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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by llp View Post
    oh come on jumble, you and i know that a badge isn't going to stop you or even slow you down unless you do that just to read it and start laughing!



      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      OK, you people have to stop treating it like it is a good thing!
      If it makes you feel any better, I still cringe and duck when you flash that bad boy in my general direction, even if it wasn't me who caused the flashing!...wait - that didn't come out quite right ... *hangs head ... bows to the power of the badge*

      Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
      For those with thoughts of AT6 and the fact that it's *really* hard to remember to eat heathy food at reasonable times when you're bouncing off the walls... Multivitimans are good for you. I was startled to discover how much easier it was to get through the day when I started taking multivitamins (the chewy gummy bear kind because then I remember to take them; they're less complete, but I figure any vitamin I remember to take is more effective than the one that lives in the bottle until it's expired) and iron supplements on a quasi-regular basis.

      And since everyone else seems to be doing it... here's the fast update on where I've been and why I haven't been hanging around as often:

      Life has been busy for me, though less stressfull for the past two weeks than for the four weeks prior. My cat, Vala, died two weeks ago. She was diabetic and tanked unexpectedly. Her vet happened to be a Stargate fan and was the only one in the office who could not only pronounce her name correctly, but understood completely when I said the name was less homage than warning label. My cat was a con artist, thief, generally nosy & irritating pain the in neck, and yet managed to be so charming that I could never quite manage to stay mad at her. Even if I did have to install child-locks on all the cupboards so she would stop helping herself to whatever food was in the house. I still find myself expecting to hear a second set of paws around the house, but I also know that going off to England for postgraduate study in a year or two will be much easier if I don't have to find someone able to (or able to afford to) take care of an expensive cat with complicated medical needs.

      Work is likely to suck up all of my free time for the next little while, too, in case anybody notices I go missing. We're switching computer systems. Management has given us about as much training as is reasonable, but it's still going to be a messy changeover and we're all more than a little bit worried that we're going to accidentally kill people while screwing things up. I'm pretty computer-saavy and I'm putting in overtime to learn the new system before our go-live date in two weeks, so I think I'll be okay. I might not be as efficient as I'd like to be and some of the problems I run into will definitely have messy fixes, but I'm confident that I won't freeze up too badly. Still, if anybody would like to cross their fingers for me or the county I'm supposed to be sending ambulances for, well-wishes will not be turned away.

      I've decided that I'm ready for and probably would benefit stress-wise from getting a second cat to keep my remaining cat company, so that's tomorrow's plan. I spent two hours at the animal shelter today looking for another cat that would fit into the household. I've got the list narrowed down to 5 possibles and I'll likely bring my new housemate home tomorrow. I'll probably need a new name for it, too, if anyone wants to offer suggestions. The names on most of the cats were things like "Binky," "Janet Jackson," and "Calico Kaboom." I don't need my animals to have people names, but I will definitely never be standing on the porch calling out "Sparkle Boots."

      I have never once been shown the badge. I don't know if I'm proud of my sneakiness that I seem to get away with everything, or if I'm feeling ashamed of myself and left out...

      On an unrelated note, "Canadian suggestion" made me remember this old [satirical] news article from February 2009...

      Sorry to hear about your cat Trin. I love the fact that her name was more a warning label - awesome. My sis called her cat Loki until she decided that she was tempting a self-fulfilling prophecy by doing so ... and changed her name to Stella. Now the cat's a diva, but at least she's not nearly as mischievious! LOL

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      Oh I'm sorry, I obviously misunderstood - I thought it was necessary to have been shown the badge in order to be a 'proper' Gabiteer. You know, a rite of passage type of thing
      Oh, it totally has become so, yup. Much to Eh-T's apparent dismay.

      Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
      You weren't confused... you were paying attention. It's the difference between what a thing is *meant* to be and what we all agree that it *is*. ;P
      Hehehe - yeah, that about covers it!

      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      No, it is not!!!!

      A) I'm very surprized you haven't been shown the badge. I'm sure that won't last.

      B) It is not a warship, it is a peace keeping vessel!

      OK, probably my last post until I return from Vangroovy. Play nice while I'm away.
      As Eh-T pointed out, they're not 'warships', they're 'peace keeping vessels' ... that happen to be armed. Y'know, in case the other boats don't appreciate the whole keeping of the peace goal. It's all about perspective! (Kinda like the badge thingy ... but I digress!) Have fun in Vangroovy, Eh-T! Try to not miss us too much while you're gone!

      In seemingly-OT-but-not-really news: my replacement birth certificate arrived in the post today! Yay! So this means I can now renew my driver's license and my health card and my passport! *does happy dance* (Hey, no passport meant no AT6, so it's related to the thread, if somewhat tenuously) I think I'm going to have to get a safety deposit box or sommat though - the BC is null and void if you laminate it, and it's bigger than a credit card so doesn't fit into a wallet. If you fold it, it eventually tears in half (see my original BC ... or not, as when it started to tear, I took it out of the wallet and put it somewhere 'safe' ... yeah, that worked well *headdesk*)
      ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

      SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
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        <-- has never been badged. But that's likely due to the fact that, having been to only 1 gabit event, I have yet to be caught...

        My 10 year-old cat is named Kali. Biggest naming-mistake ever. My cat who died in December was Hindu. Seriously the most awesome, mellow, cool cat you could imagine...

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Sometimes brute force is the only way to keep the peace
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
            My 10 year-old cat is named Kali. Biggest naming-mistake ever. My cat who died in December was Hindu. Seriously the most awesome, mellow, cool cat you could imagine...
            I'm leaning towards naming the new kitty Daniel. He's a bit timid at first, tends to take cover at unexpected threatening noises, and is bold once he settles in. I decided to take a couple of days before deciding. After all, I hadn't meant to name Vala anything Stargate-related, but a couple days of living with her showed her personality. I'm hoping it will do the same for the new guy. Oh, hey! New guy. Maybe I should name him Mitchell. (His current name is Brady, but that is likely to have the Brady Bunch theme song stuck in my head, so I don't think I'll be keeping it.)


              congratulations on the new kitty. hope this one will be nice and healthy for you.

              best of luck on the computer switch over. when we switched systems there was a major mess to contend with. the thing is, it was caused by the computer nerds, not by the ludites for a change. for once they couldn't blame us.


                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                <-- has never been badged. But that's likely due to the fact that, having been to only 1 gabit event, I have yet to be caught...

                My 10 year-old cat is named Kali. Biggest naming-mistake ever. My cat who died in December was Hindu. Seriously the most awesome, mellow, cool cat you could imagine...
                Funny---my smallish feral-ish kitty is named Callie which is probably pronounced Kali. Maybe that's why she is so wild. But she has her sweet side, too. Likes a lap now and then and always follows me into the bathroom (her litter box is there) to keep me company strange little creature.


                  Hmmm...all this talk about cats...I only have a dog (Bill...or Billy Bob as he's sometimes called) that needs to go on a diet...he's got to weigh over 50kg now. He's the "Biggie" in our Sanctuary.
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    *hugs Trin*

                    Chelle, I have a dog too, Lucy is her name. She's my baby! Although I did find her sleeping on my living room sofa this morning, naughty dog. LOL.

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                      I'm leaning towards naming the new kitty Daniel. He's a bit timid at first, tends to take cover at unexpected threatening noises, and is bold once he settles in. I decided to take a couple of days before deciding. After all, I hadn't meant to name Vala anything Stargate-related, but a couple days of living with her showed her personality. I'm hoping it will do the same for the new guy. Oh, hey! New guy. Maybe I should name him Mitchell. (His current name is Brady, but that is likely to have the Brady Bunch theme song stuck in my head, so I don't think I'll be keeping it.)
                      Aw. *hugs* Be sure to let us know what you end up naming him.

                      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                        Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                        I'm leaning towards naming the new kitty Daniel. He's a bit timid at first, tends to take cover at unexpected threatening noises, and is bold once he settles in. I decided to take a couple of days before deciding. After all, I hadn't meant to name Vala anything Stargate-related, but a couple days of living with her showed her personality. I'm hoping it will do the same for the new guy. Oh, hey! New guy. Maybe I should name him Mitchell. (His current name is Brady, but that is likely to have the Brady Bunch theme song stuck in my head, so I don't think I'll be keeping it.)
                        What about Chuck? Or Two Face?

                        on the 'New Guy!' theme
                        For details of AT10 go to


                          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                          What about Chuck? Or Two Face?

                          on the 'New Guy!' theme
                          In my experience, with cats, 'Chuck' might be tempting providence somewhat.........


                            Heh, or just New Guy!
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              or how about something simple like stenopelohabilis? think of all the different nicknames you can make from that. and you can be pretty sure that nobody else's cat has the same name.


                                here steno, here.

                                or steve. steve is good
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


