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GABIT attendees thread

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    got mine..


      done! i can't live with this kind of stress!!!!! no, not registration.....being up this early and not having a Starbucks!!


        Why is it that when I want to sleep, I can't ... but when I want to stay up, I have the hardest time keeping these eyes open???

        Luckily I woke again from the catnap I had apparently drifted off to in time to hit refresh 'til the link showed up

        Sadly the form wouldn't let me edit my nickname to bluejelloqueen, so I'll just be ames again this time around. Or perhaps I'll email the crew later to see if they can change it for me ... but definitely later, after the craziness of the pre-reg weekend is over!

        *hugs wonderful GABIT people*
        ...and now, off to sleep with ames! G'nite all! *waves sleepily*
        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
        ames on facebook
        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


          Originally posted by starsong101 View Post
          Morning Trin
          Good evening. I'm all done! Hopefully, the bunch of work that interrupted me didn't hurt my chances much. Silly people! Stop having emergencies while I plan AT6!

          (No, I did not neglect them. Sadly, I haven't managed to get rid of this pesky Work Ethic yet. I keep trying. But hey! Only another 100 minutes left in work tonight! Even if I should've been in bed already except for the last-minute notification about my mandatory overtime...)

          Anybody know if the registration works the same this year as it did before where after we submitted the number of tickets, we were in line and can take our time with the filling out forms part? (People started talking to me as soon as I typed my name, so it took 15 minutes to fill it all out.)
          Last edited by Trindajae; 01 October 2011, 12:27 AM.


            Done! Sarai, Josiane, MoB and I are registered! WooHooood!

            Excited? Moi? Nah.......


              Yes and Claire and I are registered as well....all went well with everyone I hope!


                It's so funny to see this much activity on the thread right now. I love it!


                  Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                  It's so funny to see this much activity on the thread right now. I love it!
                  Not use to having so many people awake at this hour along with you Trin?


                    Nearly panicked when I couldn't find Switzerland on the list. Found it in the alphabetically wrong place in the end though

                    Pre-registration done! *extremely happy, excited*

                    Thank you, GABIT =)


                      Originally posted by xgfan View Post
                      Nearly panicked when I couldn't find Switzerland on the list. Found it in the alphabetically wrong place in the end though

                      Pre-registration done! *extremely happy, excited*

                      Thank you, GABIT =)
                      What they lost Switzerland.....not very nice.

                      Well, I don't know about anyone else in the US - but I'm going to bed! Night all.


                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        What they lost Switzerland.....not very nice.

                        Well, I don't know about anyone else in the US - but I'm going to bed! Night all.
                        I had trouble finding the US


                          Originally posted by xgfan View Post
                          Nearly panicked when I couldn't find Switzerland on the list.
                          I almost put myself in "United States - Minor Outlying Territories." Happily, I'm just awake enough to have caught it.

                          Originally posted by llp View Post
                          Not use to having so many people awake at this hour along with you Trin?
                          I'm plenty used to people being awake when I am. They're called "callers" and I find them irritating. I'm not used to having people I *like* awake and able to chat with me. Also? I just two weeks ago moved to swing shift from nightshift (started a couple of community college classes, so have to be awake during the daylight hours). I'm not entirely accustomed to seeing people out and about, though. You know when you drive somewhere late at night and it takes you only a fraction of the time it normally would because there's no traffic? Yeah, that's what I call "normal." It's lovely. I don't like how everything takes me three times as long because I have to wait in lines at the post office, shops, traffic, etc. I do like seeing other humans that I don't work with, however, and I think that will make up for it in the long run. Also, I've made a couple of acquaintances in my classes that might be good to know both professionally and possibly as friends. I can always make room for more friends.


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Done! Sarai, Josiane, MoB and I are registered! WooHooood!

                            Excited? Moi? Nah.......

                            Whee! (excited? me? Nope. Never. )

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                              Whee! (excited? me? Nope. Never. )
                              This time yesterday I wasn't even intending to go


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                This time yesterday I wasn't even intending to go
                                LOL. I knew you'd go. I was totally sending the *gogo mojo* your way.

                                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends

