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GABIT attendees thread

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    Make the bad hackers go away!


      My apologies for not posting pics from AT6 but I'm still in Germany. Heading home tonight - I'll be in Aus Thursday morning.
      Have been telling my auntie about the wonderful singing in the hotel lobby - so many beautiful memories occupying my mind today.
      Many hugs to all - wish I could attend AT7 but alas it's not possible.
      However AT8 or AT10 are a possibility.
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        One of the things I never managed to do in all my time in England was to make it to a proper footie match - anyone up for potentially joining me while I tick this off my bucket list in Feb '14?
        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
        ames on facebook
        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


          Originally posted by ames View Post
          One of the things I never managed to do in all my time in England was to make it to a proper footie match - anyone up for potentially joining me while I tick this off my bucket list in Feb '14?

          Hmmm! Could I get you to translate that into American English please!


            Originally posted by llp View Post
            Hmmm! Could I get you to translate that into American English please!
            LOL soccer! I want to see a soccer game, in an actual stadium
            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
            ames on facebook
            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


              Hey I have a question, I did not attend the AT6 con (but I would love to attend a AT con one day). But has anyone seen or posted con reports yet?
              I'd love to know what Amanda said. And following what I read in above comments, incase they are on FB, is it safe to go there?

              Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                I think wormhole riders had a report of some kind. I don't know the URL but if you search the name you might find it.


                  Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                  Hey I have a question, I did not attend the AT6 con (but I would love to attend a AT con one day). But has anyone seen or posted con reports yet?
                  I'd love to know what Amanda said. And following what I read in above comments, incase they are on FB, is it safe to go there?
                  I have been meaning to make a post about AT6 but between jetlag, work and the upheaval at my office, there has just not been time.

                  Maybe if we each post about something we remember, that would cover the event. I'll start. AT was asked what 3 people she would want to have with her if stuck on a desert island (and it couldn't be her husband and daughter). Her answer was: Dennys, Ken (the two amazing guys who did her photo shoot) and me. Now, there may have ben a bit of prompting from the three of us but I'm sure sure would have come up with that answer on her own....eventually.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    I'll play!

                    AT was asked to sing the song from Fugue, she said yes, and invited someone from the audience to sing the Abby part. Did a Big Foot walk a lot
                    I can't find a picture of that, but here's one from the net, Gabit staff used that Big Foot to get Amanda to get off the stage.

                    Someone asked when she decided to be an actress and AT said if we were to ask her twin it was in the uterus, because he was all ready to come out but she said the light, pushed him out of the way, came out and said: "Taa-daa" *giggles* That was the funniest thing for me.

                    She was asked to do impressions of Stargate and Sanctuary cast, but I think she only got Teal'c, the other were her impressions of them as people.
                    Really can't remember what she said about all of them.

                    AT called Robin, can't remember why exactly, and Robin's reaction to her was: "Amanda who? How did you get my number?" Followed by a statement that he's without his pants.

                    One girl asked about a 'friend' who's trying to make it as an actress (I think it was an actress) and how to do that in Vancouver. Amanda gave her advice letting the girl know that
                    she knows it's not a friend. That was sweet.

                    She was asked how she chooses the projects she works on, and AT said that it always depends on her family, and if she thinks Olivia will need her.

                    That's about it that I remember.
                    Here is my AT6 album, if anyone wants the pics.
                    Last edited by Devilish Me; 07 December 2012, 03:52 PM.
                    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                      I saw some pics where there were tears. Please were they happy tears?


                        Oh and you can't forget the hooker shoes! They were 5" heels with a slot for "tips" that
                        EH-T wore off and on during the weekend and collected quite a bit of money as well. She did manage to stay upright most of the time but fell in front of everyone during the 4th talk. She made a quick recovery though!


                          Originally posted by canadianfolk View Post
                          I saw some pics where there were tears. Please were they happy tears?
                          At the actual talks, I don't think they were tears at all (except at the beginning and ending), lol, just AT goofing off, at the auction, there were tears because she was moved by people.

                          Originally posted by llp View Post
                          Oh and you can't forget the hooker shoes! They were 5" heels with a slot for "tips" that
                          EH-T wore off and on during the weekend and collected quite a bit of money as well. She did manage to stay upright most of the time but fell in front of everyone during the 4th talk. She made a quick recovery though!
                          I thought we're talking about the talks, lol, but you're right, the shoes were unforgettable!
                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            Right before the auction they showed the most beautiful and sad video about children in need. And how any individual can make a difference. There were tears for Amanda but also most of the audience I think ... But also a good feeling, that yes, we were there to make a difference.

                            I'm sitting here trying to remember questions from the Q&A ... coming up blanc ... lol.


                              Also I believe after the auction, Julia and Amanda were on stage together with the torch Julia got after her run before the Olympics. Made for a great picture moment!


                                There was the obligatory question about Sam and Jack. Amanda thinks they're together

                                She was also asked to do the gangam style. I think there are pics of that around the net.
                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

