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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    I had a dream last night that was really freaky weird but the only thing in it that stood out for as being beautiful was shaking Mumseys hand...I don't know why Mumsey was in my dream but all I remember is shaking her hand...I prefer hugs Mumsey!!!
    ((((Chelle)))) You can collect when you get here!

    For details of AT10 go to


      Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
      they were in a con together. i remember seeing it on youtube. it was funny. it was the con that she attended on her anniversary weekend because her husband was there and greeted her while she was on stage with teryl. it wasn't a creation con. can't remember exactly what it was. check out youtube, maybe it's still on there.
      I would say it was the first Gatecon circa 2000. They usually had their conventions in September which is when Amanda and Alan's anniversary is.

      For details of AT10 go to


        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
        ((((Chelle)))) You can collect when you get here!

        Might have to take a number Chelle.

        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
        I would say it was the first Gatecon circa 2000. They usually had their conventions in September which is when Amanda and Alan's anniversary is.

        I remember seeing a video of that once. I'm pretty sure it was at a Gatecon.

        Interesting how things sometimes work out at cons. We were just discussing this in the Sam thread with Ames. She has a young friend going with her to a con in Toronto in August to meet AT. Trying to temper her enthusiasm just a bit so she will not be disappointed. Bit of a balancing act. Don't want to be a buzzkill but also don't want her expectations to be unreasonably high so that she is disappointed. One's expectations can certainly colour one's view of an event. I went to AT3 (my first con ever) with little or no expectations. Was very pleasantly surprised at how much fun I had, how I got more than a "hi there, where do I sign" from AT, and how the vast majority of my fellow fans were wonderful people.

        My experience at AT3 then set me up for a bit of a disappointment at my next con (not a Gabit event). Then, even knowing how good AT had been, I was not at all disappointed by AT4, AT5 and TSE. All met or exceeded my expectations. Yet I have to admit I was a bit disappointed by Meet The Man. Maybe "disappointed" is not the right was just ...different. Not anything on Gabit's end, not because of RDA (who was lots of fun), in fact it is hard to say what exactly it was. Different crowd, different vibe than AT events. Not quite sure. Perhaps, in part, it was due to the fact that TSE was so wonderful that there was no way MTM could sustain that level for me.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          Might have to take a number Chelle.

          Not anything on Gabit's end, not because of RDA (who was lots of fun), in fact it is hard to say what exactly it was. Different crowd, different vibe than AT events. Not quite sure. Perhaps, in part, it was due to the fact that TSE was so wonderful that there was no way MTM could sustain that level for me.
          1) I think Mumsey should start charging, missing a trick there...

          2) I agree with that analysis - bit anti-climactic after TSE possibly, and just a totally different ambience, different set of fans (in large part if not entirely)


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Interesting how things sometimes work out at cons. We were just discussing this in the Sam thread with Ames. She has a young friend going with her to a con in Toronto in August to meet AT. Trying to temper her enthusiasm just a bit so she will not be disappointed. Bit of a balancing act. Don't want to be a buzzkill but also don't want her expectations to be unreasonably high so that she is disappointed. One's expectations can certainly colour one's view of an event. I went to AT3 (my first con ever) with little or no expectations. Was very pleasantly surprised at how much fun I had, how I got more than a "hi there, where do I sign" from AT, and how the vast majority of my fellow fans were wonderful people.

            My experience at AT3 then set me up for a bit of a disappointment at my next con (not a Gabit event). Then, even knowing how good AT had been, I was not at all disappointed by AT4, AT5 and TSE. All met or exceeded my expectations. Yet I have to admit I was a bit disappointed by Meet The Man. Maybe "disappointed" is not the right was just ...different. Not anything on Gabit's end, not because of RDA (who was lots of fun), in fact it is hard to say what exactly it was. Different crowd, different vibe than AT events. Not quite sure. Perhaps, in part, it was due to the fact that TSE was so wonderful that there was no way MTM could sustain that level for me.
            AT3 was my first con as well, and that's where we met. I have to agree that con and all subsequent AT cons and TSE were fantastic. No matter what I expected, I got more. Not only from the con but the great people that I met as well.

            I liked MTM, but it was different and I think less personal....The crowd was a different crowd as well. Many were there just for RDA. He was very interesting and fun and I had a good time. But TSE was fantastic, the people were great, the Sanctuary people were so far beyond great, and the way the Martin Wood treated Jumble was beyond fantastic. If I wasn't already a fan, I would have been one instantly. I think that Amanda has a lot to do in setting how the con goes. Her personality sets the pace and everyone enjoys going along with it.

            And by the way, the next con after AT3 was in Vancouver, the same one EH-T went to and I too was a little disapointed by the coolness of behavior from the people giving the con. The actors were fun, the con was too much business and not enough fan oriented. Did like the people I met there though!


              Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
              1) I think Mumsey should start charging, missing a trick there...

              2) I agree with that analysis - bit anti-climactic after TSE possibly, and just a totally different ambience, different set of fans (in large part if not entirely)
              Well, the charge for hugs (by others) certainly helped raise $ last time. However, as great an idea as that is, it just somehow doesn't fit when it comes to Mumsey. Mumsey hugs should always be free.

              Originally posted by llp View Post
              AT3 was my first con as well, and that's where we met. I have to agree that con and all subsequent AT cons and TSE were fantastic. No matter what I expected, I got more. Not only from the con but the great people that I met as well.
              Ah, yes, I remember it well.

              I liked MTM, but it was different and I think less personal....The crowd was a different crowd as well. Many were there just for RDA. He was very interesting and fun and I had a good time. But TSE was fantastic, the people were great, the Sanctuary people were so far beyond great, and the way the Martin Wood treated Jumble was beyond fantastic. If I wasn't already a fan, I would have been one instantly. I think that Amanda has a lot to do in setting how the con goes. Her personality sets the pace and everyone enjoys going along with it.
              In all honesty, I was a bit concerned that Jumble (yes, talking about you Jumble ) would be disappointed because her expectations were pretty high for meeting MW. I had been to cons were people just got 30 seconds in a photo op and in an autograph line. That's why I was glad she had the tour. I thought that it would make up for any potential disappointment at the con. However, MW was so kind and so gracious that the tour wasn't even needed. One of the best examples I have witnessed of treating your fans with respect.

              And by the way, the next con after AT3 was in Vancouver, the same one EH-T went to and I too was a little disapointed by the coolness of behavior from the people giving the con. The actors were fun, the con was too much business and not enough fan oriented. Did like the people I met there though!
              I think the biggest disappointment to me was the behaviour of my fellow fans at that con. While I did meet some nice people and certainly knew you and others from AT3, there were a lot of very badly behaved people at that event. If it had been my first con, it would also have been my last.
              Last edited by EH-T; 10 April 2012, 02:02 PM.

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post

                In all honesty, I was a bit concerned that Jumble (yes, talking about you Jumble ) would be disappointed because her expectations were pretty high for meeting MW. I had been to cons were people just got 30 seconds in a photo op and in an auttograph line. That's why I was glad she had the tour. I thought that it would make up for any potential disappointment at the con. However, MW was so kind and so gracious that the tour wasn't even needed. One of the best examples I have witnessed of treating your fans with respect.
                My youngest daughter fretted all the time I was away that Martin woodn't live up to my expectations, and she turned up at the house with flowers soon after I got back in case I needed a bit of emotional support! I never had any doubt that he wood be lovely, but he exceeded my wildest expectations To be fair, so did all the Sanctuary peeps - they all went out of their way to make sure we all had a thoroughly good time at TSE And that was my very first con


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  My youngest daughter fretted all the time I was away that Martin woodn't live up to my expectations, and she turned up at the house with flowers soon after I got back in case I needed a bit of emotional support! I never had any doubt that he wood be lovely, but he exceeded my wildest expectations To be fair, so did all the Sanctuary peeps - they all went out of their way to make sure we all had a thoroughly good time at TSE And that was my very first con
                  Pretty sweet daughter you have there.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Pretty sweet daughter you have there.
                    Indeed! I'm very lucky


                      A couple of other things that really impressed me at TSE. Chuck staying long after the others had left the cocktail party. Chris hanging around the Decompression Chamber chatting with fans. Agam being all nervous about meeting the fans. Ryan asking all of us to autograph his bag. Very sweet.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Rick's fans are very different to Amanda's (and the Sanctuary cast). They are very much centered on him and little else. That level of concentration can be a bit overwhelming and makes for a very different atmosphere. I've been a fan for years, and I found MTM (and Avalon) to be ... odd. The Gatecon he went to had other guests and so the RDA fans were a little more diluted.

                        Waxing philosophical.
                        For details of AT10 go to


                          I sorta have this urge to go to a con for something or someone random, not one of the popular TV shows, JUST to people watch and take notes for comparative purposes.

                          It's not just crazy people who are fascinating. And I'd like to take my psychologist friend to cons with me too - THAT would be rather epic Lol


                            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                            Rick's fans are very different to Amanda's (and the Sanctuary cast). They are very much centered on him and little else. That level of concentration can be a bit overwhelming and makes for a very different atmosphere. I've been a fan for years, and I found MTM (and Avalon) to be ... odd. The Gatecon he went to had other guests and so the RDA fans were a little more diluted.

                            Waxing philosophical.
                            Interesting to hear that from your perspective.

                            Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                            I sorta have this urge to go to a con for something or someone random, not one of the popular TV shows, JUST to people watch and take notes for comparative purposes.

                            It's not just crazy people who are fascinating. And I'd like to take my psychologist friend to cons with me too - THAT would be rather epic Lol
                            I have a BA with a psychology major. We used to do experiments studying the behaviour of others. I have to admit that I find myself falling back into that sometimes at cons. (Yes, you all need to be wary...I am studying you! )

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              I didn't go to MTM, but I was still at the hotel during it and what really struck me was that the TSE peeps were often seen just wandering about chatting to fans - Martin and Damian had their lunch sitting by the fountain outside the Sheraton - whereas all we saw of RDA was the back of his head as he was escorted by what looked like a bunch of bodyguards from one part of the hotel to another. Just seemed odd after the layed-back attitude we were used to from the TSE peeps *shrugs*


                                Believe me when I say that the security was necessary!

                                For details of AT10 go to

