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Please replace Dr. Jackson in Teyla's spot.

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    i wouldn't mind having kids with teyla


      As much as I love Daniel, for me he could never be a regular on SGA even if a sixth season was on the cards.

      It would make Atlantis too... 'SG-1-ey'.


        I do agree. Not that she should be replaced, but that she is never written at all, or well. She has become John's babysitter. You can tell she's getting pissed off, because every time action happens she wants in on it.

        When the gate has issues she tries to help, but John makes an excuse. She has proven invaluable in the past when dealing with computers. I believe she said that McKay had taught her. And when leaving for the Daedalus to kick butt She's a perfect candidate, but again she is left to rot.

        Basically, I'm beginning to miss the times where she just goes around hitting people with sticks. Yes, I'm talking about "Missing".


          Originally posted by Nadji View Post
          As much as I love Daniel, for me he could never be a regular on SGA even if a sixth season was on the cards.

          It would make Atlantis too... 'SG-1-ey'.
          While I agree that replacing an SGA character with a SG-1 character would be a really bad idea, they have done it before, with the Weir/Carter switch. Though Daniel's my favorite SG character of all time, adding a permanent SG-1 character only highlights which is the subordinate series, and on another note, I really think that bringing him over would hurt Daniel's character over time, as it did to Sam Carter's.


            Originally posted by RepliVeggie View Post
            I hate Teyla.

            Every time I hear "But john..." I cringe.
            THANK YOU! I don't hate Teyla, but it seemed like every time she saw Sheppard in Season 4, the first words out of her mouth were, "John, we need to talk about my child." I was always like, "Why?" It's not his. I'm a guy, and I would be freaked out if my pregnant friend kept saying, "We need to talk about my child."


              Originally posted by RepliVeggie View Post
              I hate Teyla.

              Every time I hear "But john..." I cringe.
              Haha I do too. I wonder how many times shes had to say that. It's like her version of Indeed.


                Originally posted by ncc-72452 View Post
                thank you! I don't hate teyla, but it seemed like every time she saw sheppard in season 4, the first words out of her mouth were, "john, we need to talk about my child." i was always like, "why?" it's not his. I'm a guy, and i would be freaked out if my pregnant friend kept saying, "we need to talk about my child."


                  I agree that Teyla was underused in this episode, I don't even remember any significant scenes with her at all. But I disagree that Jackson should replace Teyla, he needs to stick with SG-1. Carter didn't work as well on SGA as she did on SG-1 when she became a regular, but her guest appearances were fine. I think the same thing would happen with Daniel. Not only that, but as soon as that would be announced you'd have half of the Atlantis/SG-1 fans screaming bloody murder because the writers "can't come up with anymore new ideas."
                  That is just my two cents.


                    As much as Daniel was my favorite character in SG1, I don't think that Atlantis needs another lead character.
                    The new lead they brought in, Keller, already has too much as it is, thats why Teyla is so underdeveloped, anything the writers can think of for a female character goes to Jennifer, not Teyla.
                    I would hate to see Daniel come in as a lead and either get shortchanged like Carter, or take scenes away from our established team. It would just create resentment amongst fans and diminish him.
                    I wouldn't mind seeing him do a few more guest spots, but since the show has been cancelled, guess thats a moot point anyway.


                      I hope they kill Teyla in the movie, that would be ace!


                        Oh yes please I beg you write Teyla out and then I can finally stop watching this piece of drivel and Rachel can finally get a job somewhere where she's finally appreciated instead of being treated like crap


                          When I first heard an SG-1 character was going to be on Atlantis I never for a second thought it would be Carter, I thought she would either steal Mckays thunder or just be redundant (just not be around in a crisis) and well that happend, she put her 2 cents in now and then took up valuable screen time I would of rather of seen Mckay/Zelenka fixing the problem.

                          I always thought Daniel would make the crossover to the pegasus galaxy but unfourtunetly that was not to be. I'm glad he was at least on Atlantis this one last time and it made for one of the best episodes of the season. As everyone else is saying its too late now to add him in, maybe they would in season 6 and relegated Teyla to 6-8 guest spots a season when they need her as opposed to her being a main character when Michael is in the episode and then she just fades into the background and/or whinges the rest of the time. And I, along with everyone else is sick of hearing "But John....." its grating on the ears and i've heard it so many times I would fast forward through it if I knew it was coming.

                          Daniel instead of Teyla *ponders* it makes me wonder if Atlantis would of survived another season if Daniel had of come on board instead of Carter and Teyla was relegated to recurring guest star. Its not like Rachel Luttrell has had the time as of late due to her child so it definetly could of been done.


                            The problem isn't Teyla, the problem has never been Teyla. No, the problem is and always has been the writers.

                            I see these writers as lazy and self-indulgent little boys who see no problem with spotlighting their favorite characters at the expense of the other characters. It wouldn't be so bad if they had a variety of favorites, but that's not the case because they all favor the same characters. In the beginning their favorites were Rodney and Sheppard and then when they tired of them, they brought in Keller.

                            Adding Daniel to SGA would have been a horrible idea because then SGA would've been the Rodney/Daniel/Keller show, with a bit of Sheppard, which would've been much worse than the current Rodney/Keller with a bit of Sheppard show because there would've been even less screen time for the characters that are not the writers' pets.

                            What the Stargate franchise needs are writers who write for *all* their characters and not just their favorites. What's needed are writers who thrive on using their creative talents to craft storylines outside of their comfort zone. Unlike this current group who continue to focus only on the characters they identify with the most, which results in them writing the same wish fulfillment crap over and over again.

                            Teyla, as a woman from a newly discovered galaxy, would be a dream character for creative, talented writers who love thinking outside of the box, but, unfotunately, the Stargate writers don't fall into that category. No, the writers of Stargate are only interested in the same old, same old, which is why I'm not going to bother with SGU.

                            Although I was disappointed that SGA was cancelled, with each new episode, I'm feeling less and less disappointed because SGA's writers are going down the same tired path to the end. What a shame.
                            Sig by Luciana


                              Originally posted by maxbo View Post
                              The problem isn't Teyla, the problem has never been Teyla. No, the problem is and always has been the writers.

                              I see these writers as lazy and self-indulgent little boys who see no problem with spotlighting their favorite characters at the expense of the other characters. It wouldn't be so bad if they had a variety of favorites, but that's not the case because they all favor the same characters. In the beginning their favorites were Rodney and Sheppard and then when they tired of them, they brought in Keller.

                              Adding Daniel to SGA would have been a horrible idea because then SGA would've been the Rodney/Daniel/Keller show, with a bit of Sheppard, which would've been much worse than the current Rodney/Keller with a bit of Sheppard show because there would've been even less screen time for the characters that are not the writers' pets.

                              What the Stargate franchise needs are writers who write for *all* their characters and not just their favorites. What's needed are writers who thrive on using their creative talents to craft storylines outside of their comfort zone. Unlike this current group who continue to focus only on the characters they identify with the most, which results in them writing the same wish fulfillment crap over and over again.

                              Teyla, as a woman from a newly discovered galaxy, would be a dream character for creative, talented writers who love thinking outside of the box, but, unfotunately, the Stargate writers don't fall into that category. No, the writers of Stargate are only interested in the same old, same old, which is why I'm not going to bother with SGU.

                              Although I was disappointed that SGA was cancelled, with each new episode, I'm feeling less and less disappointed because SGA's writers are going down the same tired path to the end. What a shame.
                              Yeah it's not Teyla's fault but if they wrote her out I can stop watching because she's the only reason i'm still watching this drivel


                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                Yeah it's not Teyla's fault but if they wrote her out I can stop watching because she's the only reason i'm still watching this drivel
                                I understand because I'm in the same boat - I'm only suffering through this crap for Teyla. I can't wait for this series to be over and I never thought I would feel that way.
                                Sig by Luciana

