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Can John Sheppard stop thinking with his libido already?

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    Originally posted by TragicComedy View Post
    Okay. I know a little about the military but admittedly, I'm no expert. I do know that the Air Force is in constant contact with the show to make sure that what they do is appropriate. Now I know that the producers don't always go along with their recommendations.

    For example: I saw a behind the scenes things where in Foothold, the Air Force guy said - that would never happen. Not sure which producer it was, but he said, 'What would never happen?' Air Force guy- 'They would never get out of the mountain. We wouldn't let that happen.' And the producer said, "So you're saying that if aliens ever got into a secret underground facility of yours, it wouldn't get out." AF guy-Yes.

    It was really funny. But I'm getting off track. Where was I? Oh. The Air Force has always shown their admiration and backing of the tv show. It's not perfect but its a tv show.

    I think the main reason we haven't seen many people tell John what to do is because if you think about it, Rodney really makes most of the plans...which until just this second, I hadn't realized either. But think about it. When they are in a crisis, who do they turn to? Rodney. He thinks up a brilliant plan and then they execute it. So really Rodney's the one with the power.
    Actually, that is very true. I do know that. They have always been good with the U.S Military. And even the Navy helped out with Continuum.


      Originally posted by Azdgari View Post
      I'm surprised nobody has brought this up yet: Perhaps John had a "hallucination" of the female scientist being interested in him, which influenced his decisions? Or some other AI-induced hallucination?

      Wouldn't that explain pretty much everything, and be in-line with the plot?
      Well as far as I could tell, she wasn't interested in him. In her plants, yes. In him, not so much.

      And while it is a good idea about it being a hallucination, I don't think so since Ronon and Teyla knew of John's going to the mainland with the scientists.


        Originally posted by Azdgari View Post
        I'm surprised nobody has brought this up yet: Perhaps John had a "hallucination" of the female scientist being interested in him, which influenced his decisions? Or some other AI-induced hallucination?

        Wouldn't that explain pretty much everything, and be in-line with the plot?
        Welcome to the forum.
        And yeah. I thought of this too, and it makes a lot of sense. I was even going to do a thread, but since you brought it up. I think that this would have been very likely, and very easy to do with the plot wise, and the rest of what was going on in the episode. And could have even made more sense.
        My thought was...since the scientist was obviously real...have the AI make a noise leading Shep away, and then, have her basically seduce him and keep him occupied for a couple of hours.
        Of course that would have angered a certain percentage of the fan base no end.


          A) Taking Rodney in "The Shrine" doesn't count because not only was he no use to anyone as he was but Emergency Backup Rodney (he's about yea tall and answers to the name of "Radek") was still on the city.

          B) John Sheppard is the gayest thing in uniform and nothing can make me see the character as anything else. Sheppard does go a little overboard playing on the Kirk routine -- as so often happens with closet doors; notice he's socially akward with the girls but not with the boys? -- but as a CO in the military, which is the worse rep to have: skirt-chaser or homosexual?

          If I was to say Sheppard made a lousy approximation of a military leader for something, I'd be far more concerned about his habit of completely ignoring orders than his faked skirt-chasing. And the non-regulation hair. And the not planning for things to go "sideways." Especially the not planning for things to go sideways in "Whispers." And not killing Weir outright in "Lifeline."

          C) Remember the opening scene of "Tracker"? John naturally assumed Rodney would spend his day off with John and was pissed when he didn't. Therefore it is logical to infer that Rodney would also expect John to spend his day off with the team. It's not stated clearly one way or the other, so either interpretation is valid (especially since this TPTB is not so good with the detail).

          "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


            Wow FallenAngelII... you seem to have a lot of time to waste writing so much about absolutely nothing.
            These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.


              It might be nothing to a lot of people!

              But when you see inconsistency in your face all the time, even if it just bugs's not nothing!
              Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                It might be nothing to a lot of people!

                But when you see inconsistency in your face all the time, even if it just bugs's not nothing!
                Ah, but if it's an inconsistency you see all the time, it's not really an inconsistency, is it?

                On topic, I had not problems with it. There was nothing to indicate John was needed back on Atlantis. And past experience shows us that if the city was attacked, the mainland is the best place to be for him to stage a secret counter-attack.

                Oh, and I do love how it's John's fault because he's meant to be the military commander, AND leader of the main off-world team, not someone higher up for not assigning a proper military commander.


                  What's the big deal? Human nature!!! Just because he's in charge doesn't make him human. Five years without a real relationship is a long time, the writers are just making him human. More realistic this way.
                  Woolsey created his sexual fanatasy!!!Remember that!


                    Originally posted by TragicComedy View Post
                    Okay. I know a little about the military but admittedly, I'm no expert. I do know that the Air Force is in constant contact with the show to make sure that what they do is appropriate. Now I know that the producers don't always go along with their recommendations.
                    Everyone on Gateworld who's been in any kind of military are unanimous: John Sheppard makes a horrible commanding officer.

                    The writers have been overriding facts all throughout Atlantis when it comes to John.

                    Originally posted by TragicComedy View Post
                    It was really funny. But I'm getting off track. Where was I? Oh. The Air Force has always shown their admiration and backing of the tv show. It's not perfect but its a tv show.
                    The problem is that John Sheppard is so wholly unrealistic it ruins the enjoyment of anyone who knows how the military works. Suspension of disbelief can only take you s ofar.

                    Originally posted by TragicComedy View Post
                    I think the main reason we haven't seen many people tell John what to do is because if you think about it, Rodney really makes most of the plans...which until just this second, I hadn't realized either. But think about it. When they are in a crisis, who do they turn to? Rodney. He thinks up a brilliant plan and then they execute it. So really Rodney's the one with the power.
                    What does this have to do with anything?

                    Originally posted by Azdgari View Post
                    I'm surprised nobody has brought this up yet: Perhaps John had a "hallucination" of the female scientist being interested in him, which influenced his decisions? Or some other AI-induced hallucination?

                    Wouldn't that explain pretty much everything, and be in-line with the plot?
                    Why would he see such a hallucination way, way before anyone else saw a hallucination and then everything change entirely once they got to the mainland instead of him hallucination them going on some kind of outdoors date?

                    His mind wanted to torture itself, after all. Why have some girl show interest? What, her turning him down = torture?

                    Also, for that matter, it is still a ****ty reason to abandon Atlantis to go chase some tail, even if they did show interest in the first place.

                    This is all empty speculation without any facts to back it up, BTW. So we can just agree to disagree on it.

                    Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
                    A) Taking Rodney in "The Shrine" doesn't count because not only was he no use to anyone as he was but Emergency Backup Rodney (he's about yea tall and answers to the name of "Radek") was still on the city.
                    Why does it it not count? He piled up half of the senior staff of Atlantis on a possible suicide mission just to say "good bye". That was the main purpose of the mission, after all. They didn't even know if it the shrine worked enough to let them even say goodbye. John had no way of knowing there'd be Ancient technology there. Did I mention the two hives? It doesn't matter if Radek was still on Atlantis, John risked the lives of half of the senior staff of Atlantis.

                    Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
                    B) John Sheppard is the gayest thing in uniform and nothing can make me see the character as anything else. Sheppard does go a little overboard playing on the Kirk routine -- as so often happens with closet doors; notice he's socially akward with the girls but not with the boys? -- but as a CO in the military, which is the worse rep to have: skirt-chaser or homosexual?
                    Why does this matter? What's so "gay" about him, anyway, besides the hair and the McShep vibes?

                    Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
                    If I was to say Sheppard made a lousy approximation of a military leader for something, I'd be far more concerned about his habit of completely ignoring orders than his faked skirt-chasing.
                    But the thing is that he doesn't receive orders on the show very often. Most of the time, it comes from the base commander and he follows those. But that just makes him a soldier who doesn't follow orders well sometimes. And it's not like anyone didn't already know that. His inability to do what military leaders do is much worse because that means he's unable to even follow his own job description.

                    It's not contempt, it's incompetence.

                    Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
                    And the non-regulation hair. And the not planning for things to go "sideways." Especially the not planning for things to go sideways in "Whispers." And not killing Weir outright in "Lifeline."
                    I gave him hell for "Whispers". I made a thread about it. I pointed out his mistakes. I just didn't delve that deeply into it in this thread.

                    Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
                    C) Remember the opening scene of "Tracker"? John naturally assumed Rodney would spend his day off with John and was pissed when he didn't. Therefore it is logical to infer that Rodney would also expect John to spend his day off with the team. It's not stated clearly one way or the other, so either interpretation is valid (especially since this TPTB is not so good with the detail).
                    Yes, but the word "day off" was used in "Tracker". It wasn't here. And when "day off" isn't mentioned, we must assume they're on-duty.

                    Also, doesn't matter. The leader of the military chasing tail among their co-workers with corny pick-up lines, flying off the to the mainland, shirking his duties for a chance at tail, that's going to lower morale and respect even if it's on his time off.

                    A good little flirty comment back at the base? Not that bad. "Hey, I used my power to get myself on this escort mission so I could suggest we roll around naked in a jumper!" - very.

                    Originally posted by Jonzey View Post
                    On topic, I had not problems with it. There was nothing to indicate John was needed back on Atlantis.
                    John is not psychic. He doesn't know when something might go wrong.

                    Originally posted by Jonzey View Post
                    Oh, and I do love how it's John's fault because he's meant to be the military commander, AND leader of the main off-world team, not someone higher up for not assigning a proper military commander.
                    Oh yes, since someone assigned him, John cannot be held responsible for what he does? Yes, the people who assigned him and keep him in his position are clearly nuts and it's entirely illogical that he's still the military commander of Atlantis even after all these years. I said this. Doesn't mean it still isn't John's fault that he acts like he does.

                    Originally posted by Stargantic View Post
                    What's the big deal? Human nature!!! Just because he's in charge doesn't make him human. Five years without a real relationship is a long time, the writers are just making him human. More realistic this way.
                    Woolsey created his sexual fanatasy!!!Remember that!
                    I don't know what 40 yearold males in important positions such as military commander of one of human's most important expeditions ever you know, but those I know, those who aren't even in important positions, don't flirt with anything that moves and shirk his duties in order to do so.

                    It's a very stupid flaw.

                    Also, Woolsey's hallucination was his ideal woman. But what did he do? He treated her with respect, she took the initiative and he didn't shirk his duties in order to flirt with her!


                      Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                      I know that some people like the "humor" in it while others like to look at a man oggling an attractive woman since "boys will be boys", but come on, writers!

                      How did this episode start out? With another "John <3 teh ladiez" joke. Oh, he took some (soft, hah!) scientists out with a jumper (it sounds like a volunteer mission). Oh, one of them is female and attractive. So what does he do? He volunteers to stay behind just so he can flirt with her (and/or stare at her creepily without flirting).

                      OK... what? I'm sorry, what? Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, we know you're a flyboy, we know you're sex on legs, we know you like the ladies. But what?

                      You're the military commander of Atlantis. You shouldn't even be there. There are plenty of people with the gene on Atlantis who aren't a ranking senior member in a commanding position! From the sounds of it (and logic), you randomly volunteered to do it yourself instead of doing the more obvious: Sending someone else.

                      And once there,you stayed behind, not because there was a need for you to, but because you liked some chick.

                      It's OK to flirt with people left and right in your spare time. But while on duty? Not so much (though John doesn't seem to care about this). What if, while you're busy flirting , something were to happen back on Atlantis?

                      A foothoold/invasion? Explosion? An attack? Anything that requires the military commander to be present to prevent further deaths? People could die because you weren't there to prevent it because you felt like oggling some girl (who gave you the cold shoulder when you threw in a not-so-subtle pickup line, hah!)!

                      What if Kolya had chosen to attack the city directly (somehow) instead? What then? People could die and the city could fall because you were oggling some girl and needed 10 minutes to fly back to the city!

                      For the love of puppies, writers. We know you like women, you know you like to have Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard flirt with women. But can you stop having him flirt with women at the most inopportune (and inappropriate) times?!

                      He has a duty to Atlantis and to Earth. But, of course, chasing tail supersedes this.

                      Even Teyla disapproved.

                      Lol, just because youre amish dosent mean everyone is. Ppl are different, deal.


                        FallenAngelII, My comments about Rodney being the one in power was me being tongue in cheek sarcastic about this whole conversation.

                        As for everything else...which WOW, there was a lot, you think that Sheppard is an idiotic ******** that should have been shipped back to Earth and probably back to Antarctica a long time ago and I think that Sheppard is a human being and does his job well, even if at times he has issues with authority that deserve some black marks.

                        Now let's shake hands and agree to happily disagree.


                          Originally posted by Detox View Post
                          Wow FallenAngelII... you seem to have a lot of time to waste writing so much about absolutely nothing.


                            Ah, but if we did that, TragicComedy, then FAII wouldn't have anything to do!

                            "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

                            "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

                            WALLACE: And if I don't?
                            O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                              Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                              Lol, just because youre amish dosent mean everyone is. Ppl are different, deal.
                              Yeah, people are different. And people in John's profession try to act professional.

                              Originally posted by TragicComedy View Post
                              FallenAngelII, My comments about Rodney being the one in power was me being tongue in cheek sarcastic about this whole conversation.

                              As for everything else...which WOW, there was a lot, you think that Sheppard is an idiotic ******** that should have been shipped back to Earth and probably back to Antarctica a long time ago and I think that Sheppard is a human being and does his job well, even if at times he has issues with authority that deserve some black marks.

                              Now let's shake hands and agree to happily disagree.
                              I'm sorry, have you read my posts? You should sometimes. Nowhere in the mdoes it say he's an idiotic ******* who should be shipped back to Earth. I said that he's grossly incompetent for his position and that he should be relieved of it. He is, however, a great soldier, so that doesn't mean he should leave Atlantis or lose leadership of his team.

                              Command the military contingent of Atlantis? Not so much. In future, please read through my posts before replying to them and don't assume things when you don't.


                                Originally posted by Jill_Ion View Post
                                Ah, but if we did that, TragicComedy, then FAII wouldn't have anything to do!

                                I don't know about that. I don't think we should resort to name calling or anything on here but that's just me.

                                But I do want to say that I love the Joe Flanigan quote you have on there about reality tv. I died laughing when I read that! And I so agree with him.

