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GABIT attendees thread

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    I don't remember the exact question but she talked about after giving birth to Olivia and Alan had gone home she spent her first night in the hospital alone with Olivia. they were getting to know one another. Awesome!


      Originally posted by llp View Post
      Oh and you can't forget the hooker shoes! They were 5" heels with a slot for "tips" that
      EH-T wore off and on during the weekend and collected quite a bit of money as well. She did manage to stay upright most of the time but fell in front of everyone during the 4th talk. She made a quick recovery though!
      I think the heels were 6" and they were stripper shoes,not hooker shoes! As I said before, due to the incredible generousity of fans (including you ) we raised over 400 GBP with the shoes. We had a lot of fun with them. AT called me the coolest lawyer ever for wearing them. Becky called me bonkers! The latter was closer to the mark. It was funny when, after the cocktail party, I was standing in the lobby and a total stranger (but very good looking young man) came up to me and said "Ireally like those shoes". I told him I was collecting money for charity and asked if he had money in his pockets. He proceeded to put all the money from his pockets in my shoes. I later learned he was a rugby player, there for a convention and they had real strippers at their con!

      The fall was actually at the auction when I got up to pay for an item. The Gabit folk told me after that I could just stay in my seat when I won an item so I didn't need to walk to the back of the room each time. I think they were worried about a lawsuit! As I walked back to my seat, AT was modeling a jacket. She said "I'll walk like Sharon" and proceeded to mock my walking style in the shoes.

      Word of the shoes got out when I got back and my friends are very disappointed I didn't bring them home with me.

      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
      I'll play!

      AT was asked to sing the song from Fugue, she said yes, and invited someone from the audience to sing the Abby part. Did a Big Foot walk a lot
      I can't find a picture of that, but here's one from the net, Gabit staff used that Big Foot to get Amanda to get off the stage.

      Someone asked when she decided to be an actress and AT said if we were to ask her twin it was in the uterus, because he was all ready to come out but she said the light, pushed him out of the way, came out and said: "Taa-daa" *giggles* That was the funniest thing for me.

      She was asked to do impressions of Stargate and Sanctuary cast, but I think she only got Teal'c, the other were her impressions of them as people.
      Really can't remember what she said about all of them.

      AT called Robin, can't remember why exactly, and Robin's reaction to her was: "Amanda who? How did you get my number?" Followed by a statement that he's without his pants.

      One girl asked about a 'friend' who's trying to make it as an actress (I think it was an actress) and how to do that in Vancouver. Amanda gave her advice letting the girl know that
      she knows it's not a friend. That was sweet.

      She was asked how she chooses the projects she works on, and AT said that it always depends on her family, and if she thinks Olivia will need her.

      That's about it that I remember.
      Here is my AT6 album, if anyone wants the pics.
      That was the funniest!

      Originally posted by canadianfolk View Post
      I saw some pics where there were tears. Please were they happy tears?
      There were lots of tears, for lots of reasons. Some were tears of laughter. Some were tears of pride. One of my favourite moments was when Julia did a tour of the room in her torch outfit and carrying the Olympic torch. We were all proud of her but her good friend Tracy was right in front of me and was crying because she was so proud of Julia. That was an absolutely beautiful moment. The most emotional time for me was during the auction. I had donated an item in memory of my great-niece who was still-born. To my mind, the best way to honour her memory is to help other children. I want to thank all those who bid on the item--I'm sorry I didn't do it in person but I was too emotional to see who was bidding. I was in the first row and Amanda noticed I was crying. I saw the tears well up in her eyes as well. At the end of the bidding she mentioned my great-niece and then came over to comfort me. It was such a wonderful, carrying thing for her to do. I will never forget that act of kindness. Later I learned that Paul had bought the item (which went for 450 GBP). I will never forget his kindness and generosity. If there is one moment from AT6 that will stay with me forever, that is it.
      Last edited by EH-T; 08 December 2012, 10:32 AM.

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        EH-T i sent you a pm on gabit site.


          wow, this thread has just totally died.


            It'll pick up again in the new year, as we're gearing up for the AT7 ticket sales...
            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
            ames on facebook
            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


              the weather channel in the states has started naming winter storms like they do hurricanes. the current one is winter storm Draco( from harry potter) the G name is Gandolf(lord of rings) and there must gave been a sci fi fan involved in making the list because the H name is Helen and the M name is Magnus. i thought that was kinda amusing.
              thanks to Draco-looks like we might have a white christmas after all. we are expecting 1-3 inches of snow thursday and friday.


                sounds lovely I miss white Christmases. We don't get snow in south Texas (well, hardly ever)


                  Like Mocha says maybe some snow. But right now we are on the rain/snow line. Whether we get any that will stay around for Christmas isn't clear. The rain is welcome we can sure use it; drought last summer remember.

                  West and North of Milwaukee is getting hammered. This isn't the light and fluffy stuff it's wet and heavy; great for snowmen and snow balls but really hard to shovel.

                  I'm inside toasty warm and drinking a nice hot chocolate; Oh bliss


                    Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                    the weather channel in the states has started naming winter storms like they do hurricanes. the current one is winter storm Draco( from harry potter) the G name is Gandolf(lord of rings) and there must gave been a sci fi fan involved in making the list because the H name is Helen and the M name is Magnus. i thought that was kinda amusing.
                    thanks to Draco-looks like we might have a white christmas after all. we are expecting 1-3 inches of snow thursday and friday.

                    Now this is super cool!


                      Draco is turning out to be a big disappointment to me. they said 4-6 inches depending on location and i'm in the 4-6 inch color zone. here i am with my shovel ready and the only snow is on my car window. the wind gusts are blowing my outside christmas tree over. put in stakes and rope but its lopsided now anyways. big disappointment!!


                        Well, I've got 2-3 inches of snowy ice by the look out my window. The landlord hasn't shoveled yet so I have no intentions of going out until he does. Gusting winds to 45 MPH and a wind chill of zero degrees. White fluffy snow I like this stuff not so much


                          Only a dusting so far where I'm at (se Michigan), but where mom is at (northern mich) she has about 18".
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Merry Christmas everyone!

                            Hope all are well, safe and happy. xo
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                              sounds lovely I miss white Christmases. We don't get snow in south Texas (well, hardly ever)
                              We get a white christmas every 5 years or so, usually that means the remains of a 3 inch snow fall that hangs around. this year? we'll have a bit but not be covered by snow by any means.

                              One year though, 2 years ago I think, we literally had a major blizzard on dec 23, inches and inches of show, blowing and drifting, something right outta Rudolph. In kansas, usually it's a brown christmas - although we're so dry I'll happily take a rainy christmas.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                wishing jenn(otherwise known as the red blur by gabit attendees) a very, very, very extraordinarily wonderful and happy birthday!!!

