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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    (I read somewhere that parents forget to take pictures of moments like this, only have happy pictures, so I made a point to make at least one crying picture)
    Awww. I just wanna pick her up and give her a cuddle. I have to admit, I find it hard to hear a baby/child upset. So much so that I have had to leave the store once because a parent refused to pick up her crying baby...seems the groceries were far more important...and this poor little baby was just a tiny infant and in such distress. I just want to cuddle them all.
    I have a lot of pictures of my kids all sorts of places!
    Thanks for showing off that beautiful little angel again Lies.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      well, in the parent's defense, sometimes when the kid is older and 'crying for effect' the best thing to do is to ignore them. cause their tears are less 'valid' and more 'but i want froot loops and you will buy them for me and i'll cry until you do it!!!!'

      my neice will do that, I call it crying for effect. Tears are part of her 'do what i want' arsenal
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        well, in the parent's defense, sometimes when the kid is older and 'crying for effect' the best thing to do is to ignore them. cause their tears are less 'valid' and more 'but i want froot loops and you will buy them for me and i'll cry until you do it!!!!'

        my neice will do that, I call it crying for effect. Tears are part of her 'do what i want' arsenal
        You should try what this mum does....



          Oh I get the tantrum's bit - but what I was referring to was an infant - an new born crying hysterically - new borns don't do that for a box of Froot Loops. And even if the kiddo was older and was having a tantrum - must we all have to be subjected to that? As a mum myself, I would take the child out of the store and deal with it elsewhere without forcing other people to listen to my child's tantrum. But that's just me. Little tantrums that last a few seconds is one thing but this baby that was crying in the supermarket - I wasn't the only one who left. An elderly lady became upset herself having to listen to that really was quite distressing.
          Like I said, I just want to pick them up and cuddle them.
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Yay ... I just got an e-mail that I'm allocated a cocktailparty ticket!!!

            I feel so lucky!! But I'm not sure what to do ... It's a lot of money, I already have been to one and lots of people haven't and if I bring Milou it would be really not practical.

            Who else has been allocated a ticket and will be going??

            And re CRYING BABY's.
            In the 2nd week or something, Milou was crying and I said to her: ok Milou, mommy is going to let you cry for 5 minutes ... after 1,5 minute I was crying myself and picked her up ... hehe. While she is so young, I just can not let her cry .. at all. Luckily, she just doesn't like to cry, so usually something is really wrong when she does.


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
              You should try what this mum does....

              Hahahahaha ...

              Seems like an effective method


                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                You know hubby won't pay more than 20 buckaroos to get me fact he might say "keep her"! I know daughter will probably say the same thing...Tom might give up his pocket money to get me back but only coz I don't make him get out of bed early on the school holidays.
                You're not a lucrative kidnap victim *shakes head sadly* may rethink that part of my crime spree

                Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                Quickly bouncing in to say that the cocktail party allocation emails for AT5 will be sent out tomorrow!


                Sweet! Thanks Julia

                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                Yay ... I just got an e-mail that I'm allocated a cocktailparty ticket!!!

                I feel so lucky!! But I'm not sure what to do ... It's a lot of money, I already have been to one and lots of people haven't and if I bring Milou it would be really not practical.

                Who else has been allocated a ticket and will be going??

                And re CRYING BABY's.
                In the 2nd week or something, Milou was crying and I said to her: ok Milou, mommy is going to let you cry for 5 minutes ... after 1,5 minute I was crying myself and picked her up ... hehe. While she is so young, I just can not let her cry .. at all. Luckily, she just doesn't like to cry, so usually something is really wrong when she does.
                Yay on the CP ticket front

                I haven't had an email, so not going yet...but don't know where our lovely G4 might have got to on their list.

                A crying baby is always hard to listen to, I can only imagine it's tougher if it's your own. At least you've preserved the moment for've got something to embarass her with when she's bigger!
                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                My Fanfic~My Femslash


                  All the party invites have now gone out. If you weren't lucky at this stage, don't give up hope. There may be people who can't come for one reason or another. I'll tell you all when all the places are paid for.

                  Kay G4
                  For details of AT10 go to


                    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                    All the party invites have now gone out. If you weren't lucky at this stage, don't give up hope. There may be people who can't come for one reason or another. I'll tell you all when all the places are paid for.

                    Kay G4
                    And that answers that question.

                    I'll be making the lobby look untidy again on Friday night *g*
                    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                    My Fanfic~My Femslash


                      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                      And that answers that question.

                      I'll be making the lobby look untidy again on Friday night *g*
                      I'll happily join you in those activities come friday night!


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        Yay ... I just got an e-mail that I'm allocated a cocktailparty ticket!!!

                        I feel so lucky!! But I'm not sure what to do ... It's a lot of money, I already have been to one and lots of people haven't and if I bring Milou it would be really not practical.

                        Who else has been allocated a ticket and will be going??

                        And re CRYING BABY's.
                        In the 2nd week or something, Milou was crying and I said to her: ok Milou, mommy is going to let you cry for 5 minutes ... after 1,5 minute I was crying myself and picked her up ... hehe. While she is so young, I just can not let her cry .. at all. Luckily, she just doesn't like to cry, so usually something is really wrong when she does.
                        I will be going. YAY. Aw, poor Milou. Yeah, at 2 weeks old babies are crying for a reason. I think figuring out all of a baby's cries in the beginning must be the hardest thing for a first time mum.

                        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                          I also did not get a party ticket (which I am fine with because I can't even afford air fare right now). I can be a part of the Milou baby sitting party in the lobby while her mum parties it up (unless, of course, I am still stuck on the wrong side of the Atlantic).


                            yeah, when they're infants, when tehy cry they're wet or messy or hungry or cold or hot or sick or unhappy somehow.

                            the 'crying for effect' is a toddler thing
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              I still can't handle it when my kids cry - even now - and Niki is almost 18 and Tom is still breaks my heart...even when I'm cross at them. There are times however that you need to ignore the tears and crying...not that that is easy. I find walking out of the house or going to my room helpful in hiding my sadness. Kids are wonderful but being a parent is so hard...sometimes. But I wouldn't ever swap them for anything - ever.

                              Re the cocktail party - I'm not going either. Mind you, I wont be at AT5 but I'm still aiming and saving for AT6. Much to hubby's dismay. Hopefully by then Niki will be driving herself everywhere so the only really dependent kiddo hubby will have is Tom. Easy!!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                                I will be going. YAY. Aw, poor Milou. Yeah, at 2 weeks old babies are crying for a reason. I think figuring out all of a baby's cries in the beginning must be the hardest thing for a first time mum.
                                That definitely is true! I read some books and they say: listen to your baby, you will know what it needs. Right ... not me ... hehe. In the beginning you have to learn. Now it is easier and I usually know what she needs.

