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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    i would have loved some...course you can buy their photos
    in fact, we didn't go into westminster simply because we couldn't take any photos and had to have our bags searched so decided it just wasn't worth it
    We couldn't get in coz the Queen was inside...there were bobbies everywhere was Remembrance Day. So we just walked around the garden. I'm pretty sure that was Westminster.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      I wonder how much is "respect" which never seemed to bother anyone until a few years ago or fear of terrorists or something. Whatever it is, as a "tourist" it takes away some of the interest. Many people can't afford to keep buying the books that they all sell. At about $15+ (10+UK), it can get very expensive.


        *pops in*

        Hey! Haven't been here in ages!

        Just saying that hotel + plane are now booked! Can't wait to be there! Are you all arriving on the Friday? Cause we arrive on the Thursday and was wondering if I'd see some of you then?



          I am very sure that postcard sales contributed to the decision

          we went ot see the changing of the guard at buckingham palace, and yes, the queen was home...and folks were arriving in carriages for lunch...thus the bobbies were out in full force with their uzies very prominently displayed every time the gate opened.

          Changing of the guard can be cool, but usually there's such a crowd and so much happens behind the fence that you really don't see much
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
            that's certainly a valid concern, but i'd just like to at least see the inside. last nov. the guard let me get close enough to the door to get 1 shot of the tomb of the unknown soldier with all the flowers on it for armistice day. besides, it boosts their postcard sales.
            I have a picture of that surrounded with the poppies.

            I didn't have a very good camera in those days...maybe a postcard would have been better in that case.


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              I am very sure that postcard sales contributed to the decision

              But I think you're right. Ker-ching!

              To be honest, there's so many pictures out there on the internet of the interiors of these places that you could just as easy go, look around and go surfing the web and print some stock photos just for the memories.

              If you want an example of fine Victorian architecture and somewhere you can snap away to your heart's content, close to the other big tourist things in London, then I'd heartily recommend the Natural History Museum:
              It's just beautiful top to bottom and full of wonderful, interesting things. You'll probably need a day or three to take it all in so pick which bits you want to see and try and resist the rest. And it's totally free entry.


                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                We couldn't get in coz the Queen was inside...there were bobbies everywhere was Remembrance Day. So we just walked around the garden. I'm pretty sure that was Westminster.
                Yup. That was Westminster.

                Too bad, but by right it *was* Remembrance Day and was prolly more our bad timing on the day we picked than complaining about how the Queen herself was making an appearance as well that day. How can you complain while standing in the midst of so many poppies? Really puts your world into perspective if you ask me.

                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                I am very sure that postcard sales contributed to the decision

                we went ot see the changing of the guard at buckingham palace, and yes, the queen was home...and folks were arriving in carriages for lunch...thus the bobbies were out in full force with their uzies very prominently displayed every time the gate opened.

                Changing of the guard can be cool, but usually there's such a crowd and so much happens behind the fence that you really don't see much
                Ah, good to know. Buckingham Palace and the Changing of the Guard was on my list of 'Want to See' but perhaps it might not be worth the jostle.


                  if you to go, research what happens when and position yourself accordingly

                  also, unless things have changed they only do the ceremony on certain days of the week, not every day like they used to, so you might want to take that into account
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                    But I think you're right. Ker-ching!

                    To be honest, there's so many pictures out there on the internet of the interiors of these places that you could just as easy go, look around and go surfing the web and print some stock photos just for the memories.

                    If you want an example of fine Victorian architecture and somewhere you can snap away to your heart's content, close to the other big tourist things in London, then I'd heartily recommend the Natural History Museum:
                    It's just beautiful top to bottom and full of wonderful, interesting things. You'll probably need a day or three to take it all in so pick which bits you want to see and try and resist the rest. And it's totally free entry.
                    i'm already planning to take in that museum on friday after registration. my mind is spinning trying to figure out the tube system and train stuff and which places are accessible, etc. i guess an oyster card would be a good deal. also the flexi pass. i tried to figure what each of my trips would cost and it came out to hundreds more than the cost of the pass. i thought i could take the bus from the Ren to heathrow and then the express to london where the train departs for my day trips, but just found out that the heathrow express doesn't allow scooters because they can't secure them. but i can get on the tube there and take that to london i think. does anybody know, is it safe to travel the tube alone after dark? i'm used to the "L" Chicago's version of the tube. and i wouldn't ride it after dark without a P-90 automatic weapon(not that i would like to ride some areas in the light either). taking the taxi to and from london was pretty expensive last year. i paid £150-160 round trip.


                      Has anyone any information on whether the Neeplet is involved in the earthquake that happened in NZ? If you're out there, please let us know you and yours are OK.

                      For details of AT10 go to


                        I'm ok. While people in my household felt the quake, we are well away from it. I slept through it. My 3 brothers who used to live in Christchurch have all moved away with their families, thankfully. My Sister-in-law's brother wasn't quite so lucky- everyone is safe but he has lost his house 3 weeks before his 2nd child is due.

                        Amanda is ok too. Her house has some cracks in it, but her and her family are safe. When she posted on facebook she seemed a bit stunned, has checked out some of the damage in neighbouring houses and is ready for the aftershocks to stop.

                        I have a friend from school living right in the centre of town, but his house was newer than the old brick ones that came down. Looking at all the damage it really is amazing there have been no fatalities.

                        Big hugs Mumsey, thanks for thinking of me.

                        Edit to add... o_0

                        It's going to be -2C overnight... I hope those still without power snuggle in with their flatmates. And I really hope the gale force wind predicted for tomorrow doesn't blow over any already damaged buildings or anything. Sigh. Brrrr.
                        Last edited by NZNeep; 04 September 2010, 03:01 AM.
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          *hugs Eileen* Glad you're safe, but so sorry for those that have lost their homes


                            The thing is, I think it did wake me up but I don't remember it. This morning I found my credit card next to my bed and checked my inbox- I found an invoice for some jewellery I bought from a website I have never been to before and I have no recollection of it. Bizarre.

                            I absolutely love the rings my subconscious picked out... maybe I should thank the earthquake for half waking me
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              The thing is, I think it did wake me up but I don't remember it. This morning I found my credit card next to my bed and checked my inbox- I found an invoice for some jewellery I bought from a website I have never been to before and I have no recollection of it. Bizarre.

                              I absolutely love the rings my subconscious picked out... maybe I should thank the earthquake for half waking me
                              Well I guess it could have been worse


                                my friend and I were out 'after dark' at AT3 (bear in mind, in novemeber the sun sets between 3 and 4, so it was still early evening) and we didn't feel unsafe walking along the thames and getting to a station.

                                I don't know how late you're talking about though
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


