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'The Prodigal' (514) General Discussion

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    I honestly was just dissapointed with this ep. I found it rather dull for the most part. With the exception of Ronon/Michael duel, and Shep/Michael duel, then teyla kicking him of the ledge and Shep not even trying to stop her. I liked the fact that there was no question or Shep trying to stop her. he just let her go. But the in between scenes were just dull. I wish they would do more exploring in the episodes instead of what seems to be always on the base or flying in the air.


      Originally posted by morjana View Post
      SGA - MGM Stargate: NEW Poll Nov 10 '08:

      At MGM Stargate:

      (Please follow the link to respond to the poll.)


      Is Michael really dead?

      *He’s a goner.

      *He’ll be back.

      * Undecided.
      WARNING: Major spoiler for next week's ep is right above the poll on the MGM site!!!

      "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

      "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

      WALLACE: And if I don't?
      O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


        I absolutely loved this ep!!

        From the car racing bookends to kickass Teyla to the great fights between Michael & Ronon and Michael & Shep, this was a very, very good time!

        Great scene with Amelia (kickboxing!), Ronon, and Hybrid Guy. Nice to see another strong woman on Atlantis.

        As others have said, it was great seeing so much of the city. This ep helped add to the scope and size of the city.

        Shep/McKay banter was top-notch, from the racing putdowns to Shep chastising McKay for not fixing the Jumpers to the 'stun bubble' discussion with Zelenka to the 'suicide missions' scene, it was chock full of friendly goodness!

        Teyla - looking hot, being a good mom, and kicking Michael's butt (and body) off the ledge. I think she had to do it. Until she kicked the second hand, I thought she might save him, but when she did, and Michael fell to his death(?), I was like, "Wow, that's cold. Go Teyla!"

        Michael was crazy. He'd gone totally whacked out crazy. I don't think he really felt anything for Teyla, but was trying to find a way for her to hand over Torren without causing a fuss. Even when Teyla said she'd come out and go with Michael if he'd stop the self-destruct, Michael didn't care if she died. She was a means to an end. He could show "compassion" as long as she did what he said. Because he was all about his crazy self. He wasn't capable of seeing anything outside of his own desires for revenge and power. When one of the Hybrids said that they should cut their losses and go, Michael said no. I said to my hub that Michael was doomed because he wasn't able to see beyond his own original plan. Rigid thinking.

        Woolsey was great. Ronon was great. Wonderful to see Lorne (oops, hope his head doesn't hurt!) and Zelenka (stun bubble!).

        The fight scenes were very well done. (Kudos BamBam!) I kept saying "Ow!" during all of the fights as our Team got their cute butts kicked.

        Great episode. Dammit, only six eps left.

        Hmmm...I am wondering where the "Teyla - Judge, Jury, Executioner" thread is for this episode? Not that I would bother reading that tripe. Just wondering.

        "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

        "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

        WALLACE: And if I don't?
        O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


          My SGA squee is back. It's been missing for so long that I almost didn't recognize the feeling. For the first time in a long time I enjoyed an episode from the beginning to the end.

          This is the SGA that I love - a well-balanced storyline that doesn't wallpaper any of the main characters; includes some of the recurring characters; contains action and quiet moments as well as humor and drama.

          What did I love? Where do I start? The Ronon and Woolsey scenes were hilarious and on point. Sheppard and Rodney playing with racing cars in the corridors like two little boys, and almost running down Teyla and Torren, was delightful - I didn't know Teyla's voice could go that high.

          When Michael invaded Atlantis, I loved that no one knew what was going on right away and that we got to see so many scenes of Atlantis, and the people of Atlantis, while they tried to solve the problem.

          It was good to see Zelenka and Lorne actively involved with the storyline. I've lost count of the number of times I wondered why one or the other wasn't even mentioned in past episodes so it was a pleasure to not wonder about that here.

          I also love how Michael was handled. He was shown in all his complexity - as a psycho who was also strangely sympathetic. He had done so much damage, and was planning so much more destruction, that he had to be eliminated, but I also felt sorry for him. His scenes with Teyla were creepy and heartbreaking.

          It was also good to see Rodney call Sheppard on his tendency to take on suicide missions and I loved their little handshake. Amelia Banks continues to be a good addition to this season.

          The fight scenes were some of the best I've ever seen. The Ronon and Michael fight was so brutal and well choreographed that I thought that would be the fight of the episode and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was only one of them. In addition to that fight, the fight between Sheppard and Michael outside the tower was also amazing.

          Teyla finishing off Michael was brutal, coldly efficient and a graphic reminder of the harshness of life in the Pegasus galaxy. When she was standing over him, while he was hanging on that ledge, I wondered if the writers would have the cajones to have her finish the job and was pleased that they did. I've always thought that if Michael was to be killed then it had to be by Teyla's (or Carson's) hand.

          There are so many other things I enjoyed about this episode, not the least of which was that it was the first time I'd ever seen so many different shots of Atlantis in one episode. I felt that Atlantis was as much of a character in this episode as its human inhabitants.

          Joe Mallozzi mentioned in his blog that he was pleased to see that so many enjoyed The Prodigal and I hope he takes note of this for the movie and use this episode as a blueprint.
          Sig by Luciana


            Originally posted by maxbo View Post

            Joe Mallozzi mentioned in his blog that he was pleased to see that so many enjoyed The Prodigal and I hope he takes note of this for the movie and use this episode as a blueprint.
            Aka let Carl Binder perhaps write most of the movie.

            As per your review, spot on of how I felt. It was very well balanced, and Connor Trinneer was amazing in his last ever role of Michael. Joe M promised emotions, he was dead on with that.


              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
              Aka let Carl Binder perhaps write most of the movie.

              As per your review, spot on of how I felt. It was very well balanced, and Connor Trinneer was amazing in his last ever role of Michael. Joe M promised emotions, he was dead on with that.
              Yes, Connor did a great job. He showed his anger and confusion and all the other thoughts going through his head in a very interesting way.

              "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

              "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

              WALLACE: And if I don't?
              O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                I haven't read all the posts, but saw a few relating to Michael taking a 'trohpy' from Ronan and speculating on exactly what he would have done.

                My guess is Michael would have taken off Ronan's head and held it up like he did with the Wraith queen in last year's season ender.

                Any other guesses?
                My opinion at the time, I may be wrong, is that Michael ws going to cut off some of Ronan's hair for the DNA to make a Ronan clone.


                  best episode of the last ones.... i want those cute cars
                  Mission report. Michael invaded Atlantis, tried to blow it up. We stopped him. End of report.



                    Originally posted by star47 View Post
                    My opinion at the time, I may be wrong, is that Michael ws going to cut off some of Ronan's hair for the DNA to make a Ronan clone.
                    I was SO thinking 'lock of hair'! Not for the DNA part, though. Another missed opportunity for Jason to lose the hair in-story!
                    More fun @ Spoofgate!


                      just imagine an army of Ronans ^^. New power in the galaxy
                      Mission report. Michael invaded Atlantis, tried to blow it up. We stopped him. End of report.



                        Originally posted by Celesto View Post
                        just imagine an army of Ronans ^^. New power in the galaxy
                        It would be the Ronon Empire.


                          This was a good episode, but i have a little problem.

                          If Micheal knew that Atlantis would have a high-level encryption to the self-destruct... why didn't he bring a bomb with him to do the job? Seems like it really would have been more simple. He would have been in and out in a few moments.

                          It's not like he doesn't have the resources capable of making a bomb strong enough to do the job.

                          Or better yet, have a ship waiting to finish the job after he left.

                          For someone who seems smart, this would have been a far better idea.


                            ...and why wasn't the gate shield on when Ronon was next to the jumper? Sigh. CGI slip up.
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              ...and why wasn't the gate shield on when Ronon was next to the jumper? Sigh. CGI slip up.
                              Because there was no connection.


                                ^^ What he said!

