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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Might work or perhaps you could yell out random curling terms.
    Note to self, learn curling terms.

    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    Maybe you read the other way around ... two attendees in a picture with 1 SE guest, as long as both attendees pay?

    If they didn't offer '2 guests in 1 picture' in the on-line store, you would think they're not selling those.
    I remember reading somewhere, I believe on twitter, that two attendees could be in a photo with one star as long as each attendee had a ticket for that photo.
    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
    William Shakespeare

    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


      correct. 2 paying attendees can be in a singular shot. they'll then make 2 identical copies of the photo - one for each person. however it's ONE PAID GUEST per photo. Paid guest = actor, writer, producer...etc

      Basically, how i'm thinking things will be done is while, for example, martin is on stage, damian will be in the photo room, and so on.

      as such group actor shots are impossible

      As to the MTM event, one photo, one auto per person....that's it. no extras will be for sale.

      now for SE, there are more autos available so, theoretically, a person can purchase 2 auto tickets and get them both. bearing in mind that it's 35 bucks each and there's a cap to how many tickets will be sold as a whole.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        32 days till take off!


          Hi all you happy people!

          Just dropping by to check how all the buzzing and planning for the big events are going. I can’t wait to see all the photos and read all the reports!

          Just a quick reminder that the AT5 Photo Mosaic Project is still ongoing and now has the official support from Sanctuary for Kids! Which makes me proud beyond words. Jill Bodie, director of Sanctuary for Kids, was gracious enough to give their support, and thinks it’s a terrific project

          So if you have taken photos of Amanda Tapping you’re more than welcome to send them to [email protected]. The deadline is September 1st. And of course anyone willing to lend their Photoshop skills are welcomed to do so too.
          (Read more about the project here)

          Also a shout out to all you TSE attendees that are planning on bringing their cameras, if you happen snap some pics of the lady herself, i.e. Amanda Tapping, I’d love to have your photos in the project!

          Oh and I couldn’t resist to take a look at the Legends site with all the goodies for TSE. I really hope those fancy S4K t-shirts will be available for AT5 too.


            Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
            Oh and I couldn’t resist to take a look at the Legends site with all the goodies for TSE. I really hope those fancy S4K t-shirts will be available for AT5 too.
            I'm going to be working with Jill on getting some of the S4K t-shirts available at AT5.

            To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
              I was gonna say that! And I thought I had a lot to do...filppin eck!

              Such a pity...would have loved to have got my hands on one of those shirts...if only to support S4K.

              You know I'm not sure whether to feel lucky I was never asked or sad that I wasn't asked...coz I walked into that ball and no one asked....and I wasn't even in fancy dress!!
              Chelle hun, you had horns on. Yes, I have pictoral evidence
              I'd think your abnormality was somewhat self-evident

              I was going to offer to pick you up a shirt, but I see that Cel has beaten me to it, and seeing as she's travelling to see y'all directly afterwards (lucky duck!!!), that makes oodles of more sense! LOL - the thought was most definitely there though!!! *hugs*

              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
              Ack! PM me with your size if your able before the sale starts (which is in about 4ish hours) and I'll order you one. You do remember I'll be seeing you shortly afterward.

              I think I was only asked because I was early. Probably after so many people walked in, they either weren't able or got distracted. Not to worry!
              Wait - you were asked? Then again, mine was a tad self-evident, to be fair ... and I was carrying a load of bluey goodness when we arrived, which seemed to have the effect of parting the crowds like the Red Sea Yay for the power of Blue Jello!!! *bounces*

              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              Next year? Are you trying to give the G4 heart attacks?

              Yes, musn't get Sky noodled by customs.

              Might work or perhaps you could yell out random curling terms.

              Hope everyone got their desired photos and autos. Since I already have most everyone's I didn't try. I will order a S4K t-shirt though.
              No! No dying allowed - it's Miss Maloney's first rule of the classroom I'll have y'all know, and I think it totally applies here too!!! (Yes, there is a story behind that. No, I'm not sharing it right now, as I've currently the attention span of a -- SQUIRREL! *blinks* ... *focuses* - ask me later instead )

              Getting Sky noodled at the border is bad.
              Of course, so is trying to get a Canadian, a German, and an American who are all very tired and running very behind schedule across the border in one piece. (...and how do you all know each other? Well, we met at a con...ference! Oh? *eyebrow raised* And where was this conference? ...erm, in England? *blinks as she presumably processes the fact that none of us are UK citizens* O...kay, and what was the nature of this conference? Was it school related? you follow sci-fi, by chance? *pause* Right - here's a nice yellow slip. Drive over where the men in the body armour are playing with the dogs with very big teeth, and wait to be shown to immigration - have a nice day! *headdesk*)

              ...and as for the curling commentary being shouted out as a distraction, I'd like to caution that breaking the tension/distracting Eh-T by spontaneously yelling "HARD!" while Amanda is running to a potential bidder is likely to cause some misunderstandings... Although, I can see how it might be highly amusing...
              *waits for Becks to don her health-and-safety hat and smack me upside the head ... remembers that I now own her hat ... hehehehe....*

              Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
              I'm going to be working with Jill on getting some of the S4K t-shirts available at AT5.

              Awesome! Hopefully I'll be able to budget them in for that event!
              Will we also possibly have the black Sanctuary tees with skyscape and Amanda on them, that are also apparently going to S4K?

              In semi-related news of amesness:
              *Am on new shift at job, and relatively enjoying myself. The shift is long but the hours rock (I can still teach Sunday school, and I can sleep in the other two days - score!), so hopefully this'll become a less 'temporary' thing ... will keep y'all posted
              *Nephew is approaching 7 months, and is making aims to skip the crawling stage. Oh, and is more adorable than ever, of course - not that I'm biased or owt. LOL
              *Am slowly getting parents hooked on Torchwood - go me!
              *Am less slowly amassing my blue jello stash for Vangroovy ... luckily I'm flying WestJet, and they allow 2 checked bags
              *Had a semi-random urge to purchase a motorcycle today. Hmmmmm.

              28 days until I fly out - roll on Vangroovy!!! *does happy dance*
              ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

              SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
              ames on facebook
              ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                Originally posted by ames View Post
                Getting Sky noodled at the border is bad.
                Of course, so is trying to get a Canadian, a German, and an American who are all very tired and running very behind schedule across the border in one piece. (...and how do you all know each other? Well, we met at a con...ference! Oh? *eyebrow raised* And where was this conference? ...erm, in England? *blinks as she presumably processes the fact that none of us are UK citizens* O...kay, and what was the nature of this conference? Was it school related? you follow sci-fi, by chance? *pause* Right - here's a nice yellow slip. Drive over where the men in the body armour are playing with the dogs with very big teeth, and wait to be shown to immigration - have a nice day! *headdesk*)
                Hahahaha ...

                And yay on your good news!!


                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  Chelle hun, you had horns on. Yes, I have pictoral evidence
                  I'd think your abnormality was somewhat self-evident
                  Whoops - I forgot about those dang things...caused me so much grief...twice I was called a horny little devil by hotel patrons.
                  I was going to offer to pick you up a shirt, but I see that Cel has beaten me to it, and seeing as she's travelling to see y'all directly afterwards (lucky duck!!!), that makes oodles of more sense! LOL - the thought was most definitely there though!!! *hugs*
                  Thank you...and lucky ducks indeed...can't wait for NZ!
                  Getting Sky noodled at the border is bad.
                  Of course, so is trying to get a Canadian, a German, and an American who are all very tired and running very behind schedule across the border in one piece. (...and how do you all know each other? Well, we met at a con...ference! Oh? *eyebrow raised* And where was this conference? ...erm, in England? *blinks as she presumably processes the fact that none of us are UK citizens* O...kay, and what was the nature of this conference? Was it school related? you follow sci-fi, by chance? *pause* Right - here's a nice yellow slip. Drive over where the men in the body armour are playing with the dogs with very big teeth, and wait to be shown to immigration - have a nice day! *headdesk*)
                  It's funny coz I can so totally hear you telling this your cute little Canadian accent! I miss you. Can't wait for AT6.

                  In semi-related news of amesness:
                  *Am on new shift at job, and relatively enjoying myself. The shift is long but the hours rock (I can still teach Sunday school, and I can sleep in the other two days - score!), so hopefully this'll become a less 'temporary' thing ... will keep y'all posted
                  *Nephew is approaching 7 months, and is making aims to skip the crawling stage. Oh, and is more adorable than ever, of course - not that I'm biased or owt. LOL
                  *Am slowly getting parents hooked on Torchwood - go me!
                  *Am less slowly amassing my blue jello stash for Vangroovy ... luckily I'm flying WestJet, and they allow 2 checked bags
                  *Had a semi-random urge to purchase a motorcycle today. Hmmmmm.

                  28 days until I fly out - roll on Vangroovy!!! *does happy dance*
                  Semi urge?? So what stopped you? Do you guys have to have a special or separate motor bike license to ride a motor bike over there? We have to do special training and get a specific motor bike license if we want to ride over here. Hubby finally got his but he still hasn't got a bike yet...we're planning on going on road trips as soon as we get one. We've talked about going back to Tassie on a bike - just the two of us.
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                    I'm going to be working with Jill on getting some of the S4K t-shirts available at AT5.

                    Hope all the planing and fixing and doing and scheming for TSE and MTM is running smoothly!

                    Originally posted by ames View Post
                    ...and as for the curling commentary being shouted out as a distraction, I'd like to caution that breaking the tension/distracting Eh-T by spontaneously yelling "HARD!" while Amanda is running to a potential bidder is likely to cause some misunderstandings... Although, I can see how it might be highly amusing...
                    Amusing, it would be, indeed. *snicker*


                      Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                      I'm going to be working with Jill on getting some of the S4K t-shirts available at AT5.

                      That would be so cool!

                      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                        Originally posted by ames View Post
                        In semi-related news of amesness:
                        *Am on new shift at job, and relatively enjoying myself. The shift is long but the hours rock (I can still teach Sunday school, and I can sleep in the other two days - score!), so hopefully this'll become a less 'temporary' thing ... will keep y'all posted
                        *Nephew is approaching 7 months, and is making aims to skip the crawling stage. Oh, and is more adorable than ever, of course - not that I'm biased or owt. LOL
                        *Am slowly getting parents hooked on Torchwood - go me!
                        *Am less slowly amassing my blue jello stash for Vangroovy ... luckily I'm flying WestJet, and they allow 2 checked bags
                        *Had a semi-random urge to purchase a motorcycle today. Hmmmmm.

                        28 days until I fly out - roll on Vangroovy!!! *does happy dance*
                        Buy a bike! Go on Go on Go on
                        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                        My Fanfic~My Femslash


                          Sadly, I won't be able to go to Canada anymore this summer. My DH was hit by a car on Sunday night and is now in hospital. I'll miss seeing you all there.

                          Mumsy, I've sent an email to Gabit Central (ask the G4 one).


                            Originally posted by babancat View Post
                            Sadly, I won't be able to go to Canada anymore this summer. My DH was hit by a car on Sunday night and is now in hospital. I'll miss seeing you all there.

                            Mumsy, I've sent an email to Gabit Central (ask the G4 one).
                            So sorry to hear that Babancat You'll be missed.

                            Sending good vibes to DH for a speedy recovery.


                              Originally posted by babancat View Post
                              Sadly, I won't be able to go to Canada anymore this summer. My DH was hit by a car on Sunday night and is now in hospital. I'll miss seeing you all there.

                              Mumsy, I've sent an email to Gabit Central (ask the G4 one).
                              Very sorry to hear that. Hope everything will be OK.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                                Whoops - I forgot about those dang things...caused me so much grief...twice I was called a horny little devil by hotel patrons.

                                Thank you...and lucky ducks indeed...can't wait for NZ!

                                It's funny coz I can so totally hear you telling this your cute little Canadian accent! I miss you. Can't wait for AT6.

                                Semi urge?? So what stopped you? Do you guys have to have a special or separate motor bike license to ride a motor bike over there? We have to do special training and get a specific motor bike license if we want to ride over here. Hubby finally got his but he still hasn't got a bike yet...we're planning on going on road trips as soon as we get one. We've talked about going back to Tassie on a bike - just the two of us.
                                How could you forget your horns? We were the horny girls Hehehe....

                                Yes, we not only have a separate license for motorcycles/motorbikes (called an "M", conveniently enough) but it's also a graduated one. You do the written to get a 3-month "M1". You theoretically take a motorcycle course during this time (although you don't have to take the course), and then do an "M1 exit" test. If you pass that, you get an "M2" designation, which is good for up to 5 years. At some point during years 2-5, you do another riding test, the "M2 exit", to qualify for your full "M". (We have to do a similar process for our car licenses as well, which are "G1" "G2" and "G". Oh, and to make things even more fun, your licenses are all tied together. If you lose your M you also lose your G ... which is slightly more of a concern for truckers, whose livelihood is dependant on maintaining their "Z" license (qualification for school busses, 18-wheelers, etc.) Sounds fun, eh?) /sarcasm

                                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                                Buy a bike! Go on Go on Go on
                                Way to help my self-restraint - NOT! LOL
                                Actually the bike that caught my eye is already sold, acc. to their website, so ... considering the prices, I'm thinking it'd be a next year sort of celebratory acquisition. Or something like that!

                                Originally posted by babancat View Post
                                Sadly, I won't be able to go to Canada anymore this summer. My DH was hit by a car on Sunday night and is now in hospital. I'll miss seeing you all there.

                                Mumsy, I've sent an email to Gabit Central (ask the G4 one).
                                I hope everything turns out alright!
                                *sends healing vibes*
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                                ames on facebook
                                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )

