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GABIT attendees thread

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    Kudos to Number 1 son and may the perps rot in .......fill in the blank....


      maybe it was just a beginner hacker who wanted to start with something small and something that he/she wouldn't get into a lot of trouble if caught. ok, it was just a theory.
      actually i think i'm the only one who had trouble and let you know about it. but i never got sent to any other pages-i just got blank pages. glad it's fixed now. can't miss playing those games with fuddy. its addictive.


        It may have been Facebook because of the Gabit page. Facebook wants money now. I plan on leaving fb shortly due to the new tracking policies.


          There are literally thousands of folks maliciously hacking sites just for bragging rights. In some countries, they are all but sponsored by the government - Russia and China are notorious for hackers.

          ANd even if there aren't much in the way of bragging rights, it's practice for bigger sites.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
            It may have been Facebook because of the Gabit page. Facebook wants money now. I plan on leaving fb shortly due to the new tracking policies.
            Yeah. facebook is almost malicious in their policies. Ads that defeat adblock (both facebook and yahoo have found ways to get around adblock), ads that you can hide, but that keep coming back. 'sponsored pages' that are really just paid spam for facebook.
            You get so harassed that you almost don't even want to bother being on the net.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              The only reason I keep fb is because you can chat with someone when you accidently meet up there. (Prefer Sykpe). Can find no other reason to use them!


                I'm no longer on fb. yay! The email I received said it could track me even when I was not logged into fb... I'll just meet up with friends at conventions and such.


                  face book is an easy way to send photos to family and friends. i use it occasionally, but not a lot. trying to find out how to unfriend someone. anyone know?


                    Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                    face book is an easy way to send photos to family and friends. i use it occasionally, but not a lot. trying to find out how to unfriend someone. anyone know?
                    go to home > privacy settings > block users


                      thank you


                        One thing I've noticed from fb I'm getting email that is supposed to be from one of my friends but it isn't really. Some kind of spam but using my friends name. Just to weird for me. Closing out the account if it will let me.


                          i've been getting that too. finally learned how to recognize it before opening and marking as junk.
                          can't reply to posts on gabit forum tonight. this am it worked but not now. i can send a pm, but not a reply. i'm missing the games with Fud!!!


                            i think i finally get my scooter back tomorrow. i'm glad i waited to get it fixed here at home. they gave me the price already and it is $361(£225) cheaper here than in Edinburgh. at least now i'll have some money left for christmas shopping.


                              I went to the other Gabit page to get to the forum, and my security software went into cleaning mode. I noticed some strange characters below the post/reply buttons. I managed to log out of the forum.


                                those strange characters were there a few days ago then went away but came back yesterday. i sent a message to the web master and hope he can fix it soon. i really miss it.

