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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
    Every single time. There is something so incredibly uplifting about a GABIT event. I feel as if I walk away each time with a new blessing.


      To all those who were AT5 I don't need to tell you how I feel. I tried to convey it in my closing speech and in my introduction to the Auction speech. But I'd like to say it here to those fans of Amanda who perhaps weren't able to be there. I haven't posted it to the Samandan thread but you are more than welcome to if you feel they would like it.

      AT5 was quite possibly the warmest, most compassionate, lively event we've done. Everywhere there seemed to be people hugging. At every time of day. Truly the weekend of many hugs as we'd intended it to be. It took me a staggering two and a half hours when I returned to the hotel Sunday night after dinner, to cross from the front doors of the lobby to my family and Gabit team in the bar. In the end, Jenn (my sweet little assistant) kept bringing me glasses of wine to keep me going. I was embraced in a warm "hug" of people wanting to talk or simply connect. I've never experienced that before and it was overwhelming.

      I just want to say a word to you all about Amanda's fandom, which as many of you know, I've been active in now since 1997. It's grown so enormously, so beautifully across these past fourteen years that it is now unrecognisable from its early roots. Yes, there are some of the same fans playing in Amanda's fandom sandpit as there were all those years ago, and I know each and every one of you, but fantastically there are new faces joining it each and every year, and enthusiastic supporters ready to take the baton and run with it. I love that. That it's growing daily.

      I've watched it grow and I've watched it with intense pride and a lot - a lot - of love.

      What happened this last weekend was nothing short of astounding. We have raised so much money in a single three day period that it completely blows my mind. Two hundred and seventy people is a small, tiny number. But that tiny number did create a miracle.

      I met so many of you this weekend, renewing old friendships and meeting those who I have never seen before. Thank you! It was a privilege to talk to you all. It was lovely to be able to sit down even for a minute with some of you and chat.
      I'm sorry that on Tuesday morning I was late down to breakfast (needed a later sleep) and so wasn't able to do what I'd wanted to do after breakfast as soon as I saw you there, and have coffee and a chat with Sharon (EH-T), Amanda (Antoa), Dona (Donamac) and Erin. I was sad and disappointed not to have had that opportunity.

      Amanda's fandom is extremely special, never doubt that. The people in it really are some of the most compassionate, friendly, generous and gorgeous people I've ever met and I'm proud to organise Events for it and for her. Amanda and her fans show the world of fandom what it should be all about. Not just having the passion of being a fan of a person, but having passion for changing the world around them by coming together and uniting to create change. That is a powerful achievement.

      Thank you all of you. I'm embraced right now in a warm snuggly bubble of love and a fantastic and optimistic feeling that there is nothing a group of people cannot do if they really want to. There's no reason that bubble shouldn't continue to embrace and nuture all of us right up until AT6 when we can fill it once again to sustain us.

      As I said in the words on the charity film "“Some human beings are born to lead others by deed, by word and by example to do incredible good. When you find someone with a vision or a dream to help those who are in need, then follow them. For you too will become a leader and others will follow you. And so a wonderful chain of humanity and compassion will be born. And only good will come of it.”

      Truly good has come of you all being Amanda Tapping fans. And that wonderful chain of humanity and compassion truly stretched out this weekend and left Heathrow for those in need around the world. You are all truly amazing.

      You have my love and you have my deep respect,
      To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


        Aw Julia, it was an honour to be there with you all. To have such a fun week-end was awesome, but to know that in doing so we've also helped in some small way to make a difference in the world.... there are no words for that

        Last edited by Jumble; 16 February 2011, 11:25 AM.


          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
          I was wondering does anyone else feel different after they return from a GABIT event? I feel ready to change the world, to make it a better place for everyone, I feel empowered, I feel like I'm different somehow than I was last Thursday! Very humbling, emotional and a fun weekend!
          Absolutely, and I was really not prepared for that. I thought I'd have a fun weekend with friends and love getting the chance to see Amanda in the flesh, but I never expected to come away feeling so emotional and so empowered - that's exactly the right word. It was an incredible experience, overwhelming and humbling and is going to take me some time to process. And I can't wait to do it again at AT6!!!

          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          Aw Julia, it was an honour to be there with you all. To have such a fun week-end was awesome, but to know that in doing that we've also helped in some small way to make a difference in the world.... there are no words for that

          ^^What she said And THANK YOU to you and the rest of the G4 for putting on such an amazing event!
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
            To all those who were AT5 I don't need to tell you how I feel. I tried to convey it in my closing speech and in my introduction to the Auction speech. But I'd like to say it here to those fans of Amanda who perhaps weren't able to be there. I haven't posted it to the Samandan thread but you are more than welcome to if you feel they would like it.

            AT5 was quite possibly the warmest, most compassionate, lively event we've done. Everywhere there seemed to be people hugging. At every time of day. Truly the weekend of many hugs as we'd intended it to be. It took me a staggering two and a half hours when I returned to the hotel Sunday night after dinner, to cross from the front doors of the lobby to my family and Gabit team in the bar. In the end, Jenn (my sweet little assistant) kept bringing me glasses of wine to keep me going. I was embraced in a warm "hug" of people wanting to talk or simply connect. I've never experienced that before and it was overwhelming.

            I just want to say a word to you all about Amanda's fandom, which as many of you know, I've been active in now since 1997. It's grown so enormously, so beautifully across these past fourteen years that it is now unrecognisable from its early roots. Yes, there are some of the same fans playing in Amanda's fandom sandpit as there were all those years ago, and I know each and every one of you, but fantastically there are new faces joining it each and every year, and enthusiastic supporters ready to take the baton and run with it. I love that. That it's growing daily.

            I've watched it grow and I've watched it with intense pride and a lot - a lot - of love.

            What happened this last weekend was nothing short of astounding. We have raised so much money in a single three day period that it completely blows my mind. Two hundred and seventy people is a small, tiny number. But that tiny number did create a miracle.

            I met so many of you this weekend, renewing old friendships and meeting those who I have never seen before. Thank you! It was a privilege to talk to you all. It was lovely to be able to sit down even for a minute with some of you and chat.
            I'm sorry that on Tuesday morning I was late down to breakfast (needed a later sleep) and so wasn't able to do what I'd wanted to do after breakfast as soon as I saw you there, and have coffee and a chat with Sharon (EH-T), Amanda (Antoa), Dona (Donamac) and Erin. I was sad and disappointed not to have had that opportunity.

            Amanda's fandom is extremely special, never doubt that. The people in it really are some of the most compassionate, friendly, generous and gorgeous people I've ever met and I'm proud to organise Events for it and for her. Amanda and her fans show the world of fandom what it should be all about. Not just having the passion of being a fan of a person, but having passion for changing the world around them by coming together and uniting to create change. That is a powerful achievement.

            Thank you all of you. I'm embraced right now in a warm snuggly bubble of love and a fantastic and optimistic feeling that there is nothing a group of people cannot do if they really want to. There's no reason that bubble shouldn't continue to embrace and nuture all of us right up until AT6 when we can fill it once again to sustain us.

            As I said in the words on the charity film "“Some human beings are born to lead others by deed, by word and by example to do incredible good. When you find someone with a vision or a dream to help those who are in need, then follow them. For you too will become a leader and others will follow you. And so a wonderful chain of humanity and compassion will be born. And only good will come of it.”

            Truly good has come of you all being Amanda Tapping fans. And that wonderful chain of humanity and compassion truly stretched out this weekend and left Heathrow for those in need around the world. You are all truly amazing.

            You have my love and you have my deep respect,
            Your beautiful words have once again allowed those of use that could not attend this event to be wrapped in that snuggly bubble of love. Thank you for providing enough warm fuzzies to sustain us through the rest of winter.

            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
            William Shakespeare

            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
              I was wondering does anyone else feel different after they return from a GABIT event? I feel ready to change the world, to make it a better place for everyone, I feel empowered, I feel like I'm different somehow than I was last Thursday! Very humbling, emotional and a fun weekend!
              Yes!! Definitely.

              JuliaR: thank you!! For all that you do and for giving us the opportunity to attend these events and be involved. It is lifechanging.

              Talking about change:
              I had been talking with my roomie Sharon, who has some very interesting ideas and is also pretty inspiring herself.
              Sven and I decided to use one of her rules for Milou. Of all money Milou will get as a gift, a certain % she will have to give to charity. Now that she is young, it'll just be: money for the poor children. As she gets older, she can choose her own charities.
              I also like the idea Amanda once mentioned, how she and Olivia would donate toys Olivia was too old for. I will be looking into that when Milou is old enough.
              I hope this will make Milou more aware and will make her a better person. And who knows ... maybe that will have effect on people she will know later in her life. Small ripples ...

              Can you tell I'm feeling inspired??


                Guys, I was supposed to use my 20 minutes internets time letting my family know that I'm still alive. Instead I have caught up on the thread...

                Giant hugs to everyone! Guh.

                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  I'd never sleeeeeep!!!!
                  That's can save them for walking around the hotel lobby in...

                  Originally posted by antoa View Post
                  I will be sorting pictures today and will get them up as soon as I can. I miss everyone so much! (though it is nice to be home with The Boy - he says hello back to those that met him at TSE).
                  *waves at The Boy* I could just tweet him...but waving here it more fun!

                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  I was wondering does anyone else feel different after they return from a GABIT event? I feel ready to change the world, to make it a better place for everyone, I feel empowered, I feel like I'm different somehow than I was last Thursday! Very humbling, emotional and a fun weekend!
                  I feel different every time. I feel loved and accepted...the only feeling that is close to it is when I amongst my immediate family where I have the feeling of knowing beyond anything that I am unconditionally loved. It makes sense because Gabit is like a family. I don't think there is anywhere else where as soon as I walk through the door of the Ren I am immediately looking for (and finding) familiar faces to hug and almost as immediately making new friends. To be surrounded and a part of such warmth is close to overwhelming at times. I also come away feeling inspired. I do a lot with charity work anyway, but I come away energised to make the differences. It's like an inspiration reboot and I can go back to everything feeling that yes, once again, I can change the world and make it a better place even if only for one or two young people.

                  Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                  Every single time. There is something so incredibly uplifting about a GABIT event. I feel as if I walk away each time with a new blessing.
                  What she said

                  Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                  To all those who were AT5 I don't need to tell you how I feel. I tried to convey it in my closing speech and in my introduction to the Auction speech...
                  *hugs so very tightly* The warmth, strength and compassion that you bring as huge part of that too.

                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  Yes!! Definitely.

                  JuliaR: thank you!! For all that you do and for giving us the opportunity to attend these events and be involved. It is lifechanging.

                  Talking about change:
                  I had been talking with my roomie Sharon, who has some very interesting ideas and is also pretty inspiring herself.
                  Sven and I decided to use one of her rules for Milou. Of all money Milou will get as a gift, a certain % she will have to give to charity. Now that she is young, it'll just be: money for the poor children. As she gets older, she can choose her own charities.
                  I also like the idea Amanda once mentioned, how she and Olivia would donate toys Olivia was too old for. I will be looking into that when Milou is old enough.
                  I hope this will make Milou more aware and will make her a better person. And who knows ... maybe that will have effect on people she will know later in her life. Small ripples ...

                  Can you tell I'm feeling inspired??
                  That sounds brilliant Great idea from Sharon and going to make such a difference.

                  I got some really bad news today. It has taken away much of the afterglow of AT5...but there's still enough there that things aren't as bad as they might be and that's keeping me going.

                  Still a sappy weepy pants though
                  Last edited by Tittamiire; 16 February 2011, 12:35 PM.
                  Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                  My Fanfic~My Femslash


                    Keep waiting for the con blues to hit...but have realised that it won't as the happy feelings continue online, more so now that I have been able to place more faces to names, or should that be hugs to names. This has been the best AT con yet..can't stop smiling and feeling so proud to have been a part of it. Once again can't thank G4 enough ((((G4)))).
                    sigpic Martin Rocks!!


                      The feelings I have coming away from GABIT events are indescribable. The pure love and generosity that surrounds the weekend and the attendees is unbelievable. I feel words just don't do it justice.

                      JuliaR - your strength and compassion are awe inspiring. I thank you and the rest of the GABIT staff for creating such an event that can change lives - not only the lives of the children and hearing impaired people we are helping through the charities, but also our own lives. I do feel almost like a more 'complete' person after these events. At times I wish I could give more, but I know that every small bit that I am able to give does make a difference. Maybe it will even inspire others to give as well.

                      I am not going to let post con depression hit me. I am going to take all this positive energy from all of my wonderful GABIT family and keep the momentum going. I will figure out what I can do to get where I want to be in my life and I will not let the fear get the best of me.


                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        Absolutely, and I was really not prepared for that. I thought I'd have a fun weekend with friends and love getting the chance to see Amanda in the flesh, but I never expected to come away feeling so emotional and so empowered - that's exactly the right word. It was an incredible experience, overwhelming and humbling and is going to take me some time to process. And I can't wait to do it again at AT6!!!
                        What she said. On a personal note I'm in not a happy place at the moment - reasons I won't bore you all with - consequently was having a massive sulk about the whole AT5 thing and, right up to the last minute, ready to back out. So glad I didn't. there's been precious little smiles in my life lately, and zero laughs... but I think I smiled and laughed so much this weekend... and was hugged so hard by so many... honestly, I think this one weekend has done more towards healing my heart and soul than anything else in the last 4 months. Thank you all for making that possible.

                        *groups hug everyone!*

                        ^^What she said And THANK YOU to you and the rest of the G4 for putting on such an amazing event!

                        Ditto. Nothing much more to say. Except thank you, Julia, for taking the time to reply on here.

                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Guys, I was supposed to use my 20 minutes internets time letting my family know that I'm still alive. Instead I have caught up on the thread...

                        Giant hugs to everyone! Guh.



                        Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                        I got some really bad news today. It has taken away much of the afterglow of AT5...but there's still enough there that things aren't as bad as they might be and that's keeping me going.

                        Still a sappy weepy pants though

                        *Massive extra squishy huggle*

                        Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
                        Keep waiting for the con blues to hit...but have realised that it won't as the happy feelings continue online, more so now that I have been able to place more faces to names, or should that be hugs to names. This has been the best AT con yet..can't stop smiling and feeling so proud to have been a part of it. Once again can't thank G4 enough ((((G4)))).

                        Aaah Con blues? Is that ike post holiday blues when you feel down becuase the awesomeness of the time you had is over? That explains why I woke up in a bad mood this morning.


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          What she said. On a personal note I'm in not a happy place at the moment - reasons I won't bore you all with - consequently was having a massive sulk about the whole AT5 thing and, right up to the last minute, ready to back out. So glad I didn't. there's been precious little smiles in my life lately, and zero laughs... but I think I smiled and laughed so much this weekend... and was hugged so hard by so many... honestly, I think this one weekend has done more towards healing my heart and soul than anything else in the last 4 months. Thank you all for making that possible.
                          So glad you came and had a good time - you certainly needed it *hugs*

                          I told you so! *runz*


                            Made it home safely. Very tired and dealing with bad news right now (sadly, becoming a habit upon my return from London) as the mother of one of my best friends passed away while I was gone. Will post happier thoughts when I feel up to it. Hope everyone made it home OK.

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.



                              Safely ensconced in my overheated Brooklyn apartment, thinking that maybe I should go to bed, but wanting to spend more time with you people!

                              JuliaR Thank you for such a wonderful, warm event. I am sure I was hugged more times this past weekend than in the past 10 years combined. Lovely, warm, inspiring.

                              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                              1. I was wondering does anyone else feel different after they return from a GABIT event? I feel ready to change the world, to make it a better place for everyone, I feel empowered, I feel like I'm different somehow than I was last Thursday! Very humbling, emotional and a fun weekend!

                              2. I wish I could say a personal hello to all GW'ders that I met but sadly I think that might take too long, but it was wonderful to meet both old and new friends again! I can't wait to see everyone again, hopefully soon (but not to soon as I need to save some of the spendable stuff first LOL.)

                              3. And I love that everyone is talking about AT6 already, I can't wait! Hehehe!

                              1. I have to admit that I've walked away from this experience so awestruck and inspired. I wrote a blog entry about it on the plane ride home, but will have to rescreen it after a good night's sleep before posting it for public consumption!

                              2. It was so lovely to meet you! New friends FTW.

                              3. Woohoo!

                              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                              Yes!! Definitely.

                              JuliaR: thank you!! For all that you do and for giving us the opportunity to attend these events and be involved. It is lifechanging.

                              Talking about change:
                              I had been talking with my roomie Sharon, who has some very interesting ideas and is also pretty inspiring herself.
                              Sven and I decided to use one of her rules for Milou. Of all money Milou will get as a gift, a certain % she will have to give to charity. Now that she is young, it'll just be: money for the poor children. As she gets older, she can choose her own charities.
                              I also like the idea Amanda once mentioned, how she and Olivia would donate toys Olivia was too old for. I will be looking into that when Milou is old enough.
                              I hope this will make Milou more aware and will make her a better person. And who knows ... maybe that will have effect on people she will know later in her life. Small ripples ...

                              Can you tell I'm feeling inspired??
                              You are an awesome mom. Seriously and for real. *hugs*

                              Big squishy hugs to all and bigger hugs to those of you who came home to bad news.

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Finally got home today after a very very long trip and an unexpected layover in Atlanta (paid for by Delta). Glad to be home....sorry to have to go home! Had a ball meeting so many people I only knew online.
                                And a special thanks to the entire restaurant of people that sang happy birthday to me. Something I won't ever forget....really COOL! AT6 - I'm ready when you are!

