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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    I'm a bit stressed now cos I had a car crash last night so am a bit screwed physically, emotionally and also in terms of workload and stress. Hopefully I'll have everything under control by the weekend so I can just relax and have fun.

    As for pink stuff, most of what I own is pink (it's my favourite colour) so I have some pink eyeshadow and stuff if people are REALLY stuck.
    So sorry to hear this ... hope your injuries are minor and your recovery time rapid. Think black dress, pink shoes, a table full of Samandans and the endorphins will start to pour in and help you heal!

    Just don't sit next to Spaz, Lida or myblackrose! Cough.


      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
      Just don't sit next to Spaz, Lida or myblackrose! Cough.
      Uh Spazzy... you never mentioned YOU WERE PLAGUE STRICKEN!

      ... runs away....

      ... buys bio-hazard suit (in pink) ...

      geek (who cannot get sick! I have a huge project at work to get back to!)

      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
        Is that the stuff with ZINC in it? Push the zinc and add a little naquadah and you'll be fine!
        zicam is your friend
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
          So sorry to hear this ... hope your injuries are minor and your recovery time rapid. Think black dress, pink shoes, a table full of Samandans and the endorphins will start to pour in and help you heal!

          Just don't sit next to Spaz, Lida or myblackrose! Cough.
          Hey, don't sit next to me? I'll be bringing the Doctor...... And a load of stuff to treat every possible symptom, so our pharmacy will post hours of operation when we arrive. Any requests?????? And no, I can't find pink pills either.
          On fighting:
          Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
          Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
            Uh Spazzy... you never mentioned YOU WERE PLAGUE STRICKEN!

            ... runs away....

            ... buys bio-hazard suit (in pink) ...

            geek (who cannot get sick! I have a huge project at work to get back to!)

            *glares @ ChopinGal*

            I'm no-ot! I promise! And if I were, say hypothetically, a tad under the weather, it'd totally not be contagious or anything. And - hypothetically, of course - if I were a little sick, I'd definitely be taking antibiotics for it and everything...


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
              I'm a bit stressed now cos I had a car crash last night so am a bit screwed physically, emotionally and also in terms of workload and stress. Hopefully I'll have everything under control by the weekend so I can just relax and have fun.

              As for pink stuff, most of what I own is pink (it's my favourite colour) so I have some pink eyeshadow and stuff if people are REALLY stuck.



                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                Yeah, I've been fighting mine for a week now. I never thought I'd say this, but I think I need to buy some Airborne. :gross:
                Add me to the list of those with a cold!


                  3 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!


                    Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL) View Post
                    Add me to the list of those with a cold!

                    I started getting a sore throat last Friday and immediately started taking Airborne, Emergen-C and Zicam. Not all at the same time, mind you. It seems to have helped as my throat isn't bothering me any longer. Just remember to drink some Airborne several times while on the plane and drink lots of fluids. A bottle of water every couple of hours if you can. It will help to fight colds and also help with stiffness in your joints. Another suggestion I read recently to help prevent issues with sore legs is to draw alphabets with your feet alternating feet for each letter of the alphabet and repeat every hour or so.

                    I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable trip! See ya in London!


                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                      *glares @ ChopinGal*

                      I'm no-ot! I promise! And if I were, say hypothetically, a tad under the weather, it'd totally not be contagious or anything. And - hypothetically, of course - if I were a little sick, I'd definitely be taking antibiotics for it and everything...
                      "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."


                        Originally posted by Lida View Post
                        Hey, don't sit next to me? I'll be bringing the Doctor...... And a load of stuff to treat every possible symptom, so our pharmacy will post hours of operation when we arrive. Any requests?????? And no, I can't find pink pills either.
                        Spaz, hypothetically speaking ... there may be a pharmaceutical cornucopeia just a hotel room away ... on second thought, do sit next to Lida at the cocktail party

                        Seriously, hope you are well to travel. Kat, what's with the drinking Airborne on the plane? Do they let you carry liquids on to the planes again? I like your clever idea about the foot exercises ... you're becoming a real pro at this considering how reluctant you were last year for the very first flight.


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                          I'm no-ot! I promise! And if I were, say hypothetically, a tad under the weather, it'd totally not be contagious or anything. And - hypothetically, of course - if I were a little sick, I'd definitely be taking antibiotics for it and everything...
                          I concur...

                          *looks shifty*

                          Ok, I'll take some vitamin C and paracetamol tonight...

                          I solemnly promise not to infect anyone *places hand on her Stargate DVDs*


                            con crud is EVIL

                            take care folks. wash your hands, cover your mouths when you sneeze, etc.

                            con crud is a real thing. You get that many people in close quarters, get them tired and worn out and get their resistence down, and people get sick.

                            so take a few precautions. Wash your hands frequently, try to get rest and keep your resistence up
                            Last edited by Skydiver; 14 November 2006, 09:14 AM.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              What Denise said! I was sick for two months after Vancouver last year...!


                                Awww, hehehehehe, ohhhh-kayyy. I'll pack my lighter hazmat suit instead.

                                geek (where the heck did Skydiver stash that glowy germ ball thingy?!)

                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                                *glares @ ChopinGal*

                                I'm no-ot! I promise! And if I were, say hypothetically, a tad under the weather, it'd totally not be contagious or anything. And - hypothetically, of course - if I were a little sick, I'd definitely be taking antibiotics for it and everything...

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

