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GABIT attendees thread

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    Moose! My best moose story is this one...

    When I was living in Colorado I had a second floor (counting ground, one, two) flat with an exterior staircase and I was right on the end of the block. I was coming back with my grocery shopping one morning, trudging across the snow covered car park largely in my own little world when I spotted something ahead of me.

    When I looked up I saw that there was a Moose standing at the bottom of the stairs up to my flat and regarding me very calmly. There was another one a little way behind, standing at the edge of the car park and also looking at me. I wasn't too far away from them as I hadn't been on the look out for anything across the car park so I was rather surprised.

    I backed up and went up the stairs at the other end of the block, the moose watching me all the way up and still regarding me when I stood on the balcony and looked down at them. I went and put my shopping away and when I'd done they were sitting in the snow just off the car park and chilling out.

    They were there for about an hour, just acting like they owned the place and glaring at any cars that pulled into the car park, or anyone who walked across it.
    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
    My Fanfic~My Femslash


      To those I haven't said hello to yet, hello. I really should try and get on here more often. Bad me... wait no... sick me... so yeah no excuse cos I've been at home in bed for days.... oops.


        Well, if we are telling animal stories I have 2 short ones. When I was around 12 or so I went to Yellowstone. The south side had a drought so they shipped most of the animals to the north side. I kept looking for deer and didn't see one. I asked the ranger where I could find one and he pointed to an open door of the motel. Out walked a full grown dear like she was staying in the room. However, a few people came running out of the room after she left, so probably only visiting.

        And at the San Diego Wild animal park, I was driving in the back of a truck...they tour you through that way sometimes. We were around the giraffes when one came over and licked my camera. I got a great closeup of it's very large tongue....a little too close for may taste. But I guess the camera tasted pretty good to the giraffe.


          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Well, if we are telling animal stories I have 2 short ones. When I was around 12 or so I went to Yellowstone. The south side had a drought so they shipped most of the animals to the north side. I kept looking for deer and didn't see one. I asked the ranger where I could find one and he pointed to an open door of the motel. Out walked a full grown dear like she was staying in the room. However, a few people came running out of the room after she left, so probably only visiting.

          And at the San Diego Wild animal park, I was driving in the back of a truck...they tour you through that way sometimes. We were around the giraffes when one came over and licked my camera. I got a great closeup of it's very large tongue....a little too close for may taste. But I guess the camera tasted pretty good to the giraffe.
          Your second tale reminds me of my friend who quite literally had her camera stolen when on holiday. The thief was apprehended and incarcerated and the camera returned. But no charges pressed. You can't exactly press charges against a monkey...


            Originally posted by ames View Post
            Doikecarter - welcome to the thread! Don't worry about coming to the events on your own ... as the girls have mentioned before me, if you pop in here, you'll get to know a few of us online beforehand. There's usually a 'newbie' get-together on the Friday afternoon, aimed at first-time attendees. I know it can be intimidating to see people already grouped up in the lobby, but most of us won't bite - just sidle on up and introduce yourself! Before you get here though, there are two very important questions I must ask:
            1 - are you a huggy person? (B/c if you are, you are in for a real treat - Amanda gives an awesome hug!)
            2 - how do you feel about blue jello?
            Welcome from me too Doikecarter!
            Hope you are a huggy person coz if you think Amanda gives awesome hugs, you should see the hugs Ames gives! Totally floored me when I took my first steps into the Ren!
            Of course now I miss those hugs terribly so I'll back at AT6 for more!

            We don't have moose here in Oz...well none that I'm aware of unless they're in zoo's. But we have HUGE kangaroos that can do serious damage to both body and vehicle if ever the twain shall meet!
            And we have wild camels up north and a few wild brumbys (wild horses) left in the alpine regions. We do have deer...but not in my local area. Oh and we've got buffalo up north too. I have no harrowing tales to tell other than the time we nearly rolled the car trying to avoid a kangaroo. They say you should never swerve but had we hit that big fella...I think rolling the car would have been the safer option.
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Wanders in .... starts reading thread ..... wondering how I got onto the "Wild Kingdom" thread .... oh, wait, it is about Gabit. Enjoyed all your moose/deer/elk/bison stories. What, no encounters with caribou?

              Originally posted by DOIKECARTER View Post
              Hi. I need advice. I´ve been Amanda´s fan for years and I´ve been on Gateworld forum for years too....but I´m not really too active. I don´t post a lot and this type of events seem a bit impressive. AT event seems really special but....Should I go by myself? Should I try to convince my sister to join me? Distance shouldn´t been a problem since Spain is embarrasingly near to England comparing to a few posts I´ve read so far and it´s once in a lifetime, so money shouldn´t be an excuse this time. I want to have fun...but sometimes it seems everyone already knows each other and it´s a little overwhelming.

              Could anyone give some advice to a newbie? Thanks
              Welcome newbie. It really depends on your particular situation. I came to AT3 on my own and had no trouble meeting people. However, it helps if you are not shy about talking to strangers. Starting with AT4 they had an online group on the Gabit forum called Amanda's Fans Alone But Not For Long (or something like that) and they organized a get-together for the newbies (and party crashers like Cel ) before the main events started. Great idea to help those who are a little less out-going meet fellow attendees. However, I think it still can be a bit intimidating for newbies to go up to a group in the lobby and try to join in. Therefore it is a good idea to post here and on the Gabit forum so we know to look for you.

              I think it is difficult for people who are not fans to attend. If they are not fans of Stargate or Sanctuary they will be pretty lost in the Q & As. However, at AT3 I met a lady who had come as a chaperone for her niece. Never seen Stargate but by the end of the weekend was a big AT fan so you never know.

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                dotting I's and crossing t's again....



         are such a tease.

                  Anxiously waiting.........

                  Are you done yet?

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by ames View Post

                    Doikecarter - welcome to the thread! Don't worry about coming to the events on your own ... as the girls have mentioned before me, if you pop in here, you'll get to know a few of us online beforehand. There's usually a 'newbie' get-together on the Friday afternoon, aimed at first-time attendees. I know it can be intimidating to see people already grouped up in the lobby, but most of us won't bite - just sidle on up and introduce yourself! Before you get here though, there are two very important questions I must ask:
                    1 - are you a huggy person? (B/c if you are, you are in for a real treat - Amanda gives an awesome hug!)
                    2 - how do you feel about blue jello?
                    I am Soooooo at the newbie party!

                    Originally posted by Andy View Post
                    Hi Doikecarter,

                    I will go to AT5 by myself, too. I haven't met anyone yet, but I sure found lots of nice people on gateworld and the gabitforum!! Everyone is really nice and trying to answer aaaall the questions you might mave and trying to make you feel comfortable!!
                    So, you're not alone in this adventure. I'm so looking forward to AT5 and if the people are only half as nice in person as online, we'll be more than fine!!

                    The things we do to meet Amanda, huh?

                    I'm looking forward to AT5, too, if not just for Amanda, but to meet everyone else!
                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      Hey, that was my 4000th post. I estimate that 3000 of them were made while anxiously awaiting some announcement or other from Gabit. The other 1000 were about curling.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Hey, that was my 4000th post. I estimate that 3000 of them were made while anxiously awaiting some announcement or other from Gabit. The other 1000 were about curling.

                        Curling eh? Fascinating stuff

                        You mean there have been no posts about Amanda Tapping?
                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          Even though I traveled from New Zealand all by myself, I felt a wee bit like an impostor in the newbie meet and greet because I had already caught up with all my friends from here Felt like I was surrounded in old friends.

                          So yeah, just hang around here and you will be sweet.
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            Hey, that was my 4000th post. I estimate that 3000 of them were made while anxiously awaiting some announcement or other from Gabit. The other 1000 were about curling.
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Welcome newbie. It really depends on your particular situation. I came to AT3 on my own and had no trouble meeting people. However, it helps if you are not shy about talking to strangers. Starting with AT4 they had an online group on the Gabit forum called Amanda's Fans Alone But Not For Long (or something like that) and they organized a get-together for the newbies (and party crashers like Cel ) before the main events started. Great idea to help those who are a little less out-going meet fellow attendees. However, I think it still can be a bit intimidating for newbies to go up to a group in the lobby and try to join in. Therefore it is a good idea to post here and on the Gabit forum so we know to look for you.

                              If I remember correctly, I was encouraged to join in and besides, I wasn't the only non-newbie there. I was in very good company.

                              Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                              dotting I's and crossing t's again....

                              Ooh! There's more??!


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Hey, that was my 4000th post. I estimate that 3000 of them were made while anxiously awaiting some announcement or other from Gabit. The other 1000 were about curling.


                                [QUOTE=EH-T;11493909]Wanders in .... starts reading thread ..... wondering how I got onto the "Wild Kingdom" thread .... oh, wait, it is about Gabit. Enjoyed all your moose/deer/elk/bison stories. What, no encounters with caribou?

                                yes, caribou ranch somewhere, maybe in northern b.c.? they have big antlers. just no moose! thank you for tuning in to this week's adventures on WILD KINGDOM and your hostess-lamemoose.

                                back to reality now. can't wait for tse and at5. yeah gabit!!

