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GABIT attendees thread

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    Sorry I am so slow in coming online - yesterday I was just plain too tired. Age does have some priorities (I hope)! I am about to post a bunch of pictures of the Abnormal's Ball on FB - way to many to post here although they will pop up occasionally.

    AT6 was fantastic - as if it could be anything else! As always, everyone had a great time seeing old and new friends. Amanda = well she was Amanda - need I say more. The woman must have hugged everyone at least a 1/2 dozen time and some, a lot more. Amazing to say the least.

    There were tons of picture ops and loads of drinking and more fun then I can mention. Great to see old friends and wonderful to meet new ones especially those I've chatted with online but never had the chance to meet until AT6.

    Everyone had their special moments, myself included. Seeing EH-T in the stripper shoes for the first time will definately be one of them! You are more than a good sport - you were a superstar for wearing those things everyday, collecting so much money, and joking and smiling about it the entire time - even falling down in front of everyone - I'm sure not on purpose - and getting up and kept on going (like the energizer bunny). Thank you for that.

    In all a great deal of fun was had and the main purpose, raising money for charity, was very much accomplished from the 1£ donations to whomever bought the Denn book for sooo much money!

    All I can say is you are all "ROCK STARS".

    And I save my biggest thanks for the Gabit team and Amanda for putting on one super great party - hope to see you all at AT7!


      AT6 was amazing, great, georgous, exciting, it rocked!!

      Amanda, the GABIT Team, all helpers, the stewards, the attandees, Denny and Ken - the all were wow - I'm lost of words to describe all of them - everyone was the best.

      There was a feeling of friendship, of love, of compagnionship, of laughter, sometimes of tears, giggles, music, a call with Robin ... it was one of my best weekends. I'm recharged with so much positive energie, that I can last til AT7.

      Here are some fotos:








      Thanks to all and I hope to see you at AT7.

      Karin xo


        Thanks Karin - great pictures. Welcome aboard.


          Thanks everyone for the lovely posts on AT6 and pics

          I've never met Amanda and I really really hope I can get a ticket to AT7 because it'd be a dream come true. Plus I can finally meet all the lovely people I met around GW and on Twitter.

          I love the AT family
          Made by the talented Meredithe5

          Live peace, speak kindness, dwell in possibility - Amanda Tapping

          My Rainbow Run for Mila raised $2672.5 CAD for Sanctuary For Kids! Many thanks to everyone who donated in honour of my beloved niece


            Originally posted by llp View Post
            Thanks Karin - great pictures. Welcome aboard.
            Thank you - it`s great to be aboard .


              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
              Too bad we couldn't make you *actually* sing... that could have been something. It was wonderful to see you again Aunty Sharon.

              Also - I know traditionally I've done a con report for every GABIT I've been to (it's actually how I found gateworld in the first place!)... unfortunately this time around I will be unable to do so. I've not been incredibly well this year, it's made me very tired and my energy levels at the con this year were supremely low. My usually spot-on memory was just not running at full capcity I'm afraid. There's a lot of change happening in my life right now, starting with getting my health back and the fact that I've just left an incredibly soul-destroying job because life is meant to be for joy and not misery - I'm going to take time to breathe and get healthy and job hunt and focus on getting back into the things I used to love doing. Basically, I'm going to scare myself! And because of that, I need to focus myself right now rather than start distracting myself with a myriad of things. I am sorry though, that I can't do my usual (long-winded) report this time around.
              Actually, if I began singing it would have ruined the moment.

              No worries about the report. Main priority is to look after yourself. Big hugs for a little PengYn.

              Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
              I'm home finally.

              I've had a wonderful eleven days of laughter, tears, fun and friendship
              and the culmination of Sunday's closing ceremony at AT6 and raising £40,000
              has blown my mind.

              Thank you to everyone who made this weekend so overwhelmingly heartwarming
              and filled with compassion and love. Am exhausted and happy!
              AT7 is booked for 21-23rd February 2014 and is burning away in our heads but we will be taking a
              break for a few weeks to gather our strength and get back to our normal day
              jobs for a while before we launch ticket sales in January 2013.

              Pre-registered people from AT6 will be contacted with payment details in early to mid January. After that we will
              release the remaining tickets for general sale.

              That's all the info I can give out at the moment and we will
              be happy to give out more info in a few weeks.
              In the meantime we need to mop up any remnants of AT6
              business before anything else.

              Amanda's fandom has once again proved to be the epitome of what
              Society should be about. One day perhaps the rest of the world will

              My love to everyone I met, spoke to, shared a moment with the Torch with or
              hugged. Sharon we finally got fifteen minutes over a coffee! Result!

              I still need more time and a clearer brain to form a proper thank you but so glad we got our 15 minutes for coffee!

              Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
              Popping in to say hi to everyone I've met. I'm sure I've talked to more people than I can remember names, but AT6 being my first AT con, it's hard to remember everyone.

              The generosity of everyone at the con was incredible, and made me cry more than once. I had heard stories about the AT events, but hearing about it and seeing it in person are two completely different things. I shall never forget what happened this weekend.

              Thank you all for the wonderful and amazing weekend!

              (Oh, and bring on AT7! )

              Awww, I think you were awesome! I wore them for a total of two hours on Sunday (thank you for letting me try btw!) and my feet were hurting all Monday. I don't know how you did it for the whole weekend.
              I appreciate those who wore the shoes for a bit, it gave me a break.

              Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
              AT6 was another wonderful event! Well done G4 and Staff!!!

              LOL! Great shoe pic!

              Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
              We want details? llp, are you home yet?

              Uh-uh, right.

              The bra thing has been done at AT4 and AT5. After AT4 we gathered in the lobby and raised some more money which Sue - former Gabit staff member and auctioneer extraordinaire - simply stuffed into her bra.
              For AT5 they made a Gabit bra and I think it was Fuchsia who wore it and collected money. IIRC it was while she and Julia were selling photo ops with Julia's stuffed bear.
              Right, i remember Sue in the bra. Miss Sue. It was nice to see Fuchsia though.

              Originally posted by llp View Post
              Sorry I am so slow in coming online - yesterday I was just plain too tired. Age does have some priorities (I hope)! I am about to post a bunch of pictures of the Abnormal's Ball on FB - way to many to post here although they will pop up occasionally.

              AT6 was fantastic - as if it could be anything else! As always, everyone had a great time seeing old and new friends. Amanda = well she was Amanda - need I say more. The woman must have hugged everyone at least a 1/2 dozen time and some, a lot more. Amazing to say the least.

              There were tons of picture ops and loads of drinking and more fun then I can mention. Great to see old friends and wonderful to meet new ones especially those I've chatted with online but never had the chance to meet until AT6.

              Everyone had their special moments, myself included. Seeing EH-T in the stripper shoes for the first time will definately be one of them! You are more than a good sport - you were a superstar for wearing those things everyday, collecting so much money, and joking and smiling about it the entire time - even falling down in front of everyone - I'm sure not on purpose - and getting up and kept on going (like the energizer bunny). Thank you for that.

              In all a great deal of fun was had and the main purpose, raising money for charity, was very much accomplished from the 1£ donations to whomever bought the Denn book for sooo much money!

              All I can say is you are all "ROCK STARS".

              And I save my biggest thanks for the Gabit team and Amanda for putting on one super great party - hope to see you all at AT7!

              The fall was definitely not on purpose! It wasn't just the shoes either, the carpet in the centre ailse was uneven (really). Your part in the shoes (ordering and contributing) was a huge part of the success. Thanks!

              Originally posted by Karin View Post
              AT6 was amazing, great, georgous, exciting, it rocked!!

              Amanda, the GABIT Team, all helpers, the stewards, the attandees, Denny and Ken - the all were wow - I'm lost of words to describe all of them - everyone was the best.

              There was a feeling of friendship, of love, of compagnionship, of laughter, sometimes of tears, giggles, music, a call with Robin ... it was one of my best weekends. I'm recharged with so much positive energie, that I can last til AT7.

              Here are some fotos:

              Thanks to all and I hope to see you at AT7.

              Karin xo
              Great pics. Welcome!

              Originally posted by Samfan13 View Post
              Thanks everyone for the lovely posts on AT6 and pics

              I've never met Amanda and I really really hope I can get a ticket to AT7 because it'd be a dream come true. Plus I can finally meet all the lovely people I met around GW and on Twitter.

              I love the AT family
              Here's hoping you do make it to AT7.

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                Finally I was able to write something about last weekend...

                After the amazing AT6 event I am still filled with experience, emotions, excitement and tears. Literally, meeting Amanda, Dennys, Julia and all the fans changed my life. I am glad I was there. Even though I slept 12 hours in three days, I was nervous I even had inner fever and I overslept on Wednesday in the morning and forgot to go to work. I lost almost one kg just because I ate two meals a day and was up for many hours. I spent 38 hours awake and that’s my record.
                It looks like I am complaining about everything but on the contrary. If I had to do it again, I would. A weekend like this one will never be forgotten, I will take care of all my memories. As soon as I remember what was happening (and I do it all the time), I want to cry. But these are not tears of sadness, they are the tears of happiness, tears of fulfilled dreams. Meeting with the person who truly saved your life and for 13 years leads you through your life, forces you to improve yourself, to help other people and makes you believe you can fulfill your dreams ... it really makes me feel like ... there are no words to explain how I feel. It's extraordinary, special.
                Thank you Amanda, Dennys, Julia and everyone who just dubbed this weekend to the best one of my life. It meant a lot to me.

                I will never forget.
                Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                  I dare say I won't be able to read & catch up on the thread but many fond memories fill my heart and mind from AT6 - I wish I could attend AT7 but alas it is not possible. I shall live vicariously thru those who will attend.
                  Very proud of the fandom for not only the money raised for the charities but the beautiful way people banded together throughout the event.
                  Love and hugs to all. xxxx
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Thanks to you all, for posting your reviews, I have loved reading everyone's reports on here, Fb and twitter. An amazing amount of money was raised, Amanda's fandom really is the best, I love being part of the AT family.

                    I'm also another one who really hopes I can get a ticket for AT7, I'm going to be twiddling my fingers and crossing scything for the next couple months, I haven't met Amanda before and going to AT7 will be a dream come true

                    Thanks again every one x
                    Thanks to the wonderful Meredithe5 for the awesome sig


                      Eh-t I've got a photo for you, tell me where to send it...


                        Y'all have probably seen this, but anyway, S4K Winter Campaign has begun...


                        Building of another village


                          To those in the know... will the S4K store be reopening this week? I was supposed to get a shirt for someone in Nepal but forgot (booo) so I'm hoping to get it shipped to the backpackers before I go.
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                            Finally I was able to write something about last weekend...

                            After the amazing AT6 event I am still filled with experience, emotions, excitement and tears. Literally, meeting Amanda, Dennys, Julia and all the fans changed my life. I am glad I was there. Even though I slept 12 hours in three days, I was nervous I even had inner fever and I overslept on Wednesday in the morning and forgot to go to work. I lost almost one kg just because I ate two meals a day and was up for many hours. I spent 38 hours awake and that’s my record.
                            It looks like I am complaining about everything but on the contrary. If I had to do it again, I would. A weekend like this one will never be forgotten, I will take care of all my memories. As soon as I remember what was happening (and I do it all the time), I want to cry. But these are not tears of sadness, they are the tears of happiness, tears of fulfilled dreams. Meeting with the person who truly saved your life and for 13 years leads you through your life, forces you to improve yourself, to help other people and makes you believe you can fulfill your dreams ... it really makes me feel like ... there are no words to explain how I feel. It's extraordinary, special.
                            Thank you Amanda, Dennys, Julia and everyone who just dubbed this weekend to the best one of my life. It meant a lot to me.

                            I will never forget.
                            what a lovely post.

                            Originally posted by SGSuzi View Post
                            Thanks to you all, for posting your reviews, I have loved reading everyone's reports on here, Fb and twitter. An amazing amount of money was raised, Amanda's fandom really is the best, I love being part of the AT family.

                            I'm also another one who really hopes I can get a ticket for AT7, I'm going to be twiddling my fingers and crossing scything for the next couple months, I haven't met Amanda before and going to AT7 will be a dream come true

                            Thanks again every one x
                            Here's hoping.

                            Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                            Eh-t I've got a photo for you, tell me where to send it...
                            I'm a little concerned about what it may be. I'll pm you an e-mail address.

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              I just realized I never got badged this time. Either I'm slipping or EH-T is...

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                I'm a little concerned about what it may be. I'll pm you an e-mail address.
                                I have a few pictures for you as well!
                                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                                My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!

