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GABIT attendees thread

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    Emma and I sat on the guest couch as a joke at a VIP pass holder panel yesterday. Everyone was being goofy taking photos and asking silly questions (we couldn't deny the rumour about the Auckland casino toilet dancing). Then someone asked about my shirt... they got the speech. Amanda was standing in the hall and caught the last of it. Ok enough typing on my phone.
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      Then someone asked about my shirt... they got the speech. Amanda was standing in the hall and caught the last of it.
      But at least it was better than if she were standing in the back of a lift while you explained why you didn't have any trousers on.


        Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
        happy birthday mal-today is my birthday too.
        Happy belated Bday Mocha - hope it was a great one!

        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        Happy Birthday, Mocha!
        Hope you have a fantastic day!

        We were thinking of hitting up a musical on the Thursday night before AT6. Heck, how can you not when in London, right?! Anyway, anyone interested in joining us? PM me or let me know here!
        You know I'm in - I love musicals! (So much so that last time I was waiting outside the ticket booth, I answered enough questions about the shows currently playing that people thought I worked there LOL)

        Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
        Yes, there's plenty I can't do - or at least haven't tried yet! LOL!
        About two years ago I connected with an upcoming young composer on the London music scene.
        She loved my written work and I was impressed with her
        Musical talent. We vowed to work together. She doesn't write lyrics and I
        dont write music! Perfect!
        The anthem at Westminster was performed by a young
        female choir and was our chance to see if we could
        work together. We certainly can!
        I wrote the words/lyrics. She set them to music.
        Our next project is much more ambitious. A composition
        for women.
        Her music is performed at the Royal Festival Hall and the Barbican.
        Somebody said we are like Gilbert & Sullivan. I prefer to think of us as
        more like Elton John & Bernie Taupin! LOL!

        It's great you're going to wear S4K apparell tomorrow too!
        Will think of you as we stand in line sporting ours

        That sounds so cool Julia - congrats on yet another amazing achievement!
        I happen to be wearing my S4K hoodie as I type, coincidentally enough
        I walked out wearing it this morning, and my mother's greeting was "ooooh - I like that... You should give it to me!" *shakes head* Guess I need to get another one for her!
        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
        ames on facebook
        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


          [QUOTE=ames;13003932]Happy belated Bday Mocha - hope it was a great one!

          thank you. went out for dinner w/mom.haven't been to a restaurant since dragon con. and there was cake. very good cake!


            Originally posted by ames View Post
            You know I'm in - I love musicals! (So much so that last time I was waiting outside the ticket booth, I answered enough questions about the shows currently playing that people thought I worked there LOL)

            That sounds so cool Julia - congrats on yet another amazing achievement!
            I happen to be wearing my S4K hoodie as I type, coincidentally enough
            I walked out wearing it this morning, and my mother's greeting was "ooooh - I like that... You should give it to me!" *shakes head* Guess I need to get another one for her!
            Random OT, but had to share. Halloween rocks! Went to an amazing Bash last night and we had such a great time! Lots of silly contests (pumpkin carving, pass the pretzel, etc) and such amazing decorations. And the food! OMG. My friends really outdid themselves this year. Now looking forward to one more party this weekend and the trick-or-treating. Heee! Happy Halloween everyone!

            As I recall, you did beat us to Leicester Square that morning. Now I know what you were doing while you waited on all of us to get there. Love it and so perfectly Ames of you.

            I've gotten so much response to this musical invite and haven't even had a chance to tally it up! We're definitely seeing Wicked on Thursday, though, which is just great. I had a chance of seeing it a couple years ago with a friend up in Chicago, but wasn't able to cos of work. Rectifying that in London next year will be perfect and I know R hasn't seen it either, so even better!

            I've a S4K wristband I wore to work once and was asked what it meant. I felt happy explaining it, but decided not to wear it the next day (at least for work on the rig) cos when I repeatedly went to take off my latex gloves, the wristband wanted to come off as well since it's pretty loose. Wouldn't want to lose it so I save it for special occasions now.

            Adding my congratulations to you Julia as well. Somehow, reading of all your achievements doesn't surprise me anymore. I even heard you were one step closer to your Olympic dream as well. You're definitely one amazing lady.


              Originally posted by ames View Post
              Happy belated Bday Mocha - hope it was a great one!

              You know I'm in - I love musicals! (So much so that last time I was waiting outside the ticket booth, I answered enough questions about the shows currently playing that people thought I worked there LOL)

              That sounds so cool Julia - congrats on yet another amazing achievement!
              I happen to be wearing my S4K hoodie as I type, coincidentally enough
              I walked out wearing it this morning, and my mother's greeting was "ooooh - I like that... You should give it to me!" *shakes head* Guess I need to get another one for her!
              I have several X large and one XXL in stock. (They do come up a bit small)

              For details of AT10 go to


                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                I have several X large and one XXL in stock. (They do come up a bit small)
                Oh how does one go about purchasing a hoodie? Not quite my size but I can make it fit.
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Oh how does one go about purchasing a hoodie? Not quite my size but I can make it fit.
                  I heard at AT6 there possibly might be a whole new redesigned line of S4K merchandise to buy. I'd buy a hoodie myself but I'd probably be swallowed whole if I went for even the XL size, so I'm waiting.


                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                    I heard at AT6 there possibly might be a whole new redesigned line of S4K merchandise to buy. I'd buy a hoodie myself but I'd probably be swallowed whole if I went for even the XL size, so I'm waiting.
                    Well if the sizes are anything like the Gabit jackets, the XL will be too big but thats ok, I don't mind the extra cloth!

                    If they are definitely going to have S4K merchandise at AT6 then I might hold off.
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Hey all, I am attending this year. This will be my first ever event and I am attending alone. I am slightly nervous but from what I have read I am really looking forward to it all


                        AT6 is far away though, you might get cold between now and then...


                          Originally posted by Oma_Eva View Post
                          Hey all, I am attending this year. This will be my first ever event and I am attending alone. I am slightly nervous but from what I have read I am really looking forward to it all
                          Don't worry! You'll have a blast!
                          My vids Sig made by me


                            Originally posted by Oma_Eva View Post
                            Hey all, I am attending this year. This will be my first ever event and I am attending alone. I am slightly nervous but from what I have read I am really looking forward to it all

                            I attended my first AT event (and first con ever) alone. Trust me, you won't be alone for long. Once everyone's travel plans are set, you can make arrangements to meet this crazy (in a good way) group. Also, Gabit has an event for newcomers so you can meet people in the same situation as you.

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Well if the sizes are anything like the Gabit jackets, the XL will be too big but thats ok, I don't mind the extra cloth!

                              If they are definitely going to have S4K merchandise at AT6 then I might hold off.
                              I got the small fleece and absolutely swim in it. But it is lovely on those chilly days when the heat decides it doesn't want to come on.

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                you know, it's not a good idea for you to swim in a fleece hoodie. when they get wet, they are very heavy and will restrict your movement in water.

