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Please replace Dr. Jackson in Teyla's spot.

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    I agree is was one of the best episodes this season. Daniel and Rodney going back and forth almost made up for Ronon Babysitting Jennifer yet again... And Teyla and her But John bit is like nails on a chalkboard. No wonder they cancelled it. I LOVE SG1 And SGA but someone Please step up and teach these people a real sub-plot.. I think we need a few writers from pro wrestling to come in and write an episode..

    As Teyla say "but John" once more,Ronon comes running into scene and bodyslams her into the bulkhead...LOL...


      as i recall reading..... lutrell thought that it was good that she got pregnant in RL, for the writers to develop her character by having to write her pregnancy into the script and all... well they certainly did that and more, by reducing her to practically a guest role.. bummer
      probably not wat she was looking for


        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
        why replace teyla with daniel?

        So he can end up babysitting the city while Keller, Sheppard, Ronon and rodney go off world to save woosley who was kidnapped?

        Redundant replacement I would say.

        He should replace keller!
        I have no wish to see Daniel on Atlantis, he anoyed the heck out of me in The Lost Tribe though I could put up with him over Keller.

        Teyla was usless in TLT becuse she was given pretty much nothing to do..she has been replaced by Keller. Keller and McKeller are the new SGA.... no one else really gets anything to do.... Ronon is being dumbed down more each episode, Sheppard gets nothing of substance whatsover and all he got in TLT was to wonder if Larrin thinks about him... gah!!

        But it's too late now to do anything... the writers are continuing on their path of ruining most of the characters in season 5.


          Originally posted by maxbo View Post
          The problem isn't Teyla, the problem has never been Teyla. No, the problem is and always has been the writers.

          I see these writers as lazy and self-indulgent little boys who see no problem with spotlighting their favorite characters at the expense of the other characters. It wouldn't be so bad if they had a variety of favorites, but that's not the case because they all favor the same characters. In the beginning their favorites were Rodney and Sheppard and then when they tired of them, they brought in Keller.

          Adding Daniel to SGA would have been a horrible idea because then SGA would've been the Rodney/Daniel/Keller show, with a bit of Sheppard, which would've been much worse than the current Rodney/Keller with a bit of Sheppard show because there would've been even less screen time for the characters that are not the writers' pets.

          What the Stargate franchise needs are writers who write for *all* their characters and not just their favorites. What's needed are writers who thrive on using their creative talents to craft storylines outside of their comfort zone. Unlike this current group who continue to focus only on the characters they identify with the most, which results in them writing the same wish fulfillment crap over and over again.

          Teyla, as a woman from a newly discovered galaxy, would be a dream character for creative, talented writers who love thinking outside of the box, but, unfotunately, the Stargate writers don't fall into that category. No, the writers of Stargate are only interested in the same old, same old, which is why I'm not going to bother with SGU.

          Although I was disappointed that SGA was cancelled, with each new episode, I'm feeling less and less disappointed because SGA's writers are going down the same tired path to the end. What a shame.

          Excellent post, I totally agree.

          The only character that keeps me watching is Sheppard but I have to remind myself at times that he is the leading man, as he tends to get pushed into the background as well and rarely gets anything meaningful at all..


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Excellent post, I totally agree.

            The only character that keeps me watching is Sheppard but I have to remind myself at times that he is the leading man, as he tends to get pushed into the background as well and rarely gets anything meaningful at all..
            I find the lack of meaty material for Sheppard as frustrating as the wallpapering of Teyla, even though they're a bit more subtle with pushing Sheppard to the background. Because Sheppard gets so much screen time, I didn't realize how little diverse material the character got until the end of Season 2. That was when I realized that these writers only see Sheppard as the hero and that's it. Even when it was the Rodney and Sheppard show, the bulk of the storylines were about Sheppard reacting to a Rodney situation.

            Whatever complexity Sheppard has comes more from Joe Flanigan than from the writing. I feel the same way about Teyla and what Rachel Luttrell brings to the role, despite absymally lazy writing.

            Unfortunately, based on the episodes I've seen so far and based on spoilers for future episodes, the writers are going to end SGA by following their usual writing style of concentrating the bulk of the storylines on their favorites (currently, Rodney and Keller), with the other characters used as filler.

            Maybe, just maybe the non-Rodney/Keller characters will get a moment or two of significant material before the end, but these moments are likely to be blink-or-you'll-miss-them moments and that's a shame.
            Sig by Luciana


              Originally posted by maxbo View Post
              I find the lack of meaty material for Sheppard as frustrating as the wallpapering of Teyla, even though they're a bit more subtle with pushing Sheppard to the background. Because Sheppard gets so much screen time, I didn't realize how little diverse material the character got until the end of Season 2. That was when I realized that these writers only see Sheppard as the hero and that's it. Even when it was the Rodney and Sheppard show, the bulk of the storylines were about Sheppard reacting to a Rodney situation.
              The show has always given McKay the lions share of the good meaty stuff. As you say even the odd bit of meaty stuff Sheppard has been given has always involved McKay. Sheppard has never really had any issues of his own that allowed him to flex his acting skills, its either playing the predictable hero or saving Rodney from another dying swan act. But Sheppard has also been relegated to the background as we now have keller to replace the role that Sheppard played.

              Whatever complexity Sheppard has comes more from Joe Flanigan than from the writing. I feel the same way about Teyla and what Rachel Luttrell brings to the role, despite absymally lazy writing.
              Most definitley. I should rephrase my earlier statement to say I only keep watching for Joe Flanigan and the same for Rachel. Both of them have brought life to the characters with their unique portrayals and not because of writing.

              Unfortunately, based on the episodes I've seen so far and based on spoilers for future episodes, the writers are going to end SGA by following their usual writing style of concentrating the bulk of the storylines on their favorites (currently, Rodney and Keller), with the other characters used as filler.
              The rest of the season is set to finish centered around McKeller. They are my two least favourite characters in the show and it's probably because they have been shoved in my face so much that I really can't abide either character at all now.

              Maybe, just maybe the non-Rodney/Keller characters will get a moment or two of significant material before the end, but these moments are likely to be blink-or-you'll-miss-them moments and that's a shame.
              I doubt it and it is a huge shame. So much potential that was squandered. The ptb were unable to give us a divers show. They stuck to their tired old formula and then didnt even know where to take the John/Rodney show either. How many times can you have Shep tear up over Rodney dying.... so Keller was born..someone else to tear up over Rodney..

