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    106 days til AT6 Ripples!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Congrats to Julia - I wish I could've been there to see it live!
      I was here when the torch was run through our downtown ... I didn't know the runner, but it was still a very cool experience -- I can only imagine how proud it would be when you actually *knew* the person carrying the torch as it went by!

      Very proud of you, Julia! *huge hugs*

      Plans are starting to come together for my trip. Flights are down, waiting to hear if I can get an extra day of leave so it doesn't matter which shift I'm on come November... still need to check on availability of couches upon which to crash though! Should probably think about getting a move on that Yay GABIT!
      ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

      SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
      ames on facebook
      ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


        Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
        My first ever you tube, had to do it

        Julia's epic torch run, BBC torch cam was not brilliant...but it was live!!

        Some of you will know how much I think this word is overused but all I can say is awesome, awesome, aweome. Congrats Julia. Fabulous job and much deserved honour. LOL, was that Jen running in front to get video? Good job girl! Thanks for posting this Claire, life is crazy but glad I didn't miss it.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          that was jenn running with the camera and the one with the white hat and the S4K banner was keely.


            Mocha, you might consider a head collar. We had a big dog (Malamute, though, so not as big as yours) who came to us with no training for walking on a leash. The head collar basically let him teach himself where he needed to walk and it's easier (and, I think, kinder for dogs that like to pull hard) than a choke chain. Here's an example if you haven't seen them in use before. Basically, it turns the dog's head to the side if they walk too fast, which makes them want to slow down because walking with their heads turned to the side is really annoying.

            Claire, thanks for the link! I was at work and not able to watch it live.

            Yay, Julia!


              104 days til AT6 Ripples!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                OMG - next week we'll be in the double digit range - I'm stressed enough right now with daughter having her drivers license & taking a 6 hour trip today - but as this event & the ensuing trip approaches, my head feels like it's gonna explode...or implode...or both!!
                Excited, terrified, elated, nervous...conflicted!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Chelle - you sound like you need a hug. Plus a big glass of wine. Possibly to complement the chocolate.

                  (Or we could just have a quickie chat instead - works for me! )

                  In GABITY news: I received (in writing) confirmation of extended time off, so I can book my flights this weekend!!! Yayness of YAY in the life of ames to end a rather SNAFU week Plus opening ceremonies in T minus 11.5 hours! *does wee happy dance*
                  ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                  SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                  ames on facebook
                  ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                    Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                    Mocha, you might consider a head collar. We had a big dog (Malamute, though, so not as big as yours) who came to us with no training for walking on a leash. The head collar basically let him teach himself where he needed to walk and it's easier (and, I think, kinder for dogs that like to pull hard) than a choke chain. Here's an example if you haven't seen them in use before. Basically, it turns the dog's head to the side if they walk too fast, which makes them want to slow down because walking with their heads turned to the side is really annoying.
                    the great dane people don't like those head leads. they have seen too many neck injuries in powerful dogs.


                      Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                      the great dane people don't like those head leads. they have seen too many neck injuries in powerful dogs.
                      Just oil the wheels on your chair and go for a walk pull!


                        Just a quick question before I run out the door yet again - is the Jack the Ripper tour thingy still on for the Wednesday night and also, is the musical still on for the Thursday night and what is the musical??
                        Ok, that was 3 quick questions but I typed fast.
                        Cheers. xo
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Chelle: I checked into the Britrail passes

                          November is happily during the offseason, but we can't purchase the passes until Sept to get the discounted rate. Still looking to find out what discount that would give us on the Eurorail as well.

                          Rung the flight centre yesterday, and the price I had found was the best they could find for the dates I want as well *shrug* They offered to deal with rail and whatnot until I explained I wasn't travelling alone once I got to the UK I think I'm going to go ahead and book the flight before the price goes up again! *grrs for missing out on amazing price by 2 days* I still think the Britrail pass will be my best bet for travel outside of London (with Oyster within London, of course), but won't be buying that until Sept to get the better price, so we have more time to number-crunch on pricing!

                          Ah the joys of nitty-gritty details for holidays, eh?
                          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                          ames on facebook
                          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                            Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                            that was jenn running with the camera and the one with the white hat and the S4K banner was keely.
                            And the one in the matching white hat at the end is Tracy

                            Also. Thank you to Claire for posting the video so quick - we were watching it on the phone as soon as the running was over Lol
                            Last edited by mthet; 28 July 2012, 12:05 PM.


                              102 days til AT6 Ripples!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                WOW!!!! being the new mom of a 130pound (9.3stone)16 month old has really been exhausting. he will pick up and play with anything and the 1st several days he pretty much stayed in my part of the house. now he's more comfortable and roaming the whole house so i'm constantly having to find him and see what he's gotten into lately. he's a very busy guy. he gets the "zoomies" at bedtime every night. nothing stops him. tried to block him with my cane but he just jumped over it. all i could do was stay out of his way or be sent flying.
                                i have been walking him around the yard and he's learning. he knows how to sit and he can give his paw now. such a smart little guy. wanted to post a video but don't know how.
                                sure hope i can get him settled down before AT6. will have to train my neighbor how to deal with him before i can go. this is a real challenge. any tips on great dane crazy teenagers is welcome.

