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'Whispers' (507) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    it was a 1 hour version of a cheesy scifi movie

    horrible? no. cliched and silly at times? yeah
    About sums it up!

    Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
    just be thankful Sheppard didn't kirk them all
    I'm sure he tried off camera...everything happens off camera.

    Originally posted by JohnRico View Post
    I think Carson is going to be kirking Allison
    Yes, the ship is nauseating. Reminded me of a high school teen drama.


    How on Earth could Sheppard not know who the women were or there was an all female team? He seemed surprised! He's the head of security...he should know these things.

    The Good:

    No Rodney...for the most part.
    No all.

    The bad:

    No Ronon and No Teyla.

    Cheesy clich'e teen horror flick. I could help but wonder what horror flick the writers were watching WHILE they wrote it.

    On a scale of one to ten...about a 5.
    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


      Wait, none of the female team died, did they? I thought it was sort of weak that Vega was just suddenly okay after Shep thought she was dead and just left here there. That needed more of a reason.

      It was visually great, and nicely creepy. I enjoyed it.


        It was decent - for a Mallozzi-penned episode. I mean, lots of stuff, as some have said, was cliched for the standard horror flick - don't go out after dark! the creature crawling down the wall, the sudden noise to attract said creature, don't stand in front of the boarded-up window, don't split up, etc. etc.

        However, due to the more family syndicated nature of the show, nobody had sex, because people who have sex in horror movies always die horribly. usually with garden implements or kitchen tools.

        My only disappointment was that the woman soldier who was chewing gum - sorry, can't recall her name - and did the awful clint eastwood impersonation at one point - wasn't one that got bumped off.

        and who did NOT see, from several miles away, that Beckett and Sheppard would go down the well?

        however, i suppose had keller come along, we could have had the stereotypical screaming woman used in horror flicks


          So...not scary at all, predictable and slow plot, baddies that look pulled straight from Tool's Stinkfist video, Beckett acting dumb (let's leave the house alone!), the entire military team acting dumb (let's split up and make lots of noise, yay!), and zero Teyla and Ronon.

          This show is so much better with a stiff drink and a MST3K approach.


            For the record i liked it. I think that if MGM, Sci Fi or tpbp (still have no idea who that is) want me to watch anything stargate related ever again they need to have Janina Gavankar as Sgt. 'Dusty' Mehra in more shows.


              Originally posted by Michelle05 View Post
              Wait, none of the female team died, did they? I thought it was sort of weak that Vega was just suddenly okay after Shep thought she was dead and just left here there. That needed more of a reason.

              It was visually great, and nicely creepy. I enjoyed it.
              Pretty sure Vega did die.


                Originally posted by aboleyn24 View Post
                I had the same reaction. I guess I had such high expectations that it surprised me when it turned out to be a big cliche. I don't mind homages, but this didn't reach that level for me.

                Shep's reaction to the all female team disturbed me. First because shouldn't he know the people under his command or does he only deal with the Majors and not bother with any rank lower than that? Secondly I've never ever seen Shep look as a women as less capable than a man. He has always seemed to accept that Teyla can kick his butt without question. The look on his face and the reaction of Teldy seemed to imply that he thought an all female team less and that just doesn't fit for Sheppards character to me.
                I know what you mean. I was really worried it was going to turn into some horrible battle of the sexes nonsense when Beckett and even John were complaining about all the walking and the ladies were marching right along. At least they seemed to drop that agenda. But it was odd that John wouldn't know who was on what team, or that Teldy would think John would question the abilities of the women under his command.

                If the female team was going to require such a contrived moment to explain it, then why bother? The team could have consisted of Teldy, Porter and the one that had to "babysit" (I don't recall her name) plus a random male character. Vega seemed to be the least experienced of the lot. They could have easily replaced her with an inexperienced male character and had the same result.


                  It was creepy that they were wall-crawlers, but hardly unique. The blindness and the fog reminded of certain Harry Potter baddies. I suppose there are only so many monster combinations, however, and they were moderately scary while onscreen.

                  The final twist didn't make much of an impression on me. "We didn't get them all!" A few seconds later: "Now we've got them all." I had to rewind to see what happened again, because that went by so quickly that when Beckett and McKay were talking again it looked like an instant cut back to the beginning of the episode ala Groundhog Day or "it was all a story".


                    I found "Whispers" very enjoyable. Yeah, it wasn't the best episode so far this season, but I didn't think it was bad either. It was really nice to see Carson as much as we did too. But I will admit, I did miss the rest of the team.
                    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                      wow this time Christina Cox didnt die with all those monsters runing around..


                        Not one of my favorite episode, but I probably still liked it more than most people here. Since I don't like most horror films and this was clearly a rip off (or homage) of that, this episode had little chance. The novelty of an all girl team and having Nicole deBoer as a potential love interest for Carson (or just having Carson around at all) kind of salvaged it for me. There were definitely less exciting horror episodes of Stargate in the past.
                        I just love shows about wormholes!


                          It's sad when all I can really say is I didn't hate it. And I didn't. I don't do horror flicks so this kind of setting doesn't do a lot for me. I didn't find it creepy until the very end when they thought they had killed them all. I know I should have recognized the cliche, but I totally thought they'd done something to Porter when she was missing, and I kept waiting for her to attack the Sarge. This is definitely the weakest ep of the season so far, but I didn't find it bad. Just rather meh.

                          Good Stuff:
                          * Teldy and Mehra - they ROCKED. I think my favorite shot was Mehra popping bubbles while she waited for Sheppard to blow the well.
                          * a bit of insight on Michael's experiments - Carson wasn't involved in all the hybrid work, not all of Michael's creatures can be controlled by him, Rodney got enough information from Michael's "wiki" to be useful including how to turn off the security protocols
                          * blue glo-sticks on a pike

                          * Sheppard doesn't know who makes up the gate teams? Seriously?
                          * Sheppard cut off Teldy and Mehra when they had questions about his plan to blow up the well. I found that OOC for him. He cuts off McKay when he begins his panicked rants, but I never saw him as someone who would reject legitimate concerns.
                          * Moved too slow. I didn't really care what had happened to the villagers.
                          * Team? *sniff* I missed the team. I watch for the team. What happened to the team?
                          * Why hole up in a village that isn't safe? Sheppard's been around Pegasus long enough to know that when the villagers go missing, it ain't gonna be good. So he leaves the 2 geeks there with a sergeant and goes off to investigate. Right.
                          * Ah, Vega. We hardly knew you.

                          Oh well. I found the sergeant highly entertaining, and I was amused by the conversation between Beckett and Porter (been cloned lately?). Not a bad hour. Just not a particularly good one.
                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            I think the episode was good in that in wasn't the simple "problem solved" episode- and that had a lot to do with Mckay not being there. The episode does show that horror is not for Stargate. It actually seemed like 1 hr. I think the female team was alright. I was surprised that Vega died. I thought she was supposed to be a recurring character, the "female Lorne"? They actually seemed like a quasi-military team, unlike other SGA portrayals of military teams. Also, those creatures looked very similar to the unmasked Wraith drones, just more ferocious. What exactly did the fog do again?
                            Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                            ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                            encounter on the strange journey.


                            2 Cor. 10:3-5
                            3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                            4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                            5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                              Originally posted by Wolf O'Donnell View Post
                              Pretty sure Vega did die.
                              Oh, thanks! I guess I got her mixed up with Teldy. Hard to tell all those pretty women apart.

                              And I forgot to say, it was great seeing Carson even if he did seem very slow on the trigger!


                                Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
                                I think the episode was good in that in wasn't the simple "problem solved" episode- and that had a lot to do with Mckay not being there. The episode does show that horror is not for Stargate. It actually seemed like 1 hr. I think the female team was alright. I was surprised that Vega died. I thought she was supposed to be a recurring character, the "female Lorne"? They actually seemed like a quasi-military team, unlike other SGA portrayals of military teams.
                                it did seem like there was less commercials but i kinda wish they showed more commercials which how bad it was..

