A BIG thank you to the G4! This is the best con I 've been to yet!!! Amanda was wonderful, she IS the real! And all the gateworlders, old friends and new, it was so great to see again. I was so sorry to see it end! Words fail me other than to say thanks again G4, you are the top!
                            In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                            Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                            so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                            Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                            Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                            Hic Comitas Regit
                            Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                            Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                              Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                              Really? That many!?

                              We didn't hear that in the Q&A sessions at GABIT. Perhaps (if true) it came from somewhere else.

                              I would like that though
                              I believe the source for that is here


                                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                                Wow. Just wow. My flight just got in, I'm back at home with my puppy in my lap and I'm so overwhelmed with how wonderful the weekend was, I'm still flying. I truly can't remember the last time I laughed so hard, hugged so many people, or stayed up so late every night.

                                Like so many others have already, I also feel the rather urgent need to thank the dear, lovely, wonderful, unbelieveably hard-working, caring and fantastic G4. I've never attended any group event this amazing before. It was so professionally managed and yet you felt as though you were always among family. Everyone (and I mean everyone) from the other attendees to the tireless G4 stewards and staff, right along to Amanda and Thomasina had the very same outlook in mind. As Julia so often puts it. It was about the people first and foremost. There was nothing corporate or pretentious about any of it. We laughed, we cried, we sang songs (some of us more tolerably than others!!! ), and when the weekend was over, none of us wanted to leave.

                                I know that I've made friends who will be dear to me for the rest of my life. The GW group I had the privilege to hang out with the past three days was unbelieveable. There were, give or take, 15 or 18 or so of us who introduced ourselves from the forums here, and all of us without exception got along famously. I wouldn't hesitate to hop into another plane and fly half-way across the world again just to meet with you all another time.

                                And Amanda. Amanda. She was so lovely and generous and fantastic. I don't believe that there is a fake bone in her entire body. She cares so deeply for other people. She truly holds a deep affection for her fans, and she has such a gift of vibrancy; of personality and humor. I mentioned this in the Sam Character thread as well, but when she saw the poster with everyone's messages and signatures on it, she pointed to several of them and she mentioned how she'd met this person or that one recently or what she recalled about another - just from reading their names. I cannot express how moved I was by that. I was so in awe at the time I don't think I said very much of articulate relevance, but that lovely lady is such a class act, I feel honored just to be her "fan". And I do not say that lightly.

                                Julia (god bless her) had the opportunity at the end of the ceremony to tell Amanda (on behalf of all of us) just how much she's meant to so many thousands of people over the years. How much we love and respect her (as a person, beyond the character she portrays on TV), and how completely we support her now and into whatever her future brings in terms of her career. I think I cried through most of what she said, as did many of us, because we'd all gotten to read the news articles in the magazines from time to time where Amanda's been interviewed, or where it's been mentioned that she sometimes hops online and sees nothing but mean-spirited digs - I know how many people (fom the Sam thread and elsewhere) have wanted for so long now to have an opportunity to let Amanda know the flip side of that coin; how much respect, admiration, and heartfelt affection there is amongst her fans, beyond those..... other voices (no matter how loud they might sometimes seem). I suppose there is a great deal of truth to the old addage that the negative things are always somehow easier to believe than the positive when it comes to ourselves. But Julia (bless her again, we love you so much for it Julia), she stood up there there on stage and said everything we'd ever wanted to. What's more, she said it all so eloquently and with so much grace and honesty, I couldn't wait to hug her afterwards, to thank her (and the other G4). In fact, I think I was so eager to thank her that I managed to spill poor Mumsy's drink right down nearly on top of her! *gulp* That one will end up being filed among my most embarassing moments, without question. (I really hope the second drink was as good as the first one, Mumsy... sorry again for that! - But they're right, you'll never forget me now (that head-case, minigeek, she's so clumsy....) )

                                In any case, I really hope Amanda came away from the event believing every word that Julia said. She deserved every syllable. As self-deprecating as she can be sometimes, I often wonder if she truly realizes what a remarkable commedienne she really is. There's rare and wonderful energy about her presence which you don't often find even amongst a whole room full of actors. The fact that she carries herself with grace and humility (that same self-deprecating kind she uses to pick out aspects of her own life in order to make you smile), is so refreshing and so spontaneous, you can't help but laugh with her. Artistically speaking she has a gift, but more than that... she herself is a gift. To every one of us who has had the opportunity to meet with her or to see her.

                                I really believe that there are people who are put on this Earth whose karma is meant to reach out to others and change their lives (in whatever way, great or small). To have that kind of influence is a responsibility as much as it's a fantastic gift, and not everyone lives up to it. Amanda Tapping does. She represents everything that's praiseworthy about human spirit, and she passes that along to others in the most simple, most articulate way of all - she cares. And so did every single one of the fantastic people from here and all over the world that I had the pleasure to meet with this weekend at AT2. If every one of those people represents even ten others, and each one of these is inspired to give more, laugh harder and stand up straighter due to Amanda's influence, then she's truly - beyond everything and anything else - has made a powerful impact with her integrity.

                                So my heartfelt thanks go out to her as well. When I signed up for Gabit 2 this past year and paid for my ticket, I had no idea the event would have such a sizeable impact on the way I view not only Amanda, but this fan group. Words cannot express my gratitude at having been allowed to "be there" amongst so much love and generosity. A lot of us were in tears when we saw that giant cheque on stage at the end of the event. I think all 200+ of us knew in advance that we were going to aim high, but I don't think we even dreamed we could get that high. Quite a few people are now also going on to Avalon to try and raise even more for a good cause. And that's what the weekend was about. Shared laughter, stories, experiences and joy.

                                On the last night, Spazzy and I had twleve or so people in our tiny hotel room, crammed onto two beds and all over the floor. Strix and Scari, Ambermoon, TracyJane, ChopinGal, tsaxlady, LadyJeep, ForeverSG1, I know I'm missing two or theee others - I'm so sorry!

                                I'll never forget this weekend. And given the opportunity to do it again, should such a thing be possible, I would *race* for the chance.

                                much love and hugs and kisses to *everyone*,
                                mini(the admittedly sappy but still very happy!)geek
                                Mini, beautifully said! It was great to meet you in person this past weekend, too!
                                In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                                Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                                so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                                Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                                Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                                Hic Comitas Regit
                                Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).

