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    Just doing a little drive-by fruiting... erm I mean posting.

    Thought I'd say hi to Rune and Julia seeing as I noticed them both reading this thread while I was here. Hope everyone is having a good day.


      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
      Just doing a little drive-by fruiting... erm I mean posting.

      Thought I'd say hi to Rune and Julia seeing as I noticed them both reading this thread while I was here. Hope everyone is having a good day.
      *waves to Kat* Helloooooo please direct all fruiting at Kliggs and Bev and Baggie! I've had my daily dose of vitamins.

      Originally posted by JuliaR
      Laugh????? I've never laughed so much across a weekend as we did (except perhaps at AT1) !! And the plans we've made for all you guys coming to AT2!! Wow! It's going to be quite an Event! )

      (still recovering from sleep deprivation across a G4/senior staff weekend)
      Ohhh talk about whetting the appetite, ( and as if we're not excited enough already - squeeee!)

      Sounds like you had quite the memorable weekend


        Originally posted by Rune
        oh please, the bite-marks on the monitors say otherwise. I'm bringing the muzzle this time.
        I hid those monitors! Did you take them out of hiding


          Originally posted by Rune
          Ohhh talk about whetting the appetite, ( and as if we're not excited enough already - squeeee!)
          Originally posted by Rune
          Sounds like you had quite the memorable weekend
          You could say that. We even managed to get mini-con crud. Still, it was worth it. We had a great bonding weekend and got lots of plans laid.
          For details of AT10 go to


            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG

            You could say that. We even managed to get mini-con crud. Still, it was worth it. We had a great bonding weekend and got lots of plans laid.
            *jumps back in alarm* ooh an evil laugh from Mumsey, say it ain't so, bring more tea Kliggs, quick!!!

            Awwww, mini con crud is no fun, though hopefully you'll be having another get together soon I hope as the plot thickens ^^

            Originally posted by Kliggins
            I hid those monitors! Did you take them out of hiding
            Of course, I needed to sell something fast to raise my bail money


              Originally posted by Rune
              *jumps back in alarm* ooh an evil laugh from Mumsey, say it ain't so, bring more tea Kliggs, quick!!!

              Awwww, mini con crud is no fun, though hopefully you'll be having another get together soon I hope as the plot thickens ^^

              Of course, I needed to sell something fast to raise my bail money
              *runs in with tea in hand, milk, no sugar* Someeone called for more tea.


                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG

                You could say that. We even managed to get mini-con crud. Still, it was worth it. We had a great bonding weekend and got lots of plans laid.
                Sorry about the mini -con crud. Hope you are feeling better and at least you did have some laughs. You are not supposed to get that until after the con!

                I never got con crud *preens*


                  Originally posted by Kliggins
                  Sorry about the mini -con crud. Hope you are feeling better and at least you did have some laughs. You are not supposed to get that until after the con!

                  I never got con crud *preens*

                  Can't believe it but it's true, some of us have succumbed to mini-con crud already. Ugh!! Only just recovered from Christmas flu and bronchitis and down again I go!
                  Hugs to Mumsey - personally I'm trying to go to bed and snuggle up to a hot water bottle and a lemsip but the dang phone keeps ringing! Ah well, hopefully I can try now! And interestingly none of the G4 got con-crud at all after AT1 despite 3 hours sleep a night max over six nights - must be all that adrenalin!

                  To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                    Originally posted by JuliaR
                    Can't believe it but it's true, some of us have succumbed to mini-con crud already. Ugh!! Only just recovered from Christmas flu and bronchitis and down again I go!
                    Hugs to Mumsey - personally I'm trying to go to bed and snuggle up to a hot water bottle and a lemsip but the dang phone keeps ringing! Ah well, hopefully I can try now! And interestingly none of the G4 got con-crud at all after AT1 despite 3 hours sleep a night max over six nights - must be all that adrenalin!

                    Awwww, you get off to bed right now and hope you feel better soon


                      Originally posted by Kliggins
                      *runs in with tea in hand, milk, no sugar* Someeone called for more tea.
                      (Slurps tea gratefully) Thanks, I needed that.

                      Originally posted by Kliggins
                      Sorry about the mini -con crud. Hope you are feeling better and at least you did have some laughs. You are not supposed to get that until after the con!

                      I never got con crud *preens*
                      I have mixed fortunes with con-crud. Last time was after L3 in Bognor last November. Least said about that, the better. I'll take myself off to bed soon and try to get warm. I'll survive

                      See ya tomorrow.

                      For details of AT10 go to


                        *adopts stern attitude*

                        Got hot water bottles?
                        Got Lemsip / tea / hot Ribena?

                        Good, now Mumsey and Julia, both of you off to bed now. No excuses

                        (and now I want hot Ribena)


                          Originally posted by JuliaR
                          Can't believe it but it's true, some of us have succumbed to mini-con crud already. Ugh!! Only just recovered from Christmas flu and bronchitis and down again I go!
                          Hugs to Mumsey - personally I'm trying to go to bed and snuggle up to a hot water bottle and a lemsip but the dang phone keeps ringing! Ah well, hopefully I can try now! And interestingly none of the G4 got con-crud at all after AT1 despite 3 hours sleep a night max over six nights - must be all that adrenalin!

                          Oh no, Rune is right; off to bed with you. *yanks phone cord out of wall* That should do it and turn that mobile off.


                            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG
                            (Slurps tea gratefully) Thanks, I needed that.

                            I have mixed fortunes with con-crud. Last time was after L3 in Bognor last November. Least said about that, the better. I'll take myself off to bed soon and try to get warm. I'll survive

                            See ya tomorrow.


                            Here, maybe this'll help...

                            *whips fuzzy bunny slippers off Kliggs' feet, furry housecoat off Rune and feather boa off Bev and gently eases them on Mumsey*
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by Kliggins
                              I never got con crud *preens*
                              *whispers* She's tempting fate...

                              *throws box of Nyquil, bag of cherry-flavored (or would that be orange K?)cough drops, and industrial-sized box of Kleenex into suitcase for Kliggs.*
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                                Just doing a little drive-by fruiting... erm I mean posting.

                                Thought I'd say hi to Rune and Julia seeing as I noticed them both reading this thread while I was here. Hope everyone is having a good day.
                                It's always a good day in this thread, especially when Gabiteers past and future stop in for chat! (((Kat)))
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

