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GABIT attendees thread

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    Glitchity, glitchity, glitch.

    Nice long post that I'll try to do again later. It's dinner time! Nom.


      Sure, that one posts.



        Originally posted by starsong101 View Post
        Well I did the transfer this morning and used the Gabit PO box. I saw the other one on the Gabit site have to remember us Overseas types have a hard time figuring out the mailing address in the UK . What were all those names; streets, cities, county what??? So the bank person and I went with the PO no one said anything so we will see. Such and adventure. Anyone know when or if we get a confirmation?? I know I could query Gabit but isn't this more fun

        Going to go sit in front of my space heater now. It is cold here.
        Mumsey will send you confirmation when it hits the account.

        It's cold here too. i have just recharged my wheat bag slippers and my toes are again all toasty.

        best Becks


          Originally posted by starsong101 View Post
          Well I did the transfer this morning and used the Gabit PO box. I saw the other one on the Gabit site have to remember us Overseas types have a hard time figuring out the mailing address in the UK . What were all those names; streets, cities, county what??? So the bank person and I went with the PO no one said anything so we will see. Such and adventure. Anyone know when or if we get a confirmation?? I know I could query Gabit but isn't this more fun

          Going to go sit in front of my space heater now. It is cold here.
          The address on the site will not be 'recognised' by our branch. If you have problems, email me on [email protected] and I will send what you need.

          Confirmations will go out as and when the cash reaches our account. I check it daily. The first batch has already gone out.

          Kay G4
          For details of AT10 go to


            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
            The address on the site will not be 'recognised' by our branch. If you have problems, email me on [email protected] and I will send what you need.

            Confirmations will go out as and when the cash reaches our account. I check it daily. The first batch has already gone out.

            Kay G4
            Well, got to the bank and had them send out the #330 (in UK money) so I am paid up....or will be once it gets there sometime tomorrow. They quit sending at 2pm here. So here's hoping there will be no problems.


              Originally posted by penjab View Post
              Sky, do you have an American Express Travel office anywhere near you? That is where I get my "foreign" money when I travel to Canada or England. They charge a small fee if you aren't a cardholder which I wasn't but then I think my bank would have too.
              Nice idea though.

              Originally posted by starsong101 View Post

              Most Americans cannot travel without a passport now a days. We used to be able to go to Canada and Mexico without one but no more. There may be special cases like military but I would think they would have to show their military ID's.
              All americans have to have either a travel card (for canada and mexico only i think) or a passport...and I don't think you can have both at the same time. We used to be able to go into canada or mexico with just a driver's license, but they've had to tighten that up for a variety of reasons.

              and (crossposted from the sam thread
              The glitch is apparently hitting PM's too. I wish we could fix it, but it's beyond the access of us mods or admin. It's up to Greg and VB. Supposedly it's a known glitch and we need VB to put out a patch. We can't do anything beyond that I'm afraid. And I've also been told that that patch will have some major format in all those custom tweaks folks like so much, they'll be - again - wiped away by the Greg will fix it as soon as VB gives him the tools, but know that you all will have to be patient through us retweaking our template.

              I'd offer to help with the communications but I don't think Gabit needs anyone else involved. the more relays the greater a chance that something will get misplaced or lost.

              All I can suggest is patience guys.

              oh, and right now, hitting copy before you post at least gives you the chance ot just repaste a response rather than having to type it all out again. (I've had several of my own posts eaten by the glitch)
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Not sure if there is a better place to post this but I am planning on getting a room for just myself at the hotel which means there is room for a roommate for the weekend. Normally I am hesitant sharing with a stranger but I figure AT fans for good people Anyone interested PM me


                  Originally posted by samcartersg1 View Post
                  Not sure if there is a better place to post this but I am planning on getting a room for just myself at the hotel which means there is room for a roommate for the weekend. Normally I am hesitant sharing with a stranger but I figure AT fans for good people Anyone interested PM me
                  Since you're brave enough to ask, I'll do the same.

                  I too am planning on getting a room for myself, but I'd also like a roomie if that's cool. Anyone interested can PM me.


                    i called the bank in london to check on any fees as the receiving bank and they told me there was no fee charged. well, then i got an answer to an email i sent the bank yesterday and they said there is some kind of fees that may be charged-a very vague answer actually, so i guess it will just be a surprise. so if there is a fee, i'll just have to owe gabit when i get there like the last time. and if not, then, great. so much for planning ahead.


                      Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                      i actually called HSBC bank in england to find out about any fees they charge and they claim that there is no wire transfer acceptance fee there. that's what they told me.
                      They lied. I got charged..or someone got charged 6 pounds...just been on the phone with my bank who said the bank on the other end took 6 pounds out of the money I had sent I was a little perplexed to say the least...just a bit worried & annoyed that there is 6 pounds out of Gabits pocket. Sorry gabit team.
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                        i called the bank in london to check on any fees as the receiving bank and they told me there was no fee charged. well, then i got an answer to an email i sent the bank yesterday and they said there is some kind of fees that may be charged-a very vague answer actually, so i guess it will just be a surprise. so if there is a fee, i'll just have to owe gabit when i get there like the last time. and if not, then, great. so much for planning ahead.
                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        They lied. I got charged..or someone got charged 6 pounds...just been on the phone with my bank who said the bank on the other end took 6 pounds out of the money I had sent I was a little perplexed to say the least...just a bit worried & annoyed that there is 6 pounds out of Gabits pocket. Sorry gabit team.
                        I am surprised that you are surprised.
                        Those are banks we are talking about, of course there is going to be a fee. Love the answer Mocha got, as vague as possible, so they can honestly say "but we did tell the customer there was a fee involved in the transaction".

                        Ages ago I send an international money transfer to a friend. I entered all of the bank account information he had given me. Then he sent me an email and told me that the money hadn't been transferred to his account, instead he had received a cheque in the mail in an unmarked envelope he nearly tossed as he figured it was spam.
                        I had already paid like 20 $ in fees for that but of course he had to pay a fee to have the cheque cashed as well.


                          If they do like they did last time, then when the bank at the UK side charges you a fee (as they will) the bank takes it out of the money you sent and gives the rest to the Gabit people. You bill will be short by that amount. Once in London and we picked up the tickets and passes for everything, we paid the difference (in pounds of course) at that time.


                            It's not uncommon for the banks to have no idea. Wehn I tried to change money they suggested 'well, just use your atm card'. I asked, ok, what's the fee? because I didn't want to come home and find myself dozens of dollars 'in debt' with fees (so to speak)

                            they literally couldn't tell me.

                            All they knew was that there was a 200 dollar a day withdrawl limit and no idea what the fee would be to use my card each time...and they could only say there SHOULD be atm's that work for my card.

                            Too many uncertainties. Hence why I got funds exchanged.

                            Now I will say, in Vancouver last year, I found a nice money exchange place that charged zero fees.

                            My bank has a $10 per transaction fee for money exchange. So if someone sends me foreign money it's $10 a time to have that money converted. (the price I pay for having a local bank and not some behemoth like Bank of America or the such...but I like my bank. They're very nice and I don't get 'fee'd' to death)

                            And yes, I recall GAbit saying last year, if your transfer is short a few pounds, that's fine. They'll just catch up with you there and not expect you to have to pay a 6 pound fee to wire them the 'short' 6 pounds.

                            So, while my recollection certainly isn't an official statement, I wouldn't lose sleep over a few missing pounds. they will likely work with you to take care of it in the most practical way.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              I'm going later today to pay my ticket off. Last year I remember having to pay almost $50 extra for the transfer fee, but never had a problem of it being short on Gabit's end. Hopefully that fee hasn't increased much.

                              When I travel, I usually hit the ATM once when I first hit a new country and take out as much as I believe I will be spending in cash for the duration of my time there. I'm frugal and if I find I'm beginning to run short, I shore up my spending and do without the best I can. I have had to go to the ATM more than once before when unexpected situations occurred (unplanned meal with friends, etc..) but I try not to use it so much cos I usually get a small fee (about $3 or $4) charged on both ends.

                              I've only used my debit to pay for hostels/hotels and such. Oh, and pre-purchasing sightseeing, trains, buses, etc.. before you leave home is definitely a good thing. All you need then is the confirmation numbers as everything is saved in their systems and sometimes you really get a good discount.


                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                I'm going later today to pay my ticket off. Last year I remember having to pay almost $50 extra for the transfer fee, but never had a problem of it being short on Gabit's end. Hopefully that fee hasn't increased much.
                                I just did my transfer and it was a $50 fee because it was an international wire. I hope there isn't an additional fee on the other end

