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    Hehe. It isn't just the constant "oh sorry!" I remember in London we stopped for something to eat. The Canadian and the Kiwi ended up on the street looking around for a (non-existent) rubbish bin... the rest of the group had left their litter on the table for the staff to tidy away like NORMAL PEOPLE.

    I ended up with all my pockets filled with sandwich and babybel cheese wrappers because I'm a tidy kiwi.

    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
      Um, doesn't everyone? I had a lady disagree with my driving when I was a teenager, follow me to a parking lot, and proceed to yell at me. I apologized profusely and it wasn't until about half an hour later that I realized *I* had had the right-of-way and she was the one breaking rules.
      Arghhh! While not that bad, I get that sort of thing all the time. People overtake me because they assume a girl in a 1989 Ford Laser (Mazda 323) will be going way below the speed limit, only to pull in front of me and get stuck behind the *actual* slow car that I was chilling out behind. Then when they go to pull into the passing lane again I'm already in it yelling "sucker!"

      When my team leader offered me a one time use of a company car park as a sweetener for an overtime shift, he changed his mind and said "actually, it's pretty tricky. It might be easier to park in the parking building across the street and give me the receipt." I have never dinged a car while parking, his car is covered in scratches and dents.
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        Ours do as well. Heck, I say ''scuse me' when someone bumps into me. I think it's just a politeness thing.

        And tell.
        I do that too.

        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        Hehe. It isn't just the constant "oh sorry!" I remember in London we stopped for something to eat. The Canadian and the Kiwi ended up on the street looking around for a (non-existent) rubbish bin... the rest of the group had left their litter on the table for the staff to tidy away like NORMAL PEOPLE.

        I ended up with all my pockets filled with sandwich and babybel cheese wrappers because I'm a tidy kiwi.

        I always clear my trash off the table. I even wipe up any crumbs.
        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
        William Shakespeare

        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


          Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
          Keep me in mind! I might be able to go with you (won't know for a couple months, though). Unless all my clambering over rocks and sticking my head out the window on the Vancouver trip has put you off gallivanting around foreign countries with me. I won't know until I know if I've A) been accepted to the university I applied to [they confirmed today that they've at least received all of the portions of my application, though no word on when they'll bother to process it], and B) whether I can get a renter for my house so I can run off to England for a year. If I get to grad school, I might only be able to go to AT6 for the weekend, depending on class schedules. If I don't get into grad school, I'll be able to come adventuring for a week or two, probably.

          Um, doesn't everyone? I had a lady disagree with my driving when I was a teenager, follow me to a parking lot, and proceed to yell at me. I apologized profusely and it wasn't until about half an hour later that I realized *I* had had the right-of-way and she was the one breaking rules.
          nothing is for sure yet. it depends on a lot of things. if we do go, it will probably only be over 1 night. there will not be much rock climbing time since we will be hitting 5 castles and the dr who thingy if we go. but i'll let you know after we figure out what we're doing. i just reserved the Ren from 11/3-14. not knowing what days i would actually be there, but because they have limited handicap accessible rooms, i figured i would be smart to do that.
          you went on the jack the ripper tour didn't you? do you remember if it was a tour that an electric wheelchair could go on, were there any stairs and were there any scary parts, julia is thinking about it.


            oh my gosh! i'm so excited that i might go to wales...but it's not for a long time yet. i want to go now! i'm a firm believer in instant gratification! i think i'm probably going to drive my traveling partner crazy. sorry partner.

            has anyone seen the Dr Who exhibit in wales? is it worth the time to see?


              When I was a AT3 there was a big Dr Who exhibit in London that my new UK friends took me too. It was a lot of fun I have some great pictures and videos, ah, somewhere We had our luggage with us and the security guys let us put them in a locked room. They were very nice to do that.


                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Hehe. It isn't just the constant "oh sorry!" I remember in London we stopped for something to eat. The Canadian and the Kiwi ended up on the street looking around for a (non-existent) rubbish bin... the rest of the group had left their litter on the table for the staff to tidy away like NORMAL PEOPLE.

                I ended up with all my pockets filled with sandwich and babybel cheese wrappers because I'm a tidy kiwi.

                When I take the kids to sporting events I always make them pick up after themselves. Never understood why people think sports stadiums are big garbage cans.

                BTW, just want to state that little Neep is awesome.

                That is all.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  I don't think it's a particular nationality thing, more like a particular family thing. I've always cleaned up the table after myself (and my children learned to do the same) even at a fast-food place. That was one of the things that really bothered me when I was in London - the way folks just left their garbage for someone else to pick up. Paris was the same way.

                  I live in San Antonio, Texas. It has the reputation (quite deservedly so) of being one of (if not the most) the nation's cleanest cities. Not bad for the 7th largest city. It's beautiful.


                    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                    I don't think it's a particular nationality thing, more like a particular family thing. I've always cleaned up the table after myself (and my children learned to do the same) even at a fast-food place. That was one of the things that really bothered me when I was in London - the way folks just left their garbage for someone else to pick up. Paris was the same way.

                    I live in San Antonio, Texas. It has the reputation (quite deservedly so) of being one of (if not the most) the nation's cleanest cities. Not bad for the 7th largest city. It's beautiful.
                    I remember a story about a movie or TV show being filmed in Toronto many years ago. The setting of the film was supposed to be another city and they actually put garbage on the streets because Toronto was too clean to pass for that other city.
                    Last edited by EH-T; 15 January 2012, 09:13 AM.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                      there will not be much rock climbing time since we will be hitting 5 castles and the dr who thingy if we go.
                      That's fine. I'll just climb the castles.

                      As for the Doctor Who exhibition, I saw it years ago just before AT4. It was fantastic. They've closed that one, though, and are planning on opening another one sometime this year, so I'm betting it will be different than the one I went through. They haven't said when it will open, but I'm hoping November is far enough into 2012 that they're done by then. I'd suggest you wait to make serious plans until after they've worked the bugs out of the new schedule. (And I hope they get it open in time for the Olympics if for no other reason than it would make good business sense. I want it to make enough money to stay open FOREVER.)

                      Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                      you went on the jack the ripper tour didn't you? do you remember if it was a tour that an electric wheelchair could go on, were there any stairs and were there any scary parts, julia is thinking about it.
                      I did go on one. There are several different tour companies that all do them. The one I did was part of the ticket for the on-again-off-again bus tour (which was awesome by itself and all of the buses I was on would be able to handle a scooter, though I'd still email them to ask). The walking tour was all street-level on public streets, so it was as accessible as any other wandering around London would be. It started out from near the Tower of London and ended not too far from there at I can't remember which tube station. I would suggest (insist) that you'd be best off by emailing them to ask about the starting & ending points because getting to & from the tour would be probably the hardest part for scooters since the Tube isn't the most accessible thing in the world.

                      On a different topic.... Need a female, non-smoker roommate for AT6 weekend. I'm pretty sure I don't snore. (I don't, do I, Laurie?)


                        if you climb the castles, i'm pretty sure you'll get into trouble. they are gov. owned and protected and there are usually staff there. if you get caught, i will deny knowing you or where you came from.
                        dr. who is 2nd to seeing all the castles. in fact, if it isn't open, i'll find another nearby castle to see.
                        i'll be sure julia reads your post about the ripper tours.


                          They won't be able to see me climbing the castles if I turn invisible first.... *jots "invent invisibility cloak" on to-do list*

                          And on yet another topic.... For those with Charmed passes, we've got a table with 2 empty seats. Group so far is MoB, Claire, Llp, Mocha, Krystal, Eh-T, and me. Just fyi for anyone wanting to help make Becky's table assignments an easier task.


                            On castles: which ones did you have in mind?

                            Warwick Castle is cool - but it's also a complete rip-off. I have soft-spots for Chepstow and Sudely, but if you ventured as far as Scotland you could see the castle that Shakespeare had in mind when he wrote Macbeth... my father's stayed there a few times... awesome.

                            Cleanliness: I've always found Germany to be REALLY clean, been to several cities there, and they were all spotless, subtle bin placement Lol

                            But if you want some perspective I suggest a trip to Mumbai - you'll never complain about garbage disposal again


                              Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                              On castles: which ones did you have in mind?
                              Warwick Castle is cool - but it's also a complete rip-off. I have soft-spots for Chepstow and Sudely, but if you ventured as far as Scotland you could see the castle that Shakespeare had in mind when he wrote Macbeth... my father's stayed there a few times... awesome.
                              Cleanliness: I've always found Germany to be REALLY clean, been to several cities there, and they were all spotless, subtle bin placement Lol
                              But if you want some perspective I suggest a trip to Mumbai - you'll never complain about garbage disposal again
                              I don't think I mother in law went to India a few months ago & told us of the conditons there...and apparently where they stayed, it was cleaner than Mumbai. Even up in the Himalaya's, she said that there were no toilet facilities and there was rubbish & faeces everywhere.

                              As for castles, I would love to hunt down the caste my ancestors lived in...not sure where it is, though I'm sure my auntie does. Apparenty we come from royal lines...very cool
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Mumbai was brilliant for photography, terrible for my nose.

                                Rural areas were cleaner, but still had rivers of rotting fish guts and the like. It's all relative.

