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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
    Aww as you ask so nicely and I'm busy working on AT5's speech, here you go.

    Can't give you Amanda's cos it's not written down anywhere. Sorry. Mine will have to suffice.


    AT4 - Closing Ceremony - Julia's Closing Speech & presentation to Amanda

    "Wow. There’s a lot of you in here this weekend.

    You know, it’s the first time I’ve stood in front of a completely full room at one of our Events. It might interest you all to know that out of the generally up to 270 fans per event, at this one, we have 100 completely new Amanda fans, 120 fans who have attended two or three Gabit Events and that leaves 50 of you who have attended every single AT Event. And that’s what I call loyalty.

    And that is what Amanda’s fandom is about. Loyalty. And friendship, and love and compassion and fun.

    Amanda, your fans have a very simple way of describing how they feel about you. They love you for who you are. They hold you in their hearts just as you take away in yours all that they give you at these Events. And your fans make casual friendships which are born of admiring you, but which develop into strong, lasting friendships which endure over years and across continents and become simply about them. And so their lives are changed…for the better - just through being one of your fans.

    And, I know I speak for the rest of the G4 in telling you this. It is quite simply Gabit’s privilege and pleasure to do your events for you and for your fans. From the tentative beginnings of AT1 when we were just going to do one Event – remember that? - and now, with four AT Events under our belts, we’re preparing to take ourselves and our team to Vancouver next year to do something completely awesome - the Sanctuary Experience. We’re proud that we were right in all that we believed all those years ago, about your fans, and about you. That your fans are probably the most compassionate, friendly and generous bunch of people you could wish to meet. And that you are an amazing person whose warmth, love, integrity and compassion mean that you are a joy to work with and an inspiration to those around you.

    From well over a decade in the Stargate franchise you have embraced change and led the way with your involvement in your own innovative and ground breaking show, Sanctuary, and while your fans watched hopefully that the rest of the world would feel as strongly as they did, that your skill as an actress and your eye for knowing what makes really good television, would be recognised, the rest of the world did indeed start to peek in - in their droves and saw what this new show was all about and liked it and the networks realised that this show had legs. And that loyal band of fans who had hung in there, from the beginning and all through the Stargate SG1 years, through your stay on Atlantis and through the early days of the Sanctuary webisodes are finally able to say to people – I knew this would happen - as they puff their chests out with pride and smile as Sanctuary garners praise from all over the world and their Grand Empress of Sci-fi finally gets the recognition they had known all along was so richly deserved and due to her.

    This year you have indeed been showered with nominations and awards from your peers in the Industry, and what a valid recognition of you and your work they have been. From the Woman of Vision award from Women in Film and Television, which recognised what you have done in such a beautiful way, to the award for your performance in Requiem at the Leos and now your nomination/award for Best Actress at the Geminis. Your star is rising higher than it ever has before, Amanda, and I can tell you from reading the forums and the groups and the tweets on Twitter that your fans are beyond proud of you and justifiably proud to call themselves Amanda Tapping fans.

    And just before I ask you, Amanda, to come up and receive something rather special, I want to make one last comment to all of you sitting here in this hall tonight.
    I know of no other actress or actor for that matter, who would have made the decision that Amanda made a few months ago. And that was to come here this weekend and spend it with her fans – and that is because of who she is. I know of no others because, quite simply, there are no others. Amanda is unique. And it is the reason why you who are members of her fandom, remain loyal members of her fandom, year after year after year. For those of you who are the old guard and old hands at Gabit – and I mean old in the nicest possible way - you won’t need me to tell you what I’m about to say, but I know you will be nodding with me in agreement. For those of you who are new to Amanda and her fandom, and have taken a tentative step on the road to join those who do already know –– you should rightly be very proud. You’ve chosen the most fantastic, most loyal, and most compassionate person that it is possible to follow in Amanda and her presence here this weekend is testament to that.

    And that word…compassion. Brings me on to that one last thing.

    I searched for some words which could sum up what giving is all about. What could describe the act of charity. The act of giving to others. The knowledge that by giving of oneself in some way, someone else can benefit. And that life doesn’t always have to be about self, it is far more about being selfless. And then I found someone who had already said it more succinctly and with more grace than I could ever hope for.

    In a beautiful and thought provoking quote, Mother Teresa of Calcutta said this.

    “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is but a drop in the ocean but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

    And so it takes people like you, Amanda. And your fans, to provide those “drops” in the ocean. Because without them the ocean would run dry. And the drops have become streams and indeed rivers of help in people’s lives. And so, I am proud to be a part of recognising that tonight. Your fundraising for charity is well known. Your ability to recognise the causes which will benefit the most from your time as an actress, as a mentor, as a human being or simply as a woman supporting other women is second to none. Over the years your fund raising has extended globally. You have compassion for so many charities, linked to animals, and people. To children and the environment and important causes close to your heart and you give of your time and your energy tirelessly and with love. And by giving, you have led by example to those who have witnessed and then followed your efforts. You have taught those looking in that it is possible to make a difference. That every single one of us can make a difference to the lives of others, simply by caring. And simply by taking that caring and acting on it and shining a light for those who are less fortunate or who need our help. And you’ve taught, that by coming together, we can do so much more. That by combining our efforts there are no boundaries to what we can achieve.

    But those who end up recipients of your help through your fund raising are so often unable to be anything other than silent, because they have no one to give them a voice. A voice of thanks for your willingness to give of your time, of your heart and of your spirit in the cause of helping others. A voice of thanks for your leadership and your determination. So tonight those who have benefitted from your compassion and leadership are going to be given a voice, and that voice is also extended to those who you are setting out to help in the future through the creation of your own foundation, Sanctuary for Kids, a charity I am proud and privileged to support personally.

    So, my dear friend, it gives me great pleasure to give you something very special.

    Amanda, this very beautiful and yet simple award is in recognition of your work to raise money for charity. It is a unique award for a very unique person. The award is called “The Compassionate Heart”, and it depicts a small girl holding a golden heart, and the name says it all. So from all those people whose lives have been made better because of everything you have done in the past and from those whose lives in the future will be made all the better because of you and what you have taught those around you to do I give you their heartfelt thanks.

    And I know you very well. And I know that you will protest that you have only done what many others have done, but in answer to that I will tell you this. There are those who have a unique ability to lead by example in such a way that they inspire others to do the same. You are such a person.

    Amanda, you have shone a light and led others to a place where they will not only add drops to that ocean, but, by coming together, create a waterfall which will flow into it. Thank you.
    Beautiful as always.
    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
    William Shakespeare

    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
      warm-up for the tearducts ^^
      I must spread my love before I can heap some more on the PengYn, but this ^ Agree.
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        thanks julia, it was nice to have that reminder from at4.
        the "event" is rapidly approaching. i reviewed the "to do" list i made 3 weeks ago and to my horror, i've only done one thing on the list since i wrote it. i leave in 23 days and i really need to get my bum in gear.
        AUSSIES are any of you in the areas affected by the flooding? there seems to be an epidemic of flooding/mudslides going on right now - australia, brazil, sri lanka and (to a lesser degree) in the state of oregon, here in the states. my prayers go out to everyone who is affected by these disasters.


          Have you guys heard of yarn bombing/ yarn storming / yarn tagging?

          It's leaving knitting around urban areas, like graffiti I'm going to pick a tree in London on Valentines day and hang little hearts off it. If anyone here can knit, crochet, sew, cut out, glue glitter or even staple () would y'all like to make a little heart to contribute? Just a couple of inches, all different shades of pink and red would be awesome

          My yarn taggy things are here:
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
            Aww as you ask so nicely and I'm busy working on AT5's speech, here you go.

            Can't give you Amanda's cos it's not written down anywhere. Sorry. Mine will have to suffice.

            ******************* <snip>
            I could hear your voice, Julia, as I was reading this again ... I remember what my thoughts were when you were sharing it in the hall, and yes, I definitely teared up again! *must*remember*tissues*

            Thank you for sharing again ... can't wait to see all y'all soon too!!! (Less than 3 weeks now ... ) *bouncy anticipatory hugs*

            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
            warm-up for the tearducts ^^
            Ditto to what she said ^^

            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            Have you guys heard of yarn bombing/ yarn storming / yarn tagging?

            It's leaving knitting around urban areas, like graffiti I'm going to pick a tree in London on Valentines day and hang little hearts off it. If anyone here can knit, crochet, sew, cut out, glue glitter or even staple () would y'all like to make a little heart to contribute? Just a couple of inches, all different shades of pink and red would be awesome

            My yarn taggy things are here:
            Intriguing idea, and I can see the good side of it - like random bouts of guerilla heart-warming ... (and I don't mean to be a downer!) ...but... isn't it also classed technically as litter/vandalism? I would just hate to see anyone get in trouble with the best of intentions
            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
            ames on facebook
            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


              Washington too. If it rains again before the water has a chance to soak in we'll be having flooding more than we already have. I'm glad I live on a hill (500 feet.)


                There was just one thing left out of that speech - and I'm sure it was because it was ad-libbed but Julia I haven't forgotten that little comment about not coming to Australia - YET!!! Still hanging onto that "yet".

                Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                AUSSIES are any of you in the areas affected by the flooding? there seems to be an epidemic of flooding/mudslides going on right now - australia, brazil, sri lanka and (to a lesser degree) in the state of oregon, here in the states. my prayers go out to everyone who is affected by these disasters.
                I actually thought I was far away from the floods up in Queensland but we have floods here in my own state though still far enough away to not be causing any problems for me. We did however get some severe flash flooding in my area last week but that subsided quite quickly. The Humidity was rife for a few days but now we're back to wearing jackets and socks - the thongs have been tossed back into the cupboard while the jackets have been pulled out again.
                Our family has donated to the flood appeal and as always, our thoughts and prayers are with those here in Australia and elsewhere who are experiencing floods and other disasters. *hugs* xo

                To those about to venture off to AT5, please take care and stay safe. xo
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  Intriguing idea, and I can see the good side of it - like random bouts of guerilla heart-warming ... (and I don't mean to be a downer!) ...but... isn't it also classed technically as litter/vandalism? I would just hate to see anyone get in trouble with the best of intentions
                  The law isn't very clear. It isn't vandalism because nothing is being damaged. What usually happens is the pieces get snurched over a few days by people walking past... would happen pretty quickly in such a busy city I would imagine.

                  My favourite yarn storm ever- the girls who knitted a "cosy" for a phone box in Parliament square
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    what you do is bring a ladder hand hang them up where random people can't reach

                    I would also imagine that wildlife will snitch some. Birds will put about anything in their nests
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                      Aww as you ask so nicely and I'm busy working on AT5's speech, here you go.

                      Can't give you Amanda's cos it's not written down anywhere. Sorry. Mine will have to suffice.


                      AT4 - Closing Ceremony - Julia's Closing Speech & presentation to Amanda

                      "Wow. There’s a lot of you in here this weekend.

                      You know, it’s the first time I’ve stood in front of a completely full room at one of our Events. It might interest you all to know that out of the generally up to 270 fans per event, at this one, we have 100 completely new Amanda fans, 120 fans who have attended two or three Gabit Events and that leaves 50 of you who have attended every single AT Event. And that’s what I call loyalty.

                      And that is what Amanda’s fandom is about. Loyalty. And friendship, and love and compassion and fun.

                      Amanda, your fans have a very simple way of describing how they feel about you. They love you for who you are. They hold you in their hearts just as you take away in yours all that they give you at these Events. And your fans make casual friendships which are born of admiring you, but which develop into strong, lasting friendships which endure over years and across continents and become simply about them. And so their lives are changed…for the better - just through being one of your fans.

                      And, I know I speak for the rest of the G4 in telling you this. It is quite simply Gabit’s privilege and pleasure to do your events for you and for your fans. From the tentative beginnings of AT1 when we were just going to do one Event – remember that? - and now, with four AT Events under our belts, we’re preparing to take ourselves and our team to Vancouver next year to do something completely awesome - the Sanctuary Experience. We’re proud that we were right in all that we believed all those years ago, about your fans, and about you. That your fans are probably the most compassionate, friendly and generous bunch of people you could wish to meet. And that you are an amazing person whose warmth, love, integrity and compassion mean that you are a joy to work with and an inspiration to those around you.

                      From well over a decade in the Stargate franchise you have embraced change and led the way with your involvement in your own innovative and ground breaking show, Sanctuary, and while your fans watched hopefully that the rest of the world would feel as strongly as they did, that your skill as an actress and your eye for knowing what makes really good television, would be recognised, the rest of the world did indeed start to peek in - in their droves and saw what this new show was all about and liked it and the networks realised that this show had legs. And that loyal band of fans who had hung in there, from the beginning and all through the Stargate SG1 years, through your stay on Atlantis and through the early days of the Sanctuary webisodes are finally able to say to people – I knew this would happen - as they puff their chests out with pride and smile as Sanctuary garners praise from all over the world and their Grand Empress of Sci-fi finally gets the recognition they had known all along was so richly deserved and due to her.

                      This year you have indeed been showered with nominations and awards from your peers in the Industry, and what a valid recognition of you and your work they have been. From the Woman of Vision award from Women in Film and Television, which recognised what you have done in such a beautiful way, to the award for your performance in Requiem at the Leos and now your nomination/award for Best Actress at the Geminis. Your star is rising higher than it ever has before, Amanda, and I can tell you from reading the forums and the groups and the tweets on Twitter that your fans are beyond proud of you and justifiably proud to call themselves Amanda Tapping fans.

                      And just before I ask you, Amanda, to come up and receive something rather special, I want to make one last comment to all of you sitting here in this hall tonight.
                      I know of no other actress or actor for that matter, who would have made the decision that Amanda made a few months ago. And that was to come here this weekend and spend it with her fans – and that is because of who she is. I know of no others because, quite simply, there are no others. Amanda is unique. And it is the reason why you who are members of her fandom, remain loyal members of her fandom, year after year after year. For those of you who are the old guard and old hands at Gabit – and I mean old in the nicest possible way - you won’t need me to tell you what I’m about to say, but I know you will be nodding with me in agreement. For those of you who are new to Amanda and her fandom, and have taken a tentative step on the road to join those who do already know –– you should rightly be very proud. You’ve chosen the most fantastic, most loyal, and most compassionate person that it is possible to follow in Amanda and her presence here this weekend is testament to that.

                      And that word…compassion. Brings me on to that one last thing.

                      I searched for some words which could sum up what giving is all about. What could describe the act of charity. The act of giving to others. The knowledge that by giving of oneself in some way, someone else can benefit. And that life doesn’t always have to be about self, it is far more about being selfless. And then I found someone who had already said it more succinctly and with more grace than I could ever hope for.

                      In a beautiful and thought provoking quote, Mother Teresa of Calcutta said this.

                      “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is but a drop in the ocean but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

                      And so it takes people like you, Amanda. And your fans, to provide those “drops” in the ocean. Because without them the ocean would run dry. And the drops have become streams and indeed rivers of help in people’s lives. And so, I am proud to be a part of recognising that tonight. Your fundraising for charity is well known. Your ability to recognise the causes which will benefit the most from your time as an actress, as a mentor, as a human being or simply as a woman supporting other women is second to none. Over the years your fund raising has extended globally. You have compassion for so many charities, linked to animals, and people. To children and the environment and important causes close to your heart and you give of your time and your energy tirelessly and with love. And by giving, you have led by example to those who have witnessed and then followed your efforts. You have taught those looking in that it is possible to make a difference. That every single one of us can make a difference to the lives of others, simply by caring. And simply by taking that caring and acting on it and shining a light for those who are less fortunate or who need our help. And you’ve taught, that by coming together, we can do so much more. That by combining our efforts there are no boundaries to what we can achieve.

                      But those who end up recipients of your help through your fund raising are so often unable to be anything other than silent, because they have no one to give them a voice. A voice of thanks for your willingness to give of your time, of your heart and of your spirit in the cause of helping others. A voice of thanks for your leadership and your determination. So tonight those who have benefitted from your compassion and leadership are going to be given a voice, and that voice is also extended to those who you are setting out to help in the future through the creation of your own foundation, Sanctuary for Kids, a charity I am proud and privileged to support personally.

                      So, my dear friend, it gives me great pleasure to give you something very special.

                      Amanda, this very beautiful and yet simple award is in recognition of your work to raise money for charity. It is a unique award for a very unique person. The award is called “The Compassionate Heart”, and it depicts a small girl holding a golden heart, and the name says it all. So from all those people whose lives have been made better because of everything you have done in the past and from those whose lives in the future will be made all the better because of you and what you have taught those around you to do I give you their heartfelt thanks.

                      And I know you very well. And I know that you will protest that you have only done what many others have done, but in answer to that I will tell you this. There are those who have a unique ability to lead by example in such a way that they inspire others to do the same. You are such a person.

                      Amanda, you have shone a light and led others to a place where they will not only add drops to that ocean, but, by coming together, create a waterfall which will flow into it. Thank you.
                      Wanders in to hand out tissues.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Wow, Julia, that is one of the most beautiful speeches/poems I've ever read.


                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          The law isn't very clear. It isn't vandalism because nothing is being damaged. What usually happens is the pieces get snurched over a few days by people walking past... would happen pretty quickly in such a busy city I would imagine.

                          My favourite yarn storm ever- the girls who knitted a "cosy" for a phone box in Parliament square

                          I have been known to crochet a thing or two. I also have some bright pink yarn left over from a scarf I made my sister (it's not really my color). I am sure I can figure out how to make a heart. I need something to keep my hands busy while watching TV on the couch (I ran out of yarn for the sweater I am making and won't get more until the weekend).


                            So, first question for AT at AT5 (that's a lot of "as" and "ts", eh?): why only 13 episodes for season 4?

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              So, first question for AT at AT5 (that's a lot of "as" and "ts", eh?): why only 13 episodes for season 4?
                              That's what we're all dying to know I'm hoping it was a MAD decision and not a SyFy one.


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                That's what we're all dying to know I'm hoping it was a MAD decision and not a SyFy one.

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

