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GABIT attendees thread

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    TSE2 in Vancouver would make me a VERY HAPPY CAMPER.

    But if you were to do it in another country. Germany would be AWESOME. My nephew, niece-in-law and Great-Niece and Great-Nephew live there during the hockey season. And next year I believe I get 2 weeks vacation since I will be at 4 years with Wal*Mart. So I could do the covention and visit them at the same time. Plus I have tons of friends there as well (both from here and Steve Bacic's forum as well). Well of course holding the convention during hockey season would be important.

    CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
    GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
    FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


      Originally posted by AnnieS View Post
      TSE2 in Vancouver would make me a VERY HAPPY CAMPER.

      But if you were to do it in another country. Germany would be AWESOME. My nephew, niece-in-law and Great-Niece and Great-Nephew live there during the hockey season. And next year I believe I get 2 weeks vacation since I will be at 4 years with Wal*Mart. So I could do the covention and visit them at the same time. Plus I have tons of friends there as well (both from here and Steve Bacic's forum as well). Well of course holding the convention during hockey season would be important.
      I am intrigued! Why would anyone want to live in Germany during the hockey season if they could live in Canada during the hockey season? ;-)
      Most logical explanation I can come up with: their fathers plays hockey! Awesome!


        Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
        I am intrigued! Why would anyone want to live in Germany during the hockey season if they could live in Canada during the hockey season? ;-)
        Most logical explanation I can come up with: their fathers plays hockey! Awesome!
        Yup. My nephew has been playing hockey in Germany for 6 seasons now. 4 in Manniheim and now 2 in Wolfsburg (even though it was orginally 1 season he had signed for). My Great-Niece Mila (who will be 2 on the 28th of March) was born in Manniheim and my Great-nephew Cael (who will be 3 months on Tuesday) was born in Wolfsburg.

        And he actually did live in Canada for a year back when he played for the Calgary Flames. Personally I would love it if he could be here in Vancouver, playing for my Canucks. But Germany is where he is and he loves it there.

        CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
        MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
        POLARIS TORONTO 2007
        CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
        GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
        VCON VANCOUVER 2010
        FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post

          Ames -
          Congrats on the newest addition. xo

          Happy St Paddy's Day!!
          Thanks m'dear - he's seriously cute, I tell ya! ...and happy belated green day to y'all too

          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          I don't think there is any con out there that is remotely like Gabit!
          I believe I uttered almost those exact words just a few days ago!

          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          Then obviously that wood be a really good time to have TSE2! I'd love to be out of the UK and avoid the Olympics completely
          Subtle Jumble, very subtle... LOL!

          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          I'm open for TSE to be held in lieu for AT6 in 2012...but whatever flies is cool with long as we're not competing with the Olympics. pun intended. I'm trying to convince my mum to come along...not holding my breathe but she keeps saying she needs a holiday and I'd love to introduce her to the wonders of a Gabit event. Tried to tell her that if we could wrangle a holiday together to Europe next year that coincides with AT6, I'd pay for her Gabit ticket and we could go see Paris and Berlin...we'll see.
          I've convinced Fig to come to AT6 with us *does happy dance*, but if we were to have a TSE2, I think my mom would really enjoy the whole GABIT experience. Granted, she'd absolutely love to go to a GABIT event in England as well, as she'd love any excuse to head back to the UK however short of a lotto win, I definitely can't swing 3 sets of tickets/hotels/sightseeing/etc She's also not supposed to leave the country atm for medical reasons, but that's beside the point I do think it would be a fun mother-daughter bonding experience, and frankly, GABIT events are going to be much more to her liking than the other style of cons I've experienced ... we shall see!

          Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
          I am intrigued! Why would anyone want to live in Germany during the hockey season if they could live in Canada during the hockey season? ;-)
          Most logical explanation I can come up with: their fathers plays hockey! Awesome!
          LOL, wondered how long it'd take you to jump on that comment Not long at all, apparently!

          In other news ... nope, that's all I got atm! (TBF, I've just come off a 13-hour shift after only 5 hours of sleep since the previous 12-hr shift - yay for Sundays *ahem* early Monday mornings!)
          *huge hugs to the thread* Miss all y'all!!
          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
          ames on facebook
          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


            Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
            the thought of a TSE2,period, would make me happy.
            Me too

            Originally posted by ames View Post
            Subtle Jumble, very subtle... LOL!
            Yep, subtle, that's me

            AnnieS, I did ask about getting a TSE in England, but doing it anywhere other than Vancouver wood seriously restrict the number of guest that could attend because of the travel costs involved, which wood be a shame. What made it so Awesome was having so many of the cast and crew turn up, so I'll be happy to have it in Vancouver again - just as soon as they can organize it


              what jumble said.

              You gotta remember that part of the cost of putting a con on is paying the talent's 'room and board' for the weekend. ie hotel room and food.

              every situation is different, however often while the talent may donate their appearance fee, they often do accept and expect to have their flights and hotels and food paid for. (just cause a person is an actor doesn't mean they're millionaires, in fact, far from is, especially in vangroovy where you don't get charlie sheens getting paid 1.8 million per episode....the last I'd heard one of the stargate folks was getting 100,000 per episode, but you gotta factor taxes and living in there)

              Not only will having it overseas effect air fare and the such, it would also be limited to those that could take the 3-4 days totally away from work.

              having it in vangroovy seriously cuts down on the overhead (uk- canadian exchange rates), the actors don't need hotel rooms and 3 meals a day provided and eliminates 1-2000 each for air fare.

              also, if damian or martin or whomever has a free 5 hour block they can drop in and then go back to work

              about the only folks it's harder for (other htan fans that have to fly over) are the G4, who have to fly over and do all the arrangements via long distance international calls
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Short of a lottery win, there's no way I can get to Vancouver, so I'm hoping for AT6 to be next.

                I can't wait to see everyone again........and seeing Amanda too, of course.


                  Originally posted by llp View Post
                  A TSE2 here at Vancouver would be lovely. My travel expenses would be a lot less. What we need to know is their shooting schedule for Season 5 (YEAH!) of Sanctuary. Obviously we would have to have the entire cast available, right!

                  Oh that the thought of TSE2 in VANCOUVER has made me feel better!
                  Glad to hear that!

                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  It was a combination of his hate for "furries," his fear of polar bears (he thinks he will be mistaken for a seal) and Fred the Furling Penguin Bear. Fred was sitting up on the stage with him. Fred was wearing his little penguin costume.


                  ETA in this one you can see Fred:


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                  Short of a lottery win, there's no way I can get to Vancouver, so I'm hoping for AT6 to be next.

                  I can't wait to see everyone again........and seeing Amanda too, of course.
                  Nice for those in the UK and Europe to have AT events in London. Nice for those in North America (and I met one fan from South America) to have TSE events in Vancouver. And distance doesn't totally keep the Aussie/Kiwis away just make them pick one or come to every second event.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    It was a combination of his hate for "furries," his fear of polar bears (he thinks he will be mistaken for a seal) and Fred the Furling Penguin Bear. Fred was sitting up on the stage with him. Fred was wearing his little penguin costume.


                    ETA in this one you can see Fred:


                    That led me to this one of the first time Chris Judge had heard of the concept of Furries while on a con panel. (And it's an entirely kid-safe vid, too.) I don't know that I've laughed so hard at any point this calendar year. Thank you, Neep, for starting me off in this direction.



                      can't remember if it was talked about here or just on the gabit forum...Ronan as Conan. but i saw the preview for the movie the other day and hardly recognized him. boy has he bulked up and his face is so different without a beard. check it


                        That is true about the guests. And for me as well. Since I live in North Vangrovey. Though staying at the hotel for me is a holiday, even though I live so close. Means I can get off the North Shore for a few days. And not have to think about work or anthing else. Just having fun with my friends at the convention. Just like with Creation Stargate Vancouver in just a few weeks. I leave for South Burnaby on Wednesday morning (April 13th) and not returning to the North Shore till Monday (April 18th). So yes a vacation for me.
                        MY CONVENTIONS:

                        CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
                        MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
                        POLARIS TORONTO 2007
                        CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
                        GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
                        VCON VANCOUVER 2010
                        FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          Then obviously that wood be a really good time to have TSE2! I'd love to be out of the UK and avoid the Olympics completely
                          In spoilers for OT ness.

                          I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Quite frankly I am dreading it - I live in a town east of London. Most of the venues are between here and Central London - one of them (Mountain biking) is just a couple of miles from here. Our town has invested a huge amount of money in a sports complex with the view to getting one of the teams to come here to acclimatise before the event. To finance it, they have sold off a lot of green spaces to companies building houses. So they want the kids to become healthier and develop into athletes of the future, and they take away the places that they play!

                          Oooooh! you don't want me to get started on all that!

                          Mumsey (who thought she was the only person to groan when we 'won' the Olympics)
                          For details of AT10 go to


                            Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                            That led me to this one of the first time Chris Judge had heard of the concept of Furries while on a con panel. (And it's an entirely kid-safe vid, too.) I don't know that I've laughed so hard at any point this calendar year. Thank you, Neep, for starting me off in this direction.

                            Thanks...I laughed so hard....really funny!


                              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                              In spoilers for OT ness.

                              I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Quite frankly I am dreading it - I live in a town east of London. Most of the venues are between here and Central London - one of them (Mountain biking) is just a couple of miles from here. Our town has invested a huge amount of money in a sports complex with the view to getting one of the teams to come here to acclimatise before the event. To finance it, they have sold off a lot of green spaces to companies building houses. So they want the kids to become healthier and develop into athletes of the future, and they take away the places that they play!

                              Oooooh! you don't want me to get started on all that!

                              Mumsey (who thought she was the only person to groan when we 'won' the Olympics)
                              *hugs Mumsey*

                              Oh no, you're definitely not the only one! I personally am disgusted by the amount of money that has been spent on this event, and I feel very sorry for all the Brits that will have their lives turned upside down because of it


                                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                                In spoilers for OT ness.

                                I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Quite frankly I am dreading it - I live in a town east of London. Most of the venues are between here and Central London - one of them (Mountain biking) is just a couple of miles from here. Our town has invested a huge amount of money in a sports complex with the view to getting one of the teams to come here to acclimatise before the event. To finance it, they have sold off a lot of green spaces to companies building houses. So they want the kids to become healthier and develop into athletes of the future, and they take away the places that they play!

                                Oooooh! you don't want me to get started on all that!

                                Mumsey (who thought she was the only person to groan when we 'won' the Olympics)
                                Maybe we were lucky but the Olypmics in LA were fantastic. There were several advantages the 1976 Olympics in LA. I lived in Orange County, but the traffic disappeard in LA. I don't know where people went, but many took that time off from work. I could get to work in 1/2 the time.
                                People also acquired a different attitude. They were nicer, kinder - almost like living in Canada. And I even got tickets to an event so I could take my Mom to the Olympics. Something you don't get much of a chance to do. She got 2 tickets as well for the same event (different days). I had a blast and a great memory I shared with my Mom for a very long time. So here's hoping your Olympic games were as awe inspiring as mine. It isn't often when people from all over the world get together peacefully and have a great time.
                                So inspite of some of the downsides, I hope it works out well for you and for the UK. Every 4 years I become a sports fan. I wish well for the underdogs. I enjoy everyones win (and of course for my country). But it is really special when some little country you never heard of gets an athlete into the Olympics, especially if they win, but even if they come in last place. Can you imagine what that person must feel like to be treated like an Olympian and compete with the best of the best. I only wish the world could keep the same attitude going every day.
                                And I pray that no one tries to disrupt the cames with their own personal adgenda.

