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    Originally posted by The Kit Kat Lady View Post
    As much as I would love some extra time off works, I'll pass - but thanks! Besides, I also don't want any trips to the hospital otherwise I'd miss all of the fun - and if you don't watch what you're saying young lady... (gimme a minute and I'll think of something!)
    LOL - c'mon, when I *did* behave last time, you demanded to know what was wrong with me!
    Actually ... so did Becks, come to think of it ... and some of the others mentioned it too ... huh. *blinks*
    Anyroad, I do promise to keep my Cdn-bear-hugging to a sensible amount of grip, so as to avoid any trips to the hospital ... or annoying Terri by making her tape up ribs and the like

    ...and in a weather update, it doesn't appear to be that bad out there as of yet. Windy as all heck, but not a lot of snowfall. I might make my appointment and my meeting in the morning yet! Of course, it would help if I went to sleep in the near future, I'm sure
    ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

    SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
    ames on facebook
    ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


      Originally posted by ames View Post
      LOL - c'mon, when I *did* behave last time, you demanded to know what was wrong with me!
      Actually ... so did Becks, come to think of it ... and some of the others mentioned it too ... huh. *blinks*
      Anyroad, I do promise to keep my Cdn-bear-hugging to a sensible amount of grip, so as to avoid any trips to the hospital ... or annoying Terri by making her tape up ribs and the like
      As I recall I asked you to behave because you were bouncing dangerously close to my toes - which are something else I'd like to keep intact as well please - and I won't be attending wearing steel capped shoes unfortunately...

      Your compromise could work though.


        Originally posted by starsong101 View Post
        Well I just looked outside and the wind is blowing the falling snow sideways. Lots of drifting snow in the driveway. It looks like around12-18 inches in some places and bare in others. I live in Wisconsin, WHY????
        Because from what I remember of my visit to your fair state (in the summer, of course) it's purdy there! Especially in the Dells area.

        For details of AT10 go to


          Well Mumsey I agree the Summers, all 6-8 weeks of it, are nice.

          This morning I looked out and there is at least 12 inches of snow on the street outside my house; that's not the drifts that are much deeper. I live in an urban neighborhood. The man across the street and his son were out looking to see how to shovel out his walk and car. I have to say he stood there for a while looking rather dazed. For those who ski there are tree wells around the trees in my front yard. The car down the street has a snow drift burying its' entire rear end. There's not much snow on my roof because of the wind but the garage is more protected so there is at least of foot or more on it. Hopefully, when the streets are plowed the landlord will have a roof rake to get rid of some of it. If it gets too heavy the roof can collapse. Fortunately for me, the downstairs tenants are two young, strong 20 year olds who will do the shoveling.

          I just checked the traffic cams around the city and they are plowed but still have lots of compact snow and thankfully not much traffic. Everyone in the path of this monster be careful the drifting snow is very dangerous aside from whiteouts hitting a drift will not make your day. It's like driving into a big pool of water.

          For all that it is pretty. The sun is trying to come out and if it does it will be spectacular. Well, I am not going anywhere today. I have my tea and hot chocolate and DVDs so I am set.

          Congratulations for those who got out before it hit. Hopefully next week will be better and everyone traveling will have no problems. I will keep good thoughts for all of you.

          Hot chocolate time

          Stay warm.


            i guess the worst of it is about to pass thru. they still have flood warnings for the lake michigan shore. even tho the lake is partly frozen they are warning of the possibility of waves up to 20feet high because of the wind. they show the wind literally knocking people down in the city. i now have a 2" deep snow drift inside my garage by the doggie door. i'm tempted to go out and start plowing, but that wind is so unbearably cold. think i'll just relax and wait -i have no place i have to go today anyway.


              my office shut down yesterday and today. we had horizontal snow too most of the day. no thundersnow however. that can be freaky.

              it was a challenge to drive in it and a few times I honestly didn't know if my car would make it (hondas aren't the best for heavy snow )

              but I made it and got all the snowblowing and digging done this morning.

              tomorrow i'm sure it'll be back to business as usual, although it's going to be nasty cold tonight. air temp of -10, wind chills of -30

              gotta say, i love my ski pants and snowboard boots and down coats are 'da bomb'
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Well the sun came out and it is really beautiful. All the neighbors are shoveling or snow blowing out their drives and sidewalks. The plow came down the street and put up a three foot berm on the other side of the street. The cars on my side are still snowed in. Once they are moved the plow will come down my side. Hopefully, while my 20 something downstairs folks are still here to remove the berm. It looks like there is at least 16-18 inches of snow. At least it is light and fluffy though there is an awful lot of it.

                I don't know if it has cleared yet but the I94 interstate in Kenosha/Racine counties (North of Chicago; South of Milwaukee) were actually closed. The TV stations showed the big rigs just parked while snow plows tried to get them a path so they could get moving again. The wind seems to be dropping.

                Take care Mocha as you said it's cold as ^$%* out there. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself before heading out next week. We are expecting 16 foot waves up here on Lake Michigan.

                That's it for the noon weather forecast


                  Not trying to sound mean, but holy crap am I glad I moved to California from Minnesota (though I hear the storm skipped them this time around). I do have to deal with a lot of BS here (traffic, smog, etc), but at least I don't have to deal with snow and freezing cold!

                  Everyone that got hit by the storm, stay warm and stay safe! Don't go out on the roads unless you absolutely need to. But you guys probably already know all this


                    *hangs head* Yes ma'am. I shall attempt to keep my physical bouncing to a minimum when within landing distance of anyone's digits.

                    As to the weather, it's been a bit of a non-event over here.
                    Last night we had high winds and it's been snowing for most of the last few hours, but as of the noon newscast, we'd only had about 5 cm (2") of buildup. The roads are slick and the winds are still active so there is some drifting going on, and it is still snowing ... but the majority of the storm seems to have swung to the south of us. Sorry for my mates on and below the border!!

                    In travel-prepping news, I picked up my chocolate for the choc party, so now I think I've got everything I need to pack ... other than clean laundry, which is what I'm off to do very shortly Of course, I still have to do the actual packing, and weighing of luggage, etc - but hey, at least I'm fairly positive that I've got everything here now to take there! 4 days and 3 hours until take-off, for me ... not that I'm counting
                    ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                    SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                    ames on facebook
                    ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                      Checked the long range forecast for my area, Toronto and London and so far, so good. No storms on the horizon for when I fly our next week.

                      I note London is going to be sunny on the Sunday when we are all inside. Looks like rain most days.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        the snow has stopped here and the sun is peeking out some, but with the drifted snow, we can't get out of the house. there is about 2 feet on the front porch blocking the door. there is 3-4 feet against the side door and garage. i could go out the back door, but the drifts are so high there is no where to go. thank goodness my dog could make it as far as the yard to do his business. he loves being out in the snow. typical goofy dog.
                        so since i'm snowbound i guess i have no excuse for finalizing all my travel plans and finishing all my train reservations. i'm not in the packing mood yet. soon tho.
                        poor celandine. she got her flight to california but now they are having severe santa anna winds i hear. just can't escape the severe weather anywhere.


                          I can't believe how windy and cold it is here today...brrr. The bus benches that were directly in the sun were absolutely ice-cold. I have to return to campus for an evening class, but I have a feeling it'll be much colder than it was this morning.

                          One more week!! Passport, printed flight and hotel info, ordered money....just need to pack.


                            i tried to shovel a path in the 4foot drifts by the garage, but there's no place to throw the's easy to push to the side, but it's too heavy to throw it over the pile to make any headway. i wonder if the leaf blower would blow it away? it's a fluffy snow. gotta try that.


                              nope. it didn't work. i guess the snow is a little too wet. i did get a 4 ft long path made. 20 more feet and i can get to my car.


                                Got off a little easier than predicted here. They were calling for up to 15", but only got 9. But still got a snow day. All of our Illinois and Michigan offices were closed. Don't know why they would close Chicago. I wouldn't be surprised if they're still closed tomorrow. But if I can get out of my drive, I"ll have to do in tomorrow. Darn it.
                                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                                William Shakespeare

                                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.

