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'The Lost Tribe' (511) General Discussion

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    FACTS shaped so they could fit the story . Its like saying 1 m has 95 cm because you don't have a bigger ruler .


      Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
      Travelers = plot device.

      1. When Shep needs some action, who you gonna call? LARIN!
      2. When our heroes need a ship fast? Who you gonna call? A hot chick with toight leather pants and with a big ass TRAVELERS sticker on her forehead.
      You really don't like them do you. Personally I like the Travelers and don't see them as a mere plot device.
      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


        Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
        I would agree with you if:

        1. Sheppard would have been replaced with CAM
        2. Teyla with Vala
        3. Rodney with SAM
        4. Ronon with Teal'c
        5. Radek can stay
        6. Woolsey with Landry
        7. Keller with Janet or Carson
        8. Boring gate dialing guy with Walter and Siler .

        Because this did not happen...I must concur it was an utter failure .
        Sounds like a plan.


          Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
          You really don't like them do you. Personally I like the Travelers and don't see them as a mere plot device.
          No i do not. They are the new Genii. Disposable, used for cliches and when the writers have no idea what to do with The Gel.


            Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
            No i do not. They are the new Genii. Disposable, used for cliches and when the writers have no idea what to do with The Gel.
            I disagree.
            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


              If they are one of our allies, why haven't we seen them in the show? Why hasn't Shep even hear from... she who shall not be named... since the whole Asuras incident? I think it's because there isn't really much one can do with the Travelers that's interesting, apart from having them show up to fill in a plot hole, like requiring a ship with a hyperdrive. Sure, it was logical for them to show up but it was also far too convenient.

              Really, what do we know about them apart from they're a race who live entirely on ships [until recently] and are all outrageously sexy? There's been no effort to explore their culture or delve into the psychology of being a ship-based civilization. When tptb need people with ships, they bring them in.
              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                I disagree.
                What's new?


                  Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                  What's new?
                  I have a new computer.
                  Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                  "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                  Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                    Cool . Can it cook? .


                      1. Like the exchanges between Todd and Atlantis.

                      2. Definately liked the Daniel and Rodney show.

                      3. Sort of liked Ronan shooting engineering but Keller did have a point.

                      4. Asgard! Flipping hell!

                      Very tasty ep!
                      I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                        That is when she realised she does not want mini-ronons . She was afraid her good gene pool will die in the PG so she chose Rodney .


                          I totally thought that this two parter was totally excellent! I was on the edge of my seat and shouting at my telly..."They killed themselves!"...."You can't test on another race to prolong your own life! ****!!!"

                          I hope that we find out what happened to Todd. I hope that the aliance is still going to get worked out. Personally, I think that Todd was using it as an excuse not to have the treatment. If he really was so sure that the team activated the device and it was all a trap he would of proberly killed Keller when she turned herself in. But only the writers know that!

                          Totally cool to have Zelenka in it so much! I can't help but blush everytime I see that guy.

                          Pitty there wasn't much of Teyla. That was sad. She's getting less and less screen time!.

                          I'm totally releived that the love triangle as ended with a winner! All we need now is for Keller to say it's not rodney neither! lol! I wouldn't put anything past the writers but I think that Rodney is the one Keller has her eye on.

                          Daniel and Rodney, okay that was one strange combination but it worked. Couldn't understand a word either of them were saying as they both talk very fast! I don't know how Micheal does it, well he must practise at it!

                          Totally saw the collison course with the ship and the planet. That was way too obvious.

                          The "asgard" wouldn't of really been able to experiment on humans if the ancients won. They would never of allowed it. It would be like letting someone experiment on your baby, it's not right. So they'd proberly would of ended up in bad way even if the anicients give up their home and let the wraith move in. Neither of them would of let the asgard live in peace.

                          Loved the reference to Loki, going back to classic stargate! I think it would of been cool if it was the furlings not the asgard but hey-oh,

                          Totally 9.9/10

                          Janna Galaxy
                          Janna Galaxy, Queen of The Gods
                          The Strongest Will Survive!
                          I'll Be The One To Save Us All!


                            Fantastic, episode but there was so much in the 2 parter that it probably should have been a three parter because it kept jumping from one scene to another too quickly, but still great.
                            LIKES: Half-Life, Half-Life 2, ST: DS-9, ST: TNG, Eric Clapton, GTA 4, SGU, MW + MW2, Red Dead Redemption,
                            Scarlett Johansson, Father Ted, The Portal Series, The Assassin's Creed Series, Trailer Park Boys.

                            DISLIKES: Reality T.V Shows and so called reality t.v stars, people who don't wear seatbelts,
                            99.999% of new Music out now, 80% of new Movies out now.

                            Last Game Completed: Portal 2

                            Last Movie Watched For The First Time: Dumbo (1941)


                              Does anyone know who did the voice of the asgard?
                              Last edited by Lus; 31 October 2008, 02:37 PM.
                              sigpic The wonder has a name: John Sheppard!


                                Just watched this - I catch up slowly.

                                Compared to First Contact, this was much better. Much, much better.

                                * I love the way Ronon thinks. Him disabling the ship in his highly effective way - I would have done the same if I were him.

                                * Rodney and Daniel banter - Jack definitely rubbed off on Danny.
                                * They looked pretty funky in those suits.

                                * Evil Asgard - WTF?!? Whose lame idea was that?

                                * Woolsey made me giggle with his can opener line.

                                * Keller is a hairstyling wiz apparently - curly one moment, straight the next, and back to curly in a little under a minute

                                * Teyla being left behind .... again - NOT FUNNY! If they don't know what to do with her, or don't want to write for her - THAT THEY FRAKKIN' WRITE HER OUT OR KILL HER!!! DAMN IT!!!

                                * The Kaylee-wannabe - major fail!

                                * Where did Caldwell disappear off to?

                                If Daniel hadn't been in this episode I'm sure Teyla would have gotten more airtime - she wouldn't have been left behind again. Airtime was nicely divided this ep, at least that's how it felt (except for Teyla's of course). Too bad someone had to make room so that Daniel could come over for a little Atlantis adventure.

                                I hate you PTW!! Good riddance!
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

