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GABIT attendees thread

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    is anybody on this site going to the Dragon Con? delta air dropped their rates and i'm saving a bunch. they'll probably raise them again soon. so will i see any gabiteers there?


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      here steno, here.
      or steve. steve is good
      Steve is the name of the bear I got from Julia at AT4 and had lots of people sign...I had Amanda sign his bum.
      I like Steno for a name...didn't Kate call him something else though??
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Mine is Henry
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
          is anybody on this site going to the Dragon Con? delta air dropped their rates and i'm saving a bunch. they'll probably raise them again soon. so will i see any gabiteers there?
          Yeees, you're gonna see me there Will be flying with Lufthansa though Hope to see ya there!!


            Items for the next S4K auctions include Skype chat with her and Robin Dunne, also that personal item she was referring to earlier is apparently a Carter SG-1 jacket.
            Also one item is: have one of the cast record your voicemail message!

            In addition there's an update on the S4K blog, with a story of how much difference $500 dollar can make in a Nepali boy's life. It's amazing how much so little money can do!


              Originally posted by Andy View Post
              Yeees, you're gonna see me there Will be flying with Lufthansa though Hope to see ya there!!
              it will be easier for you to spot me. i'll be the one running everybody over on my red mobility scooter.


                I've only one cat, though I've attempted to adopt another in the past thinking a playmate/companion might be a good thing while I was away or at work during the day. She definitely vetoed that idea when I brought home a kitten once so unfortunately, he was returned to his litter the next day. Thankfully the little kitten found a good home elsewhere so my guilt was assuaged.

                As to my cat's name. Heh, I just got in the habit of calling her 'Bit' since she was born since she was the runt of the litter (she was a tiny 'bit' of a handful..get it?) Anyways, the name stuck so no matter how much I would rather change it now, she wouldn't listen/answer to anything else


                  Little bit Well, she definitely has character

                  My elderly cat is very frail, but he's still the alpha cat around here. I was going to say top dog, but that's not right. He has actually just climbed into bed with me, as I was writing the previous sentence. Hiya, my Tigger. I got him when I was 6, so he is 17 years old now. When he was younger he was all muscle and sleek as anything.

                  4 years ago we got 2 sisters. One came to live here and we called her Yeti, since the extended family have run out of Bigfoot names (the have 7 toes on each paw and look slightly ridiculous) so we went onto other mythical monsters She is teeny and black and absolutely the opposite of a Yeti. She has just had her second litter of kittens and just seems impossibly tiny to have managed it. All of their eyes are now open

                  Her sister originally went to my sister in town, but she came back to live with us for a couple of reasons... my sister seems particularly allergic to this family of cats, and she kept coming home to find her loser flatmate trying get the cat high. Exhaling marijuana smoke in her face, the poor thing. So cruel. So she's a bit stupid, and eats everything she can get her paws on. So while she should be a small cat like her sister, she waddles everywhere. Her name is Schrödinger, but we call her Schro, Fat Cat or Garbage Guts.

                  ETA: haha, my sister is paying the $45 Mensa registration fee just to settle an argument at work. I decided not to join years ago, because they all seem like such insufferable snobs about it all. I lied to the teacher who was bothering me to join and said my result didn't qualify, because I really didn't see how this one type of intelligence should be valued over others.
                  Last edited by NZNeep; 09 April 2011, 02:18 PM.
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by donamac View Post
                    Funny---my smallish feral-ish kitty is named Callie which is probably pronounced Kali. Maybe that's why she is so wild. But she has her sweet side, too. Likes a lap now and then and always follows me into the bathroom (her litter box is there) to keep me company strange little creature.
                    Mine like the bathroom, too. What is it with cats and bathrooms? And the litter box isn't in there, so they have no excuse.

                    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                    What about Chuck? Or Two Face?

                    on the 'New Guy!' theme
                    Wouldn't 'New Guy' make him Will?

                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    Little bit Well, she definitely has character

                    My elderly cat is very frail, but he's still the alpha cat around here. I was going to say top dog, but that's not right. He has actually just climbed into bed with me, as I was writing the previous sentence. Hiya, my Tigger. I got him when I was 6, so he is 17 years old now. When he was younger he was all muscle and sleek as anything.

                    4 years ago we got 2 sisters. One came to live here and we called her Yeti, since the extended family have run out of Bigfoot names (the have 7 toes on each paw and look slightly ridiculous) so we went onto other mythical monsters She is teeny and black and absolutely the opposite of a Yeti. She has just had her second litter of kittens and just seems impossibly tiny to have managed it. All of their eyes are now open

                    Her sister originally went to my sister in town, but she came back to live with us for a couple of reasons... my sister seems particularly allergic to this family of cats, and she kept coming home to find her loser flatmate trying get the cat high. Exhaling marijuana smoke in her face, the poor thing. So cruel. So she's a bit stupid, and eats everything she can get her paws on. So while she should be a small cat like her sister, she waddles everywhere. Her name is Schrödinger, but we call her Schro, Fat Cat or Garbage Guts.

                    ETA: haha, my sister is paying the $45 Mensa registration fee just to settle an argument at work. I decided not to join years ago, because they all seem like such insufferable snobs about it all. I lied to the teacher who was bothering me to join and said my result didn't qualify, because I really didn't see how this one type of intelligence should be valued over others.
                    My current kitties are Grace (when I got her I had a dwarf bunny named George - some of you will get the reference ), and Tripod (she only has three feet - hence Tri (three) Pod (feet). I've actually had people tell me it's cruel to call her that. Um, she doesn't understand what it means, I don't think she's offended. My brother thought Yard would have been a good name, but I didn't think that was as cute. In the past I've had Eightball (her life seemed to start behind one). One-Eyed Jack (literally born with only one eye, we usually called him Jack). JD (short for John Doe since we couldn't come up with a name). Those have been the most unusual of the names.

                    The last time I checked into Mensa, they wanted $100 just for the test. Somehow I just can't bring myself to spend that much money for a test. Thought it might be a good way to meet people, but if they're anything like the folks that you met, then that wouldn't be for me.
                    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                    William Shakespeare

                    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                      In New Zealand they charge $45 for the test and if you pass, then that same $45 counts as your first annual membership fee.

                      I dunno, maybe it was just this one teacher. Some people seem to really enjoy it.
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                        Items for the next S4K auctions include Skype chat with her and Robin Dunne, also that personal item she was referring to earlier is apparently a Carter SG-1 jacket.
                        Also one item is: have one of the cast record your voicemail message!
                        In addition there's an update on the S4K blog, with a story of how much difference $500 dollar can make in a Nepali boy's life. It's amazing how much so little money can do!
                        There was a correction made to the's an MGM Studio jacket with the SG-1 logo on it, owned by Amanda that must be the personal item from Amanda...very cool indeed!!
                        I don't use voicemail...but that might entice me to do so.
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                          Items for the next S4K auctions include Skype chat with her and Robin Dunne, also that personal item she was referring to earlier is apparently a Carter SG-1 jacket.
                          Also one item is: have one of the cast record your voicemail message!
                          In addition there's an update on the S4K blog, with a story of how much difference $500 dollar can make in a Nepali boy's life. It's amazing how much so little money can do!
                          Do you think they speak Dutch??


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                            Do you think they speak Dutch??
                            I bet they could do it phonetically.
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              you could make a recording for them so they know how to pronounce the words. actually, it might make a better message if they don't pronounce it right.


                                Nah, just do it in English and see how many important calls hang up thinking they have wrong number.
                                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!

